
- irc bot to play ascii art
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commit 5388ae88564161beab115cd3fdb27fd81568d26e
parent 4040e4c2ebee3d3c653ece3538a887d195f7595e
Author: acidvegas <>
Date: Wed, 28 Jun 2023 14:08:37 -0400

Added RBG88 color palette and option to change palette on the fly with .ascii settings

Diffstat: | 62++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++------------------------ | 4++--

2 files changed, 40 insertions(+), 26 deletions(-)

diff --git a/ b/
@@ -17,12 +17,43 @@ try:
 except ImportError:
 	raise SystemExit('missing required \'pillow\' library (')
-def convert(data, max_line_len, img_width=80):
+palettes = {
+	'RGB88': [0xffffff, 0x000000, 0x00007f, 0x009300, 0xff0000, 0x7f0000, 0x9c009c, 0xfc7f00,
+			  0xffff00, 0x00fc00, 0x009393, 0x00ffff, 0x0000fc, 0xff00ff, 0x0,      0x0,
+			  0x470000, 0x472100, 0x474700, 0x324700, 0x004700, 0x00472c, 0x004747, 0x002747,
+			  0x000047, 0x2e0047, 0x470047, 0x47002a, 0x740000, 0x743a00, 0x747400, 0x517400,
+			  0x007400, 0x007449, 0x007474, 0x004074, 0x000074, 0x4b0074, 0x740074, 0x740045,
+			  0xb50000, 0xb56300, 0xb5b500, 0x7db500, 0x00b500, 0x00b571, 0x00b5b5, 0x0063b5,
+			  0x0000b5, 0x7500b5, 0xb500b5, 0xb5006b, 0xff0000, 0xff8c00, 0xffff00, 0xb2ff00,
+			  0x00ff00, 0x00ffa0, 0x00ffff, 0x008cff, 0x0000ff, 0xa500ff, 0xff00ff, 0xff0098,
+			  0xff5959, 0xffb459, 0xffff71, 0xcfff60, 0x6fff6f, 0x65ffc9, 0x6dffff, 0x59b4ff,
+			  0x5959ff, 0xc459ff, 0xff66ff, 0xff59bc, 0xff9c9c, 0xffd39c, 0xffff9c, 0xe2ff9c,
+			  0x9cff9c, 0x9cffdb, 0x9cffff, 0x9cd3ff, 0x9c9cff, 0xdc9cff, 0xff9cff, 0xff94d3]
+	'RGB99': [0xffffff, 0x000000, 0x00007f, 0x009300, 0xff0000, 0x7f0000, 0x9c009c, 0xfc7f00,
+			  0xffff00, 0x00fc00, 0x009393, 0x00ffff, 0x0000fc, 0xff00ff, 0x7f7f7f, 0xd2d2d2,
+			  0x470000, 0x472100, 0x474700, 0x324700, 0x004700, 0x00472c, 0x004747, 0x002747,
+			  0x000047, 0x2e0047, 0x470047, 0x47002a, 0x740000, 0x743a00, 0x747400, 0x517400,
+			  0x007400, 0x007449, 0x007474, 0x004074, 0x000074, 0x4b0074, 0x740074, 0x740045,
+			  0xb50000, 0xb56300, 0xb5b500, 0x7db500, 0x00b500, 0x00b571, 0x00b5b5, 0x0063b5,
+			  0x0000b5, 0x7500b5, 0xb500b5, 0xb5006b, 0xff0000, 0xff8c00, 0xffff00, 0xb2ff00,
+			  0x00ff00, 0x00ffa0, 0x00ffff, 0x008cff, 0x0000ff, 0xa500ff, 0xff00ff, 0xff0098,
+			  0xff5959, 0xffb459, 0xffff71, 0xcfff60, 0x6fff6f, 0x65ffc9, 0x6dffff, 0x59b4ff,
+			  0x5959ff, 0xc459ff, 0xff66ff, 0xff59bc, 0xff9c9c, 0xffd39c, 0xffff9c, 0xe2ff9c,
+			  0x9cff9c, 0x9cffdb, 0x9cffff, 0x9cd3ff, 0x9c9cff, 0xdc9cff, 0xff9cff, 0xff94d3,
+			  0x000000, 0x131313, 0x282828, 0x363636, 0x4d4d4d, 0x656565, 0x818181, 0x9f9f9f,
+			  0xbcbcbc, 0xe2e2e2, 0xffffff]
+def convert(data, max_line_len, img_width=80, palette='RBG88'):
+	if palette not in palettes:
+		raise Exception('invalid palette option')
+	palette = palettes[palette]
 	image =
 	del data
-	return convert_image(image, max_line_len, img_width)
+	return convert_image(image, max_line_len, img_width, palette)
-def convert_image(image, max_line_len, img_width):
+def convert_image(image, max_line_len, img_width, palette):
 	(width, height) = image.size
 	img_height = img_width / width * height
 	del height, width
@@ -30,15 +61,14 @@ def convert_image(image, max_line_len, img_width):
 	del img_height
 	CHAR = '\u2580'
 	buf = list()
-	print(image.size)
 	for i in range(0, image.size[1], 2):
 		if i+1 >= image.size[1]:
 			bitmap = [[rgb_to_hex(image.getpixel((x, i))) for x in range(image.size[0])]]
 			bitmap += [[0 for _ in range(image.size[0])]]
 			bitmap = [[rgb_to_hex(image.getpixel((x, y))) for x in range(image.size[0])] for y in [i, i+1]]
-		top_row = [AnsiPixel(px) for px in bitmap[0]]
-		bottom_row = [AnsiPixel(px) for px in bitmap[1]]
+		top_row = [AnsiPixel(px, palette) for px in bitmap[0]]
+		bottom_row = [AnsiPixel(px, palette) for px in bitmap[1]]
 		buf += [""]
 		last_fg = last_bg = -1
 		ansi_row = list()
@@ -59,7 +89,6 @@ def convert_image(image, max_line_len, img_width):
 				buf[-1] += f'\x03{fg},{bg}{CHAR}'
 			last_fg = fg
 			last_bg = bg
-		print(len(buf[-1].encode('utf-8', 'ignore')), max_line_len)
 		if len(buf[-1].encode('utf-8', 'ignore')) > max_line_len:
 			if img_width - 5 < 10:
 				raise Exception('internal error')
@@ -85,23 +114,8 @@ def color_distance_squared(c1, c2):
 	return dr * dr + dg * dg + db * db
 class AnsiPixel:
-	def __init__(self, pixel_u32):
-		self.RGB99 = [
-			0xffffff, 0x000000, 0x00007f, 0x009300, 0xff0000, 0x7f0000, 0x9c009c, 0xfc7f00,
-			0xffff00, 0x00fc00, 0x009393, 0x00ffff, 0x0000fc, 0xff00ff, 0x7f7f7f, 0xd2d2d2,
-			0x470000, 0x472100, 0x474700, 0x324700, 0x004700, 0x00472c, 0x004747, 0x002747,
-			0x000047, 0x2e0047, 0x470047, 0x47002a, 0x740000, 0x743a00, 0x747400, 0x517400,
-			0x007400, 0x007449, 0x007474, 0x004074, 0x000074, 0x4b0074, 0x740074, 0x740045,
-			0xb50000, 0xb56300, 0xb5b500, 0x7db500, 0x00b500, 0x00b571, 0x00b5b5, 0x0063b5,
-			0x0000b5, 0x7500b5, 0xb500b5, 0xb5006b, 0xff0000, 0xff8c00, 0xffff00, 0xb2ff00,
-			0x00ff00, 0x00ffa0, 0x00ffff, 0x008cff, 0x0000ff, 0xa500ff, 0xff00ff, 0xff0098,
-			0xff5959, 0xffb459, 0xffff71, 0xcfff60, 0x6fff6f, 0x65ffc9, 0x6dffff, 0x59b4ff,
-			0x5959ff, 0xc459ff, 0xff66ff, 0xff59bc, 0xff9c9c, 0xffd39c, 0xffff9c, 0xe2ff9c,
-			0x9cff9c, 0x9cffdb, 0x9cffff, 0x9cd3ff, 0x9c9cff, 0xdc9cff, 0xff9cff, 0xff94d3,
-			0x000000, 0x131313, 0x282828, 0x363636, 0x4d4d4d, 0x656565, 0x818181, 0x9f9f9f,
-			0xbcbcbc, 0xe2e2e2, 0xffffff
-		]
-		self.irc  = self.nearest_hex_color(pixel_u32, self.RGB99)
+	def __init__(self, pixel_u32, palette):
+		self.irc  = self.nearest_hex_color(pixel_u32, palette)
 	def nearest_hex_color(self, pixel_u32, hex_colors):
 		rgb_colors = [hex_to_rgb(color) for color in hex_colors]
diff --git a/ b/
@@ -84,7 +84,7 @@ class Bot():
 		self.loops           = dict()            = ''
 		self.playing         = False
-		self.settings        = {'flood':1, 'ignore':'big,birds,doc,gorf,hang,nazi,pokemon', 'lines':500, 'msg':0.03, 'paste':True, 'png_width':80, 'results':25}
+		self.settings        = {'flood':1, 'ignore':'big,birds,doc,gorf,hang,nazi,pokemon', 'lines':500, 'msg':0.03, 'palette':'RBG88', 'paste':True, 'png_width':80, 'results':25}
 		self.slow            = False
 		self.reader          = None
 		self.writer          = None
@@ -256,7 +256,7 @@ class Bot():
 									if url.startswith('https://') or url.startswith('http://'):
 											content = get_url(url).read()
-											ascii   = await img2irc.convert(content, 512 - len(f":{identity.nickname}!{identity.username}@{} PRIVMSG {chan} :\r\n"), int(self.settings['png_width']))
+											ascii   = await img2irc.convert(content, 512 - len(f":{identity.nickname}!{identity.username}@{} PRIVMSG {chan} :\r\n"), int(self.settings['png_width']), self.settings['palette'])
 										except Exception as ex:
 											await self.irc_error(chan, 'failed to convert image', ex)