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      1 UnrealIRCd 6.1.0
      2 =================
      3 This is UnrealIRCd 6.1.0 stable. It is the direct successor to 6.0.7, there
      4 will be no 6.0.8.
      6 This release contains several channel mode `+f` enhancements and introduces a
      7 new channel mode `+F` which works with flood profiles like `+F normal` and
      8 `+F strict`. It is much easier for users than the scary looking mode +f.
     10 UnrealIRCd 6.1.0 also contains lots of JSON-RPC improvements, which is used
     11 by the [UnrealIRCd admin panel](https://www.unrealircd.org/docs/UnrealIRCd_webpanel).
     12 Live streaming of logs has been added and the webpanel now communicates to
     13 UnrealIRCd which web user issued a command (eg: who issued a kill, who
     14 changed a channel mode, ..).
     16 Other improvements are whowasdb (persistent WHOWAS history) and a new guide
     17 on running a Tor Onion service. The release also fixes a crash bug related
     18 to remote includes and fixes multiple memory leaks.
     20 See the full release notes below. As usual on *NIX you can upgrade easily
     21 with the command: `./unrealircd upgrade`
     23 ### Enhancements:
     24 * Channel flood protection improvements:
     25   * New [channel mode `+F`](https://www.unrealircd.org/docs/Channel_anti-flood_settings)
     26     (uppercase F). This allows the user to choose a "flood profile",
     27     which (behind the scenes) translates to something similar to an `+f` mode.
     28     This so end-users can simply choose an `+F` profile without having to learn
     29     the complex channel mode `+f`.
     30     * For example `+F normal` effectively results in
     31       `[7c#C15,30j#R10,10k#K15,40m#M10,8n#N15]:15`
     32     * Multiple profiles are available and changing them is possible,
     33       see [the documentation](https://www.unrealircd.org/docs/Channel_anti-flood_settings).
     34     * Any settings in mode `+f` will override the ones of the `+F` profile.
     35       To see the effective flood settings, use `MODE #channel F`.
     36   * You can optionally set a default profile via
     37     [set::anti-flood::channel::default-profile](https://www.unrealircd.org/docs/Channel_anti-flood_settings#Default_profile).
     38     This profile is used if the channel is `-F`. If the user does not
     39     want channel flood protection then they have to use an explicit `+F off`.
     40   * When channel mode `+f` or `+F` detect that a flood is caused by >75% of
     41     ["unknown-users"](https://www.unrealircd.org/docs/Security-group_block),
     42     the server will now set a temporary ban on `~security-group:unknown-users`.
     43     It will still set `+i` and other modes if the flood keeps on going
     44     (eg. is caused by known-users).
     45   * Forced nick changes (eg. by NickServ) are no longer counted in nick flood
     46     for channel mode `+f`/`+F`.
     47   * When a server splits on the network, we now temporarily disable +f/+F
     48     join-flood protection for 75 seconds
     49     ([set::anti-flood::channel::split-delay](https://www.unrealircd.org/docs/Channel_anti-flood_settings#config)).
     50     This because a server splitting could mean that server has network problems
     51     or has died (or restarted), in which case the clients would typically
     52     reconnect to the remaining other servers, triggering an +f/+F join-flood and
     53     channels ending up being `+i` and such. That is not good because we want
     54     +f/+F to be as effortless as possible, with as little false positives as
     55     possible.
     56     * If your network has 5+ servers and the user load is spread evenly among
     57       them, then you could disable this feature by setting the amount of seconds
     58       to `0`. This because in such a scenario only 1/5th (20%) of the users
     59       would reconnect and hopefully don't trigger +f/+F join floods.
     60   * All these features only work properly if all servers are on 6.1.0-rc1 or later.
     61 * New module `whowasdb` (persistent `WHOWAS` history): this saves the WHOWAS
     62   history on disk periodically and when we terminate, so next server boot
     63   still has the WHOWAS history. This module is currently not loaded by default.
     64 * New option [listen::spoof-ip](https://www.unrealircd.org/docs/Listen_block#spoof-ip),
     65   only valid when using UNIX domain sockets (so listen::file).
     66   This way you can override the IP address that users come online with when
     67   they use the socket (default was and still is ``).
     68 * Add a new guide [Running Tor Onion service with UnrealIRCd](https://www.unrealircd.org/docs/Running_Tor_Onion_service_with_UnrealIRCd)
     69   which uses the new listen::spoof-ip and optionally requires a services account.
     70 * [JSON-RPC](https://www.unrealircd.org/docs/JSON-RPC):
     71   * Logging of JSON-RPC requests (eg. via snomask `+R`) has been improved,
     72     it now shows:
     73     * The issuer, such as the user logged in to the admin panel (if known)
     74     * The parameters of the request
     75   * The JSON-RPC calls
     76     [`channel.list`](https://www.unrealircd.org/docs/JSON-RPC:Channel#channel.list),
     77     [`channel.get`](https://www.unrealircd.org/docs/JSON-RPC:Channel#channel.get),
     78     [`user.list`](https://www.unrealircd.org/docs/JSON-RPC:User#user.list) and
     79     [`user.get`](https://www.unrealircd.org/docs/JSON-RPC:User#user.get)
     80     now support an optional argument `object_detail_level` which specifies how detailed
     81     the [Channel](https://www.unrealircd.org/docs/JSON-RPC:Channel#Structure_of_a_channel)
     82     and [User](https://www.unrealircd.org/docs/JSON-RPC:User#Structure_of_a_client_object)
     83     response object will be. Especially useful if you don't need all the
     84     details in the list calls.
     85   * New JSON-RPC methods
     86     [`log.subscribe`](https://www.unrealircd.org/docs/JSON-RPC:Log#log.subscribe) and
     87     [`log.unsubscribe`](https://www.unrealircd.org/docs/JSON-RPC:Log#log.unsubscribe)
     88     to allow real-time streaming of
     89     [JSON log events](https://www.unrealircd.org/docs/JSON_logging).
     90   * New JSON-RPC method
     91     [`rpc.set_issuer`](https://www.unrealircd.org/docs/JSON-RPC:Rpc#rpc.set_issuer)
     92     to indiciate who is actually issuing the requests. The admin panel uses this
     93     to communicate who is logged in to the panel so this info can be used in logging.
     94   * New JSON-RPC methods
     95     [`rpc.add_timer`](https://www.unrealircd.org/docs/JSON-RPC:Rpc#rpc.add_timer) and
     96     [`rpc.del_timer`](https://www.unrealircd.org/docs/JSON-RPC:Rpc#rpc.del_timer)
     97     so you can schedule JSON-RPC calls, like stats.get, to be executed every xyz msec.
     98   * New JSON-RPC method
     99     [`whowas.get`](https://www.unrealircd.org/docs/JSON-RPC:Whowas#whowas.get)
    100     to fetch WHOWAS history.
    101   * Low ASCII is no longer filtered out in strings in JSON-RPC, only in JSON logging.
    102 * A new message tag `unrealircd.org/issued-by` which is IRCOp-only (and
    103   used intra-server) to communicate who actually issued a command.
    104   See [docs](https://www.unrealircd.org/issued-by).
    106 ### Changes:
    107 * The RPC modules are enabled by default now. This so remote RPC works
    108   from other IRC servers for calls like `modules.list`. The default
    109   configuration does NOT enable the webserver nor does it cause
    110   listening on any socket for RPC, for that you need to follow the
    111   [JSON-RPC](https://www.unrealircd.org/docs/JSON-RPC) instructions.
    112 * The [blacklist-module](https://www.unrealircd.org/docs/Blacklist-module_directive)
    113   directive now accepts wildcards, eg `blacklist-module rpc/*;`
    114 * The setting set::modef-boot-delay has been moved to
    115   [set::anti-flood::channel::boot-delay](https://www.unrealircd.org/docs/Channel_anti-flood_settings#config).
    116 * We now only exempt `` and `::1` from banning by default
    117   (hardcoded in the source). Previously we exempted whole `127.*` but
    118   that gets in the way if you want to allow Tor with a
    119   [require authentication](https://www.unrealircd.org/docs/Require_authentication_block)
    120   block or soft-ban. Now you can just tell Tor to bind to ``
    121   so its not affected by the default exemption.
    123 ### Fixes:
    124 * Crash if there is a parse error in an included file and there are
    125   other remote included files still being downloaded.
    126 * Memory leak in WHOWAS
    127 * Memory leak when connecting to a TLS server fails
    128 * Workaround a bug in some websocket implementations where the WSOP_PONG
    129   frame is unmasked (now permitted).
    131 ### Developers and protocol:
    132 * The `cmode.free_param` definition changed. It now has an extra argument
    133   `int soft` and for return value you will normally `return 0` here.
    134   You can `return 1` if you resist freeing, which is rare and only used by
    135   `+F` with set::anti-flood::channel::default-profile.
    136 * New `cmode.flood_type_action` which can be used to indicate a channel mode
    137   can be used from +f/+F as an action. You need to specify for which
    138   flood type your mode is, eg `cmode.flood_type_action = 'j';` for joinflood.
    139 * JSON-RPC supports
    140   [UNIX domain sockets](https://www.unrealircd.org/docs/JSON-RPC:Technical_documentation#UNIX_domain_socket)
    141   for making RPC calls. If this is used, we now split on `\n` (newline)
    142   so multiple parallel requests can be handled properly.
    143 * Message tag `unrealircd.org/issued-by`, sent to IRCOps only.
    144   See [docs](https://www.unrealircd.org/issued-by).
    146 UnrealIRCd 6.0.7
    147 -----------------
    149 UnrealIRCd 6.0.7 makes WHOWAS show more information to IRCOps and adds an
    150 experimental spamfilter feature. It also contains other enhancements and
    151 quite a number of bug fixes. One notable change is that on linking of anope
    152 or atheme, every server will now check if they have ulines { } for that
    153 services server, since it's a common mistake to forget this, leading to
    154 desyncs or other weird problems.
    156 ### Enhancements:
    157 * [Spamfilter](https://www.unrealircd.org/docs/Spamfilter) can now be made UTF8-aware:
    158   * This is experimental, to enable: `set { spamfilter { utf8 yes; } }`
    159   * Case insensitive matches will then work better. For example, for extended
    160     Latin, a spamfilter on `ę` then also matches `Ę`.
    161   * Other PCRE2 features such as [\p](https://www.pcre.org/current/doc/html/pcre2syntax.html#SEC5)
    162     can then be used. For example the regex `\p{Arabic}` would block all Arabic script.
    163     See also this [full list of scripts](https://www.pcre.org/current/doc/html/pcre2syntax.html#SEC7).
    164     Please use this new tool with care. Blocking an entire language or script
    165     is quite a drastic measure.
    166   * As a consequence of this we require PCRE2 10.36 or newer. If your system
    167     PCRE2 is older, then the UnrealIRCd-shipped-library version will be compiled
    168     and `./Config` may take a little longer than usual.
    169 * `WHOWAS` now shows IP address and account information to IRCOps
    170 * Allow services to send a couple of protocol messages in the
    171   unregistered / SASL stage. These are: `CHGHOST`, `CHGIDENT`
    172   and `SREPLY`
    173   * This allows services to set the vhost on a user during SASL,
    174     so the user receives the vhost straight from the start, before
    175     all the auto-joining/re-rejoining of channels.
    176   * Future anope/atheme/etc services will presumably support this.
    177 * [WebSocket](https://www.unrealircd.org/docs/WebSocket_support) status is
    178   now synced over the network and an extra default
    179   [security group](https://www.unrealircd.org/docs/Security-group_block)
    180   `websocket-users` has been added. Similarly there is now
    181   security-group::websocket and security-group::exclude-websocket item.
    182   Same for [mask items](https://www.unrealircd.org/docs/Mask_item) such
    183   as in [set::restrict-commands::command::except](https://www.unrealircd.org/docs/Restrict_commands).
    184 * Support for IRCv3 [Standard Replies](https://ircv3.net/specs/extensions/standard-replies).
    185   Right now nothing fancy yet, other than us sending `ACCOUNT_REQUIRED_TO_CONNECT`
    186   from the authprompt module when a user is
    187   [soft-banned](https://www.unrealircd.org/docs/Soft_ban).
    188 * Add support for sending IRCv3 Standard Replies intra-server, eg
    189   from services (`SREPLY` server-to-server command)
    190 * Support `NO_COLOR` environment variable, as per [no-color.org](https://no-color.org).
    192 ### Changes:
    193 * We now verify that all servers have
    194   [ulines { }](https://www.unrealircd.org/docs/Ulines_block) for Anope and
    195   Atheme servers and reject the link if this is not the case.
    196 * The `FLOOD_BLOCKED` log message now shows the target of the flood
    197   for `target-flood-user` and `target-flood-channel`.
    198 * When an IRCOp sets `+H` to hide ircop status, only the swhois items that
    199   were added through oper will be hidden (and not the ones added by eg. vhost).
    200   Previously all were hidden.
    201 * Update shipped libraries: c-ares to 1.19.0, Jansson to 2.14, PCRE2 to 10.42,
    202   and on Windows LibreSSL to 3.6.2 and cURL to 8.0.1.
    204 ### Fixes:
    205 * Crash if a third party module is loaded which allows very large message tags
    206   (e.g. has no length check)
    207 * Crash if an IRCOp uses
    208   [`unrealircd.org/json-log`](https://www.unrealircd.org/docs/JSON_logging#Enabling_on_IRC)
    209   on IRC and during `REHASH` some module sends log output during MOD_INIT
    210   (eg. with some 3rd party modules)
    211 * Crash when parsing [deny link block](https://www.unrealircd.org/docs/Deny_link_block)
    212 * The [Module manager](https://www.unrealircd.org/docs/Module_manager)
    213   now works on FreeBSD and similar.
    214 * In `LUSERS` the "unknown connection(s)" count was wrong. This was just a
    215   harmless counting error with no other effects.
    216 * Silence warnings on Clang 15+ (eg. Ubuntu 23.04)
    217 * Don't download `GeoIP.dat` if you have 
    218   [`blacklist-module geoip_classic;`](https://www.unrealircd.org/docs/Blacklist-module_directive)
    219 * Channel mode `+S` stripping too much on incorrect color codes.
    220 * Make [`@if module-loaded()`](https://www.unrealircd.org/docs/Defines_and_conditional_config)
    221   work correctly for modules that are about to be unloaded during REHASH.
    222 * Some missing notices if remotely REHASHing a server, and one duplicate line.
    223 * Check invalid host setting in oper::vhost, just like we already have in vhost::vhost.
    225 UnrealIRCd 6.0.6
    226 -----------------
    228 The main objective of this release is to enhance the new JSON-RPC functionality.
    229 In 6.0.5 we made a start and in 6.0.6 it is expanded a lot, plus some important
    230 bugs were fixed in it. Thanks everyone who has been testing the functionality!
    232 The new [UnrealIRCd Administration Webpanel](https://github.com/unrealircd/unrealircd-webpanel/)
    233 (which uses JSON-RPC) is very much usable now. It allows admins to view the
    234 users/channels/servers lists, view detailed information on users and channels,
    235 manage server bans and spamfilters, all from the browser.
    237 Both the JSON-RPC API and the webpanel are work in progress. They will improve
    238 and expand with more features over time.
    240 If you are already using UnrealIRCd 6.0.5 and you are NOT interested in
    241 JSON-RPC or the webpanel then there is NO reason to upgrade to 6.0.6.
    243 As usual, on *NIX you can easily upgrade with `./unrealircd upgrade`
    245 ### Enhancements:
    246 * The [JSON-RPC](https://www.unrealircd.org/docs/JSON-RPC) API for
    247   UnrealIRCd has been expanded a lot. From 12 API methods to 42:
    248   `stats.get`, `rpc.info`, `user.part`,
    249   `user.join`, `user.quit`, `user.kill`,
    250   `user.set_oper`, `user.set_snomask`, `user.set_mode`,
    251   `user.set_vhost`, `user.set_realname`,
    252   `user.set_username`, `user.set_nick`, `user.get`,
    253   `user.list`, `server.module_list`, `server.disconnect`,
    254   `server.connect`, `server.rehash`, `server.get`,
    255   `server.list`, `channel.kick`, `channel.set_topic`,
    256   `channel.set_mode`, `channel.get`, `channel.list`,
    257   `server_ban.add`, `server_ban.del`, `server_ban.get`,
    258   `server_ban.list`, `server_ban_exception.add`,
    259   `server_ban_exception.del`, `server_ban_exception.get`,
    260   `server_ban_exception.list`, `name_ban.add`,
    261   `name_ban.del`, `name_ban.get`, `name_ban.list`,
    262   `spamfilter.add`, `spamfilter.del`, `spamfilter.get`,
    263   `spamfilter.list`.
    264   * Server admins can read the [JSON-RPC](https://www.unrealircd.org/docs/JSON-RPC)
    265     documentation on how to get started. For developers, see the
    266     [Technical documentation](https://www.unrealircd.org/docs/JSON-RPC:Technical_documentation)
    267     for all info on the different RPC calls and the protocol.
    268   * Some functionality requires all servers to be on 6.0.6 or later.
    269   * Some functionality requires all servers to include
    270     `rpc.modules.default.conf` instead of only the single server that
    271     the webpanel interfaces with through JSON-RPC.
    272     When all servers have that file included then the API call
    273     `server.module_list` can work for remote servers, and the API call
    274     `server.rehash` for remote servers can return the actual rehash result
    275     and a full log of the rehash process. It is not used for any other
    276     API call at the moment, but in the future more API calls may need this
    277     functionality because it allows us to do things that are otherwise impossible
    278     or very hard.
    279   * Known issue: logging of RPC actions needs to be improved. For some API calls,
    280     like adding of server bans and spamfilters, this already works, but in
    281     other API calls it is not clearly logged yet "who did what".
    283 ### Changes:
    284 * Previously some server protocol commands could only be used by
    285   services, commands such as `SVSJOIN` and `SVSPART`. We now allow SVS*
    286   command to be used by any servers, so the JSON-RPC API can use them.
    287   There's a new option
    288   [set::limit-svscmds](https://www.unrealircd.org/docs/Set_block#set::limit-svscmds)
    289   so one can revert back to the original situation, if needed.
    290 * All JSON-RPC calls that don't change anything, such as `user.list`
    291   are now logged in the `rpc.debug` facility. Any call that changes
    292   anything like `user.join` or `spamfilter.add` is logged via `rpc.info`.
    293   This because JSON-RPC calls can be quite noisy and logging the
    294   read-only calls is generally not so interesting.
    296 ### Fixes:
    297 * When using JSON-RPC with UnrealIRCd 6.0.5 it would often crash
    298 * Fix parsing services version (anope) in `EAUTH`.
    300 ### Developers and protocol:
    301 * A new `RRPC` server to server command to handle RPC-over-IRC.
    302   This way the JSON-RPC user, like the admin panel, can interface with
    303   a remote server. If you are writing an RPC handler, then the remote
    304   RPC request does not look much different than a local one, so you
    305   can just process it as usual. See the code for `server.rehash` or
    306   `server.module_list` for an example (src/modules/rpc/server.c).
    308 UnrealIRCd 6.0.5
    309 -----------------
    311 This release adds experimental JSON-RPC support, a new TLINE command, the
    312 `./unrealircd restart` command has been improved to check for config errors,
    313 logging to files has been improved and there are several other enhancements.
    315 There are also two important changes: 1) servers that use websockets now also
    316 need to load the "webserver" module (so you may need to edit your config
    317 file). 2) we now require TLSv1.2 or higher and a modern cipher for IRC clients.
    318 This should be no problem for clients using any reasonably new SSL/TLS library
    319 (from 2014 or later).
    321 I would also like to take this opportunity to say that we are
    322 [looking for webdevs to create an UnrealIRCd admin panel](https://forums.unrealircd.org/viewtopic.php?t=9257).
    323 The previous attempt at this failed so we are looking for new people.
    325 See the full release notes below for all changes in more detail.
    327 As usual, on *NIX you can easily upgrade with `./unrealircd upgrade`
    329 ### Enhancements:
    330 * Internally the websocket module has been split up into 3 modules:
    331   `websocket_common`, `webserver` and `websocket`. The `websocket_common` one
    332   is loaded by default via modules.default.conf, the other two are not.  
    333   **Important:** if you use websockets then you need to load two modules now (instead of only one):
    334   ```
    335   loadmodule "websocket";
    336   loadmodule "webserver";
    337   ```
    338 * [JSON-RPC](https://www.unrealircd.org/docs/JSON-RPC) API for UnrealIRCd.
    339   This is work in progress.
    340 * New `TLINE` command to test *LINEs. This can be especially useful for 
    341   checking how many people match an [extended server ban](https://www.unrealircd.org/docs/Extended_server_bans)
    342   such as `TLINE ~C:NL`
    343 * The `./unrealircd start` command will now refuse to start if UnrealIRCd
    344   is already running.
    345 * The `./unrealircd restart` command will validate the configuration file
    346   (it will call `./unrealircd configtest`). If there is a configuration
    347   error then the restart will not go through and the current UnrealIRCd
    348   process is kept running.
    349 * When an IRCOp is outside the channel and does `MODE #channel` they will
    350   now get to see the mode parameters too. This depends on the `channel:see:mode:remote`
    351   [operclass permission](https://www.unrealircd.org/docs/Operclass_permissions)
    352   which all IRCOps have by default if you use the default operclasses.
    353 * [Logging to a file](https://www.unrealircd.org/docs/Log_block) now creates
    354   a directory structure if needed.
    355   * You could already use:
    356     ```
    357     log { source { !debug; all; } destination { file "ircd.%Y-%m-%d.log"; } }
    358     ```
    359   * But now you can also use:
    360     ```
    361     log { source { !debug; all; } destination { file "%Y-%m-%d/ircd.log"; } }
    362     ```
    363     This is especially useful if you output to multiple log files and then
    364     want them grouped by date in a directory.
    365 * Add additional variables in
    366   [blacklist::reason](https://www.unrealircd.org/docs/Blacklist_block):
    367   * `$blacklist`: name of the blacklist block
    368   * `$dnsname`: the blacklist::dns::name
    369   * `$dnsreply`: the DNS reply code
    370 * Resolved technical issue so opers can `REHASH` from
    371   [Websocket connections](https://www.unrealircd.org/docs/WebSocket_support).
    372 * In the [TLD block](https://www.unrealircd.org/docs/Tld_block) the use
    373   of `tld::motd` and `tld::rules` is now optional.
    374 * Log which oper actually initiated a server link request (`CONNECT`)
    376 ### Changes:
    377 * SSL/TLS: By default we now require TLSv1.2 or later and a modern cipher
    378   with forward secrecy. Otherwise the connection is refused.
    379   * Since UnrealIRCd 4.2.2 (March 2019) users see an on-connect notice with
    380     a warning when they use an outdated TLS protocol or cipher that does not
    381     meet these requirements.
    382   * This move also reflects the phase out of versions below TLSv1.2 which
    383     happened in browsers in 2020/2021.
    384   * In practice on the client-side this requires at least:
    385     * OpenSSL 1.0.1 (released in 2012)
    386     * GnuTLS 3.2.6 (2013)
    387     * Android 4.4.2 (2013)
    388     * Or presumably any other SSL/TLS library that is not 9+ years old
    389   * If you want to revert back to the previous less secure settings, then
    390     look under ''Previous less secure setting'' in
    391     [TLS Ciphers and protocols](https://www.unrealircd.org/docs/TLS_Ciphers_and_protocols).
    392 * The code for handling
    393   [`set::anti-flood::everyone::connect-flood`](https://www.unrealircd.org/docs/Anti-flood_settings#connect-flood)
    394   is now in its own module `connect-flood`. This module is loaded by default,
    395   no changes needed in your configuration file.
    396 * Similarly,
    397   [`set:max-unknown-connections-per-ip`](https://www.unrealircd.org/docs/Set_block#set::max-unknown-connections-per-ip)
    398   is now handled by the new module `max-unknown-connections-per-ip`. This module is loaded
    399   by default as well, no changes needed in your configuration file.
    400 * Upgrade shipped PCRE2 to 10.41, curl-ca-bundle to 2022-10-11,
    401   on Windows LibreSSL to 3.6.1 and cURL to 7.86.0.
    402 * After people do a major upgrade on their Linux distro, UnrealIRCd may
    403   no longer start due to an `error while loading shared libraries`.
    404   We now print a more helpful message and link to the new
    405   [FAQ entry](https://www.unrealircd.org/docs/FAQ#shared-library-error)
    406   about it.
    407 * When timing out on the [authprompt](https://www.unrealircd.org/docs/Set_block#set::authentication-prompt)
    408   module, the error (quit message) is now the original (ban) reason for the
    409   prompt, instead of the generic `Registration timeout`.
    411 ### Fixes:
    412 * Crash when linking. This requires a certain sequence of events: first
    413   a server is linked in successfully, then we need to REHASH, and then a new
    414   link attempt has to come in with the same server name (for example because
    415   there is a network issue and the old link has not timed out yet).
    416   If all that happens, then an UnreaIRCd 6 server may crash, but not always.
    417 * Warning message about moddata creationtime when linking.
    418 * [Snomask `+j`](https://www.unrealircd.org/docs/Snomasks) was not showing
    419   remote joins, even though it did show remote parts and kicks.
    420 * Leak of 1 file descriptor per /REHASH (the control socket).
    421 * Ban letters showing up twice in 005 EXTBAN=
    422 * Setting [set::authentication-prompt::enabled](https://www.unrealircd.org/docs/Set_block#set::authentication-prompt)
    423   to `no` was ignored. The default is still `yes`.
    425 ### Developers and protocol:
    426 * Add `CALL_CMD_FUNC(cmd_func_name)` for calling commands in the same
    427   module, see [this commit](https://github.com/unrealircd/unrealircd/commit/dc55c3ec9f19e5ed284e5a786f646d0e6bb60ef9).
    428   Benefit of this is that it will keep working if we ever change command paramters.
    429 * Add `CALL_NEXT_COMMAND_OVERRIDE()` which can be used instead of
    430   `CallCommandOverride()`, see also [this commit](https://github.com/unrealircd/unrealircd/commit/4e5598b6cf0986095f757f31a2540b03e4d235dc).
    431   This too, will keep working if we ever change command parameters.
    432 * During loading and rehash we now set `loop.config_status` to one of
    433   `CONFIG_STATUS_*` so modules (and core) can see at what step we are
    434   during configuration file and module processing.
    435 * New RPC API. See the `src/modules/rpc/` directory for examples.
    436 * New function `get_nvplist(NameValuePrioList *list, const char *name)`
    438 UnrealIRCd
    439 -------------------
    440 Another small update to 6.0.4.x:
    442 * Two IRCv3 specifications were ratified which we already supported as drafts:
    443   * Change CAP `draft/extended-monitor` to `extended-monitor`
    444   * Add message-tag `bot` next to existing (for now) `draft/bot`
    445 * Update Turkish translations
    447 UnrealIRCd
    448 -------------------
    449 This is a small update to 6.0.4. It fixes the following issues that were
    450 present in all 6.0.x versions:
    452 * Fix sporadic crash when linking a server (after successful authentication).
    453   This feels like a compiler bug. It affected only some people with GCC and
    454   only in some situations. When compiled with clang there was no problem.
    455   Hopefully we can work around it this way.
    456 * Make /INVITE bypass (nearly) all channel mode restrictions, as it used to
    457   be in UnrealIRCd 5.x. Both for invites by channel ops and for OperOverride.
    458   This also fixes a bug where an IRCOp with OperOverride could not bypass +l
    459   (limit) and other restrictions and would have to resort back to using
    460   MODE or SAMODE. Only +b and +i could be bypassed via INVITE OperOverride.
    462 (This cherry picks commit 0e6fc07bd9000ecc463577892cf2195a670de4be and
    463  commit 0d139c6e7c268e31ca8a4c9fc5cb7bfeb4f56831 from 6.0.5-git)
    465 UnrealIRCd 6.0.4
    466 -----------------
    468 If you are already running UnrealIRCd 6 then read below. Otherwise, jump
    469 straight to the [summary about UnrealIRCd 6](#Summary) to learn more
    470 about UnrealIRCd 6.
    472 ### Enhancements:
    473 * Show security groups in `WHOIS`
    474 * The [security-group block](https://www.unrealircd.org/docs/Security-group_block)
    475   has been expanded and the same functionality is now available in
    476   [mask items](https://www.unrealircd.org/docs/Mask_item) too:
    477   * This means the existing options like `identified`, `webirc`, `tls` and
    478     `reputation-score` can be used in `allow::mask` etc.
    479   * New options (in both security-group and mask) are:
    480     * `connect-time`: time a user is connected to IRC
    481     * `security-group`: to check another security group
    482     * `account`: services account name
    483     * `country`: country code, as found by GeoIP
    484     * `realname`: realname (gecos) of the user
    485     * `certfp`: certificate fingerprint
    486   * Every option also has an exclude- variant, eg. `exclude-country`.
    487     If a user matches any `exclude-` option then it is considered not a match.
    488   * The modules [connthrottle](https://www.unrealircd.org/docs/Connthrottle),
    489     [restrict-commands](https://www.unrealircd.org/docs/Set_block#set::restrict-commands)
    490     and [antirandom](https://www.unrealircd.org/docs/Set_block#set::antirandom)
    491     now use the new `except` sub-block which is a mask item. The old syntax
    492     (eg <code>set::antirandom::except-webirc</code>) is still accepted by UnrealIRCd
    493     and converted to the appropriate new setting behind the scenes
    494     (<code>set::antirandom::except::webirc</code>).
    495   * The modules [blacklist](https://www.unrealircd.org/docs/Blacklist_block)
    496     and [antimixedutf8](https://www.unrealircd.org/docs/Set_block#set::antimixedutf8)
    497     now also support the `except` block (a mask item).
    498   * Other than that the extended functionality is available in these blocks:
    499     `allow`, `oper`, `tld`, `vhost`, `deny channel`, `allow channel`.
    500   * Example of direct use in a ::mask item:
    501     ```
    502     /* Spanish MOTD for Spanish speaking countries */
    503     tld {
    504         mask { country { ES; AR; BO; CL; CO; CR; DO; EC; SV; GT; HN; MX; NI; PA; PY; PE; PR; UY; VE; } }
    505         motd "motd.es.txt";
    506         rules "rules.es.txt";
    507     }
    508     ```
    509   * Example of defining a security group and using it in a mask item later:
    510     ```
    511     security-group irccloud {
    512         mask { ip1; ip2; ip3; ip4; }
    513     }
    514     allow {
    515         mask { security-group irccloud; }
    516         class clients;
    517         maxperip 128;
    518     }
    519     except ban {
    520         mask { security-group irccloud; }
    521         type { blacklist; connect-flood; handshake-data-flood; }
    522     }
    523     ```
    524 * Because the mask item is so powerful now, the `password` in the
    525   [oper block](https://www.unrealircd.org/docs/Oper_block) is optional now.
    526 * We now support oper::auto-login, which means the user will become IRCOp
    527   automatically if they match the conditions on-connect. This can be used
    528   in combination with
    529   [certificate fingerprint](https://www.unrealircd.org/docs/Certificate_fingerprint)
    530   authentication for example:
    531   ```
    532   security-group Syzop { certfp "1234etc."; }
    533   oper Syzop {
    534       auto-login yes;
    535       mask { security-group Syzop; }
    536       operclass netadmin-with-override;
    537       class opers;
    538   }
    539   except ban {
    540       mask { security-group Syzop; }
    541       type all;
    542   }
    543   ```
    544 * For [JSON logging](https://www.unrealircd.org/docs/JSON_logging) a number
    545   of fields were added when a client is expanded:
    546   * `geoip`: with subitem `country_code` (eg. `NL`)
    547   * `tls`: with subitems `cipher` and `certfp`
    548   * Under subitem `users`:
    549     * `vhost`: if the visible host differs from the realhost then this is
    550       set (thus for both vhost and cloaked host)
    551     * `cloakedhost`: this is always set (except for eg. services users), even
    552       if the user is not cloaked so you can easily search on a cloaked host.
    553     * `idle_since`: last time the user has spoken (local clients only)
    554     * `channels`: list of channels (array), with a maximum of 384 chars.
    555 * The JSON logging now also strips ASCII below 32, so color- and
    556   control codes.
    557 * Support IRCv3 `+draft/channel-context`
    558 * Add `example.es.conf` (Spanish example configuration file)
    559 * The country of users is now communicated in the
    560   [message-tag](https://www.unrealircd.org/docs/Message_tags)
    561   `unrealircd.org/geoip` (only to IRCOps).
    562 * Add support for linking servers via UNIX domain sockets
    563   (`link::outgoing::file`).
    565 ### Fixes:
    566 * Crash in `except ban` with `~security-group:xyz`
    567 * Crash if hideserver module was loaded but `LINKS` was not blocked.
    568 * Crash on Windows when using the "Rehash" GUI option.
    569 * Infinite loop if one security-group referred to another.
    570 * Duplicate entries in the `+beI` lists of `+P` channels.
    571 * Regular users were able to -o a service bot (that has umode +S)
    572 * Module manager did not stop on compile error
    573 * [`set::modes-on-join`](https://www.unrealircd.org/docs/Set_block#set::modes-on-join)
    574   did not work with `+f` + timed bans properly, eg `[3t#b1]:10`
    575 * Several log messages were missing some information.
    576 * Reputation syncing across servers had a small glitch. Fix is mostly
    577   useful for servers that were not linked to the network for days or weeks.
    579 ### Changes:
    580 * Clarified that UnrealIRCd is licensed as "GPLv2 or later"
    581 * Fix use of variables in
    582   [`set::reject-message`](https://www.unrealircd.org/docs/Set_block#set::reject-message)
    583   and in [`blacklist::reason`](https://www.unrealircd.org/docs/Blacklist_block):
    584   previously short forms of variables were (unintentionally) expanded
    585   as well, such as `$serv` for `$server`. This is no longer supported, you need
    586   to use the correct full variable names.
    588 ### Developers and protocol:
    589 * The `creationtime` is now communicated of users. Until now this
    590   information was only known locally (the thing that was communicated
    591   that came close was "last nick change" but that is not the same).
    592   This is synced via (early) moddata across servers.
    593   Module coders can use `get_connected_time()`.
    594 * The `RPL_HOSTHIDDEN` is now sent from `userhost_changed()` so you
    595   don't explicitly send it yourself anymore.
    596 * The `SVSO` command is back, so services can make people IRCOp again.
    597   See `HELPOP SVSO` or [the commit](https://github.com/unrealircd/unrealircd/commit/50e5d91c798e7d07ca0c68d9fca302a6b6610786)
    598   for more information.
    599 * Due to last change the `HOOKTYPE_LOCAL_OPER` parameters were changed.
    600 * Module coders can enhance the
    601   [JSON logging](https://www.unrealircd.org/docs/JSON_logging)
    602   expansion items for clients and channels via new hooks like
    603   `HOOKTYPE_JSON_EXPAND_CLIENT`. This is used by the geoip and tls modules.
    605 UnrealIRCd 6.0.3
    606 -----------------
    607 A number of serious issues were discovered in UnrealIRCd 6. Among these is
    608 an issue which will likely crash the IRCd sooner or later if you /REHASH
    609 with any active clients connected.
    610 We suggest everyone who is running UnrealIRCd 6 to upgrade to 6.0.3.
    612 Fixes:
    613 * Crash in `WATCH` if the IRCd has been rehashed at least once. After doing
    614   a `REHASH` with active clients it will likely corrupt memory. It may take
    615   several days until after the rehash for the crash to occur, or even
    616   weeks/months on smaller networks (accidental triggering, that is).
    617 * A `REHASH` with certain remote includes setups could cause a crash or
    618   other weird and confusing problems such as complaining about unable
    619   to open an ipv6-database or missing snomask configuration.
    620   This only affected some people with remote includes, not all.
    621 * Potential out-of-bounds write in sending code. In practice it seems
    622   harmless on most servers but this cannot be 100% guaranteed.
    623 * Unlikely triggered log message would log uninitialized stack data to the
    624   log file or send it to ircops.
    625 * Channel ops could not remove halfops from a user (`-h`).
    626 * After using the `RESTART` command (not recommended) the new IRCd was
    627   often no longer writing to log files.
    628 * Fix compile problem if you choose to use cURL remote includes but don't
    629   have cURL on the system and ask UnrealIRCd to compile cURL.
    631 Enhancements:
    632 * The default text log format on disk changed. It now includes the server
    633   name where the event was generated. Without this, it was sometimes
    634   difficult to trace problems, since previously it sometimes looked like
    635   there was a problem on your server when it was actually another server
    636   on the network.
    637   * Old log format: `[DATE TIME] subsystem.EVENT_ID loglevel: ........`
    638   * New log format: `[DATE TIME] servername subsystem.EVENT_ID loglevel: ........`
    640 Changes:
    641 * Any MOTD lines added by services via
    642   [`SVSMOTD`](https://www.unrealircd.org/docs/MOTD_and_Rules#SVSMOTD)
    643   are now shown at the end of the MOTD-on-connect (unless using a shortmotd).
    644   Previously the lines were only shown if you manually ran the `MOTD` command.
    646 Developers and protocol:
    647 * `LIST C<xx` now means: filter on channels that are created less
    648   than `xx` minutes ago. This is the opposite of what we had earlier.
    649   `LIST T<xx` is now supported as well (topic changed in last xx minutes),
    650   it was already advertised in ELIST but support was not enabled previously.
    652 UnrealIRCd 6.0.2
    653 -----------------
    654 UnrealIRCd 6.0.2 comes with several nice feature enhancements along with
    655 some fixes. It also includes a fix for a crash bug that can be triggered
    656 by ordinary users.
    658 Fixes:
    659 * Fix crash that can be triggered by regular users if you have any `deny dcc`
    660   blocks in the config or any spamfilters with the `d` (DCC) target.
    661   NOTE: You don't *have* to upgrade to 6.0.2 to fix this, you can also
    662   hot-patch this issue without restart, see the news announcement.
    663 * Windows: fix crash with IPv6 clients (local or remote) due to GeoIP lookup
    664 * Fix infinite hang on "Loading IRCd configuration" if DNS is not working.
    665   For example if the 1st DNS server in `/etc/resolv.conf` is down or refusing
    666   requests.
    667 * Some `MODE` server-to-server commands were missing a timestamp at the end,
    668   even though this is mandatory for modes coming from a server.
    669 * The [channeldb](https://www.unrealircd.org/docs/Set_block#set::channeldb)
    670   module now converts letter extbans to named extbans (eg `~a` to `~account`).
    671   Previously it did not, which caused letter extbans to appear in the banlist.
    672   Later on, when linking servers, this would cause duplicate entries to appear
    673   as well, with both the old and new format. The extbans were still effective
    674   though, so this is mostly a visual +b/+e/+I list issue.
    675 * Some [Extended Server Bans](https://www.unrealircd.org/docs/Extended_server_bans)
    676   were not working correctly for WEBIRC proxies. In particular, a server ban
    677   or exempt (ELINE) on `~country:XX` was only checked against the WEBIRC proxy.
    679 Enhancements:
    680 * Support for [logging to a channel](https://www.unrealircd.org/docs/Log_block#Logging_to_a_channel).
    681   Similar to snomasks but then for channels.
    682 * Command line interface changes:
    683   * The [CLI tool](https://www.unrealircd.org/docs/Command_Line_Interface) now
    684     communicates to the running UnrealIRCd process via a UNIX socket to
    685     send commands and retrieve output.
    686   * The command `./unrealircd rehash` will now show the rehash output,
    687     including warnings and errors, and return a proper exit code.
    688   * The same for `./unrealircd reloadtls`
    689   * New command `./unrealircd status` to show if UnrealIRCd is running, the
    690     version, channel and user count, ..
    691   * The command `./unrealircd genlinkblock` is now
    692     [documented](https://www.unrealircd.org/docs/Linking_servers_(genlinkblock))
    693     and is referred to from the
    694     [Linking servers tutorial](https://www.unrealircd.org/docs/Tutorial:_Linking_servers).
    695   * On Windows in the `C:\Program Files\UnrealIRCd 6\bin` directory there is
    696     now an `unrealircdctl.exe` that can be used to do similar things to what
    697     you can do on *NIX. Supported operations are: `rehash`, `reloadtls`,
    698     `mkpasswd`, `gencloak` and `spkifp`.
    699 * New option [set::server-notice-show-event](https://www.unrealircd.org/docs/Set_block#set::server-notice-show-event)
    700   which can be set to `no` to hide the event information (eg `connect.LOCAL_CLIENT_CONNECT`)
    701   in server notices. This can be overridden per-oper in the
    702   [Oper block](https://www.unrealircd.org/docs/Oper_block) via oper::server-notice-show-event.
    703 * Support for IRC over UNIX sockets (on the same machine), if you specify a
    704   file in the [listen block](https://www.unrealircd.org/docs/Listen_block)
    705   instead of an ip/port. This probably won't be used much, but the option is
    706   there. Users will show up with a host of `localhost` and IP `` to
    707   keep things simple.
    708 * The `MAP` command now shows percentages of users
    709 * Add `WHO` option to search clients by time connected (eg. `WHO <300 t` to
    710   search for less than 300 seconds)
    711 * Rate limiting of `MODE nick -x` and `-t` via new `vhost-flood` option in
    712   [set::anti-flood block](https://www.unrealircd.org/docs/Anti-flood_settings).
    714 Changes:
    715 * Update Russian `help.ru.conf`.
    717 Developers and protocol:
    718 * People packaging UnrealIRCd (eg. to an .rpm/.deb):
    719   * Be sure to pass the new `--with-controlfile` configure option
    720   * There is now an `unrealircdctl` tool that the `unrealircd` shell script
    721     uses, it is expected to be in `bindir`.
    722 * `SVSMODE #chan -b nick` will now correctly remove extbans that prevent `nick`
    723   from joining. This fixes a bug where it would remove too much (for `~time`)
    724   or not remove extbans (most other extbans, eg `~account`).
    725   `SVSMODE #chan -b` has also been fixed accordingly (remove all bans
    726   preventing joins).
    727   Note that all these commands do not remove bans that do not affect joins,
    728   such as `~quiet` or `~text`.
    729 * For module coders: setting the `EXTBOPT_CHSVSMODE` flag in `extban.options`
    730   is no longer useful, the flag is ignored. We now decide based on
    731   `BANCHK_JOIN` being in `extban.is_banned_events` if the ban should be
    732   removed or not upon SVS(2)MODE -b.
    734 UnrealIRCd
    735 -------------------
    737 Fixes:
    738 * In extended bans were not properly synced between U5 and U6.
    739   This caused missing extended bans on the U5 side (MODE was working OK,
    740   this only happened when linking servers)
    741 * Text extbans did not have any effect (`+b ~text:censor:*badword*`)
    742 * Timed bans were not expiring if all servers on the network were on U6
    743 * Channel mode `+f` could place a timed extban with `~t` instead of `~time`
    744 * Crash when unloading any of the vhoaq modules at runtime
    745 * `./unrealircd upgrade` not working on FreeBSD and not with self-compiled cURL
    746 * Some log messages being wrong (`CHGIDENT`, `CHGNAME`)
    747 * Remove confusing high cpu load warning
    749 Enhancements:
    750 * Error on unknown snomask in set::snomask-on-oper and oper::snomask.
    751 * TKL add/remove/expire messages now show `[duration: 60m]` instead of
    752   the `[expires: ZZZ GMT]` string since that is what people are more
    753   interested in and is not affected by time zones. The format in all the
    754   3 notices is also consistent now.
    756 UnrealIRCd 6.0.0
    757 -----------------
    759 Many thanks to k4be for his help during development, other contributors for
    760 their feedback and patches, the people who tested the beta's and release
    761 candidates, translators and everyone else who made this release happen!
    763 Summary
    764 --------
    765 UnrealIRCd 6 comes with a completely redone logging system (with optional
    766 JSON support), named extended bans, four new IRCv3 features,
    767 geoip support and remote includes support built-in.
    769 Additionally, things are more customizable such as what gets sent to
    770 which snomask. All the +vhoaq channel modes are now modular as well,
    771 handy for admins who don't want or need halfops or +q/+a.
    772 For WHOIS it is now customizable in detail who gets to see what.
    774 A summary of the features is available at
    775 [What's new in UnrealIRCd 6](https://www.unrealircd.org/docs/What's_new_in_UnrealIRCd_6).
    776 For complete information, continue reading the release notes below.
    777 The sections below contain all the details.
    779 Upgrading from UnrealIRCd 5
    780 ----------------------------
    781 The previous stable series, UnrealIRCd 5, will no longer get any new features.
    782 We still do bug fixes until July 1, 2022. In the 12 months after that, only
    783 security issues will be fixed. Finally, after July 1, 2023,
    784 [all support will stop](https://www.unrealircd.org/docs/UnrealIRCd_5_EOL).
    786 If you want to hold off for a while because you are cautious or if you
    787 depend on 3rd party modules (which may not have been upgraded yet by their
    788 authors) then feel free to wait a while.
    790 If you are upgrading from UnrealIRCd 5 to 6 then you can use your existing
    791 configuration and files. There's no need to start from scratch.
    792 However, you will need to make a few updates, see
    793 [Upgrading from 5.x to 6.x](https://www.unrealircd.org/docs/Upgrading_from_5.x).
    795 Enhancements
    796 -------------
    797 * Completely new log system and snomasks overhaul
    798   * Both logging and snomask sending is done by a single logging function
    799   * Support for [JSON logging](https://www.unrealircd.org/docs/JSON_logging)
    800     to disk, instead of the default text format.
    801     JSON logging adds lot of detail to log messages and consistently
    802     expands things like *client* with properties like *hostname*,
    803     *connected_since*, *reputation*, *modes*, etc.
    804   * The JSON data is also sent to all IRCOps who request the
    805     `unrealircd.org/json-log` capability. The data is then sent in
    806     a message-tag called `unrealircd.org/json-log`. This makes it ideal
    807     for client scripts and bots to do automated things.
    808   * A new style log { } block is used to map what log messages should be
    809     logged to disk, and which ones should be sent to snomasks.
    810   * The default logging to snomask configuration is in `snomasks.default.conf`
    811     which everyone should include from unrealircd.conf. That is, unless you
    812     wish to completely reconfigure which logging goes to which snomasks
    813     yourself, which is also an option now.
    814   * See [Snomasks](https://www.unrealircd.org/docs/Snomasks#UnrealIRCd_6)
    815     on the new snomasks - lots of letters changed!
    816   * See [FAQ: Converting log { } block](https://www.unrealircd.org/docs/FAQ#old-log-block)
    817     on how to change your existing log { } blocks for disk logging.
    818   * We now have a consistent log format and log messages can be multiline.
    819   * Colors are enabled by default in snomask server notices, these can be disabled via
    820     [set::server-notice-colors](https://www.unrealircd.org/docs/Set_block#set::server-notice-colors)
    821     and also in [oper::server-notice-colors](https://www.unrealircd.org/docs/Oper_block)
    822   * Support for [logging to a channel](https://www.unrealircd.org/docs/Log_block#Logging_to_a_channel).
    823     Similar to snomasks but then for channels. *Requires UnrealIRCd 6.0.2 or later*
    824 * Almost all channel modes are modularized
    825   * Only the three list modes (+b/+e/+I) are still in the core
    826   * The five [level modes](https://www.unrealircd.org/docs/Channel_Modes#Access_levels)
    827     (+vhoaq) are now also modular. They are all loaded by default but you can
    828     blacklist one or more if you don't want them. For example to disable halfop:
    829     `blacklist-module chanmodes/halfop;`
    830   * Support for compiling without PREFIX_AQ has been removed because
    831     people often confused it with disabling +a/+q which is something
    832     different.
    833 * Named extended bans
    834   * Extbans now no longer show up with single letters but with names.
    835     For example `+b ~c:#channel` is now `+b ~channel:#channel`.
    836   * Extbans are automatically converted from the old to the new style,
    837     both from clients and from/to older UnrealIRCd 5 servers.
    838     The auto-conversion also works fine with complex extbans such as
    839     `+b ~t:5:~q:nick!user@host` to `+b ~time:5:~quiet:nick!user@host`.
    840 * New IRCv3 features:
    841   * [MONITOR](https://ircv3.net/specs/extensions/monitor.html): an
    842     alternative for `WATCH` to monitor other users ("notify list").
    843   * draft/extended-monitor: extensions for MONITOR, still in draft.
    844   * [invite-notify](https://ircv3.net/specs/extensions/invite-notify):
    845     report channel invites to other chanops (or users) in a machine
    846     readable way.
    847   * [setname](https://ircv3.net/specs/extensions/setname.html):
    848     notify clients about realname (gecos) changes.
    849 * GeoIP lookups are now done by default
    850   * This shows the country of the user to IRCOps in `WHOIS` and in the
    851     "user connecting" line.
    852   * By default the `geoip_classic` module is loaded, for which we
    853     provide a mirror of database updates at unrealircd.org. This uses
    854     the classic geolite library that is now shipped with UnrealIRCd
    855   * Other options are the `geoip_maxmind` and `geoip_csv` modules.
    856 * Configure `WHOIS` output in a very precise way
    857   * You can now decide which fields (eg modes, geo, certfp, etc) you want
    858     to expose to who (everyone, self, oper).
    859   * See [set::whois-details](https://www.unrealircd.org/docs/Set_block#set::whois-details)
    860     for more details.
    861 * We now ship with 3 cloaking modules and you need to load 1 explicitly
    862   via `loadmodule`:
    863   * `cloak_sha256`: the recommended module for anyone starting a *new*
    864     network. It uses the SHA256 algorithm under the hood.
    865   * `cloak_md5`: for anyone who is upgrading their network from older
    866     UnrealIRCd versions. Use this so your cloaked host bans remain the same.
    867   * `cloak_none`: if you don't want any cloaking, not even as an option
    868     to your users (rare)
    869 * Remote includes are now supported everywhere in the config file.
    870   * Support for `https://` fetching is now always available, even
    871     if you don't compile with libcurl support.
    872   * Anywhere an URL is encountered on its own, it will be fetched
    873     automatically. This makes it work not only for includes and motd
    874     (which was already supported) but also for any other file.
    875   * To prevent something from being interpreted as a remote include
    876     URL you can use 'value' instead of "value".
    877 * Invite notification: set `set::normal-user-invite-notification yes;` to make
    878   chanops receive information about normal users inviting someone to their channel.
    879   The name of this setting may change in a later version.
    880 * Websocket: you can add a `listen::options::websocket::forward` option
    881   to make unrealircd accept a `Forwarded` (RFC 7239) header from a reverse proxy
    882   connecting from `` (plans to accept legacy `X-Forwarded-For` and a proxy
    883   password too). This feature is currently experimental.
    885 Changes
    886 --------
    887 * TLS cipher and some other information is now visible for remote
    888   clients as well, also in `[secure: xyz]` connect line.
    889 * Error messages in remote includes use the url instead of a temporary file
    890 * Downgrading from UnrealIRCd 6 is only supported down to 5.2.0 (so not
    891   lower like 5.0.x). If this is a problem then make a copy of your db files
    892   (eg: reputation.db).
    894 Removed
    895 --------
    896 * /REHASH -motd and -opermotd are gone, just use /REHASH
    898 Breaking changes
    899 -----------------
    900 See https://www.unrealircd.org/docs/Upgrading_from_5.x, but in short:
    902 You can use the unrealircd.conf from UnrealIRCd 5, but you need to make
    903 a few changes:
    904 * You need to add `include "snomasks.default.conf";`
    905 * You need to load a cloaking module explicitly. Assuming you already
    906   have a network then add: `loadmodule "cloak_md5";`
    907 * The log block(s) need to be updated, use something like:
    908   ```
    909   log {
    910           source {
    911               !debug;
    912               all;
    913           }
    914           destination {
    915               file "ircd.log" { maxsize 100M; }
    916           }
    917   }
    918   ```
    920 Module coders (API changes)
    921 ----------------------------
    922 * Be sure to bump the version in the module header from `unrealircd-5` to `unrealircd-6`
    923 * We use a lot more `const char *` now (instead of `char *`). In particular `parv`
    924   is const now and so are a lot of arguments to hooks. This will mean that in your
    925   module you have to use more const too. The reason for this change is to indicate
    926   that certain strings should not be touched, as doing so is dangerous or could
    927   have had side-effects that were unpredictable.
    928 * Logging has been completely redone. Don't use `ircd_log()`, `sendto_snomask()`,
    929   `sendto_ops()` and `sendto_realops()` anymore. Instead use `unreal_log()` which
    930   handles both logging to disk and notifying IRCOps.
    931 * Various struct member names changed, in particular in `ConfigEntry` and `ConfigFile`,
    932   but also `channel->chname` is `channel->name` now.
    933 * get_channel() is now make_channel() and creates if needed, otherwise use find_channel()
    934 * The Extended Ban API has been changed a lot. We use a `BanContext` struct now
    935   that we pass around a lot. You also don't need to do `+3` magic anymore on the
    936   string as it is handled in another layer. When registering the extended ban,
    937   `.flag` is now `.letter`, and you also need to set a `.name` to a string due
    938   to named extended bans. Have a look at the built-in extban modules to see
    939   how to handle the changes.
    940 * ModData now has an option `MODDATA_SYNC_EARLY`. See under *Server protocol*.
    941 * If you want to lag someone up, don't touch `client->since`, but instead use:
    942   `add_fake_lag(client, msec)`
    943 * Some client/user struct changes, with `client->user->account` (instead of svid)
    944   and `client->uplink->name` being the most important ones.
    945 * Possibly more, but above is like 90%+ of the changes that you will encounter.
    947 Server protocol
    948 ----------------
    949 * When multiple related `SJOIN` messages are generated for the same channel
    950   then we now only send the current channel modes (eg `+sntk key`) in the
    951   first SJOIN and not in the other ones as they are unneeded for the
    952   immediate followup SJOINs, they waste unnecessary bytes and CPU.
    953   Such messages may be generated when syncing a channel that has dozens
    954   of users and/or bans/exempts/invexes. Ideally this should not need any
    955   changes in other software, since we already supported such messages in the
    956   past and code for handling it exists way back to 3.2.x, but you better
    957   check to be sure!
    958 * If you send `PROTOCTL NEXTBANS` then you will receive extended bans
    959   with Named EXTended BANs instead of letters (eg: `+b ~account:xyz`),
    960   otherwise you receive them with letters (eg: `+b ~a:xyz`).
    961 * Some ModData of users is (also) communicated in the `UID` message while
    962   syncing using a message tag that only appears in server-to-server traffic,
    963   `s2s-md/moddataname=value`. Thus, data such as operinfo, tls cipher,
    964   geoip, certfp, sasl and webirc is communicated at the same time as when
    965   a remote connection is added.
    966   This makes it that a "connecting from" server notice can include all this
    967   information and also so code can make an immediate decission on what to do
    968   with the user in hooks. ModData modules need to set
    969   `mreq.sync = MODDATA_SYNC_EARLY;` if they want this.
    970   Servers of course need to enable `MTAGS` in PROTOCTL to see this.
    971 * The `SLOG` command is used to broadcast logging messages. This is done
    972   for log::destination remote, as used in doc/conf/snomasks.default.conf,
    973   for example for link errors, oper ups, flood messages, etc.
    974   It also includes all JSON data in a message tag when `PROTOCTL MTAGS` is used.
    975 * Bounced modes are gone: these were MODEs that started with a `&` which
    976   servers were to act on with reversed logic (add becoming remove and
    977   vice versa) and never to send something back to that server.
    978   In practice this was almost never used and complicated the code (way)
    979   too much.
    981 Client protocol
    982 ----------------
    983 * Extended bans now have names instead of letters. If a client sends the
    984   old format with letters (eg `+b ~a:XYZ`) then the server will
    985   convert it to the new format with names (eg: `+b ~account:XYZ`)
    986 * Support for `MONITOR` and the other IRCv3 features (see *Enhancements*)