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NameDescriptionLast commit
acid.vegas 2023-06-14
avoidrmasscan with exclusive exclusions2023-11-08
aws_playgroundexperiments in aws with terraform 2024-01-21
bgpresearch & experiments with border gateway protocol 2023-10-21
blackjackirc bot to play blackjack 2019-06-24
boostertwitter bot that builds followers 2023-11-08
cancerbad habits for internet relay chat 2023-09-16
chir.pytwitter bot that earns bitcoin via ppc links 2020-04-10
coinmarketcappython class for the api on coinmarketcap 2023-08-20
czdsICANN Centralized Zone Data Service Tool 2024-01-20
ddosmonitdistributed denial of service (ddos) monitor 2024-01-21
despoofeddeep dive into packet spoofing 2023-10-09
dickservirc bot with many useful commands 2019-06-25
dramdecentralized remotely accessed memory 2024-01-21
efknockrinternet relay chat drive-by tool 2024-01-20
erisElasticsearch Recon Ingestion Scripts (ERIS) 🔎 2024-01-27
irccexfantasy cryptocurrency exchange for irc 2024-01-21
jupiterefnet irc botnet2024-01-21
manrspython class for the manrs api 2024-01-20
masscludemasscan exclude generator 2023-09-26
massrdnsdynamic reverse dns lookup with rotating servers 2023-09-21
mdaxfrMass DNS AXFR 2024-01-21
muhstikirc flooding solution 2021-04-04
mzk🎸 music theory helper 🎵 2024-01-21
nsecxNSEC[3] Walking for DNSSEC 2024-01-21
passposix password manager 🔒 2024-01-20
pastebinpython wrapper for the pastebin api 2024-01-21
pdknockra passive dns drive-by tool 🏎️💨 2024-01-29
proxytoolscollection of scripts for harvesting & testing proxies 2024-01-20
randomcollection of un-sorted bollocks 2023-12-09
skeletonbot skeleton for irc 2024-01-20
spaggiariirc bot to scan & bruteforce ssh/telnet 2019-06-28
stagitstatic git page generator 2023-11-27
voidenter the void 🪐 2024-01-20
weechatme personal weechat setup 🔵🟢 2024-01-20
archiveRandom tools & helpful resources for IRC 2023-10-20
internetrelaychat.org 2023-06-22
IRCPinformation gathering tool for irc servers 2023-10-04
asciiblasterdraw irc art in your web browser 2023-09-12
asciimakerdraw ascii art straight from your web browser 2023-06-02
asciipumpermspaint style program to create irc ascii art 2023-06-02
irc2htmlconvert irc ascii art to html 2019-06-25
ircartmassive organized collection of irc art 2023-12-21
scrollirc bot to play ascii art 2024-01-03
anopesupernets anope source code & configuration 2023-06-02
LibreYprivacy respecting meta search engine 2023-11-12
supernets.org 2023-06-21
toolscollection of tools for supernets sysadmins 2024-01-26
unrealircdsupernets unrealircd source & configuration 2023-10-15