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KEYS.md (1277B)

      1 # DWM
      2 | Key              | Description                   |
      3 | ---------------- | ----------------------------- |
      4 | `W + h`          | Toggle statusbar              |
      5 | `W + k`          | Kill window                   |
      6 | `W + q`          | Quit                          |
      7 | `W + r`          | Dmenu                         |
      8 | `W + #`          | Switch to nth workspace       |
      9 | `W + s + #`      | Move program to nth workspace |
     10 | `W + Enter`      | Spawn a terminal              |
     11 | `W + Print`      | Take a scrot                  |
     12 | `W + Down/Up`    | Inc/Dec vertical  layout      |
     13 | `W + Left/Right` | Inc/Dec horizonal layout      |
     15 # TMUX
     16 | Key                  | Description                   |
     17 | -------------------- | ----------------------------- |
     18 | `C + k`              | Kill tab                      |
     19 | `C + n`              | New tab                       |
     20 | `C + t`              | Name tab                      |
     21 | `C + A + t`          | Name session                  |
     22 | `C + A + Left/Right` | Previous/Next session         |
     23 | `C + Left/Right`     | Previous/Next tab             |
     24 | `C + S + Left/Right` | Move tab forwards/backwards   |
     25 | `C + Down/Up`        | Horizontal/Veritcal pane      |
     26 | `C + S + Up/Down`    | Previous/Next pane            |