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commit db50027ea8c7b01d774e2f1fcbaa61d7e163e21f
parent 3495efc8beea7e198873422fc32bf85d72eec3a7
Author: acidvegas <>
Date: Sat, 11 May 2024 22:21:49 -0400

whitespace fixed

Diffstat: | 276++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++----------------------------------------

1 file changed, 138 insertions(+), 138 deletions(-)

diff --git a/ b/
@@ -7,162 +7,162 @@ import sys
 def format_pan(pan: str) -> str:
-    '''
-    Format the Primary Account Number (PAN) by grouping the digits in sets of 4
-    :param pan: The Primary Account Number (PAN) to format
-    '''
+	'''
+	Format the Primary Account Number (PAN) by grouping the digits in sets of 4
-    return ' '.join(pan[i:i+4] for i in range(0, len(pan), 4))
+	:param pan: The Primary Account Number (PAN) to format
+	'''
+	return ' '.join(pan[i:i+4] for i in range(0, len(pan), 4))
 def format_exp_date(exp_date: str) -> str:
-    '''
-    Format the expiration date by to be MM/YY
-    :param exp_date: The expiration date to format'''
+	'''
+	Format the expiration date by to be MM/YY
+	:param exp_date: The expiration date to format'''
-    return exp_date[2:4] + '/' + exp_date[0:2]
+	return exp_date[2:4] + '/' + exp_date[0:2]
 def service_code_descriptions(digit, code):
-    '''
-    Get the description for the service code digit
-    :param digit: The digit number (1, 2, or 3)
-    :param code: The code value for the digit
-    '''
-    descriptions = {
-        '1': {
-            '1': 'International interchange OK',
-            '2': 'International interchange, use IC (chip) where feasible',
-            '5': 'National interchange only except under bilateral agreement',
-            '6': 'National interchange only, use IC (chip) where feasible',
-            '7': 'No interchange except under bilateral agreement (closed loop)',
-            '9': 'Test'
-        },
-        '2': {
-            '0': 'Normal',
-            '2': 'Contact issuer via online means',
-            '4': 'Contact issuer via online means except under bilateral agreement'
-        },
-        '3': {
-            '0': 'No restrictions, PIN required',
-            '1': 'No restrictions',
-            '2': 'Goods and services only (no cash)',
-            '3': 'ATM only, PIN required',
-            '4': 'Cash only',
-            '5': 'Goods and services only (no cash), PIN required',
-            '6': 'No restrictions, use PIN where feasible',
-            '7': 'Goods and services only (no cash), use PIN where feasible'
-        }
-    }
-    return descriptions[str(digit)].get(code, 'Unknown')
+	'''
+	Get the description for the service code digit
+	:param digit: The digit number (1, 2, or 3)
+	:param code: The code value for the digit
+	'''
+	descriptions = {
+		'1': {
+			'1': 'International interchange OK',
+			'2': 'International interchange, use IC (chip) where feasible',
+			'5': 'National interchange only except under bilateral agreement',
+			'6': 'National interchange only, use IC (chip) where feasible',
+			'7': 'No interchange except under bilateral agreement (closed loop)',
+			'9': 'Test'
+		},
+		'2': {
+			'0': 'Normal',
+			'2': 'Contact issuer via online means',
+			'4': 'Contact issuer via online means except under bilateral agreement'
+		},
+		'3': {
+			'0': 'No restrictions, PIN required',
+			'1': 'No restrictions',
+			'2': 'Goods and services only (no cash)',
+			'3': 'ATM only, PIN required',
+			'4': 'Cash only',
+			'5': 'Goods and services only (no cash), PIN required',
+			'6': 'No restrictions, use PIN where feasible',
+			'7': 'Goods and services only (no cash), use PIN where feasible'
+		}
+	}
+	return descriptions[str(digit)].get(code, 'Unknown')
 def parse_magnetic_stripe(data: str):
-    '''
-    Parse the magnetic stripe data and print the results
-    :param data: The raw magnetic stripe data to parse
-    '''
-    # Patterns for specific track data parsing
-    track1_pattern = r'^%([AB])(\d{1,19})\^([^\^]{2,26})\^(\d{4})(\d{3})([^\?]*?)\?(\w?)'
-    track2_pattern = r';(\d{1,19})=(\d{4})(\d{3})(.*?)\?$'
-    # Generic patterns to capture raw data if specific parsing fails
-    generic_track1_pattern = r'(%[AB][^\?]+\?)'
-    generic_track2_pattern = r'(;[^\?]+\?)'
-    generic_track3_pattern = r'(\+[^\?]+\?)'
-    # Attempt to match the track data
-    track1_match =, data)
-    track2_match =, data)
-    track3_match =, data)
-    # Track 1 specific parsing
-    if track1_match:
-        format_code, pan, name, exp_date, service_code, discretionary_data, lrc = track1_match.groups()
-        if format_code == 'A':
-            print('Error: Unsupported format code \'A\'. Exiting.')
-            sys.exit(1)
-        formatted_pan = format_pan(pan)
-        formatted_exp_date = format_exp_date(exp_date)
-        desc1 = service_code_descriptions(1, service_code[0])
-        desc2 = service_code_descriptions(2, service_code[1])
-        desc3 = service_code_descriptions(3, service_code[2])
-        print_fields('Track 1 Data', [
-            ('Format Code', f'{format_code} - Financial cards (ISO/IEC 7813)'),
-            ('Primary Account Number (PAN)', formatted_pan),
-            ('Cardholder Name', name),
-            ('Expiration Date', formatted_exp_date),
-            ('Service Code Digit 1', f'{service_code[0]}: {desc1}'),
-            ('Service Code Digit 2', f'{service_code[1]}: {desc2}'),
-            ('Service Code Digit 3', f'{service_code[2]}: {desc3}'),
-            ('Discretionary Data', discretionary_data),
-            ('LRC (optional)', lrc),
-            ('Raw Track Data',
-        ], '\033[93m')
-    # Fallback generic track 1
-    elif, data):
-        print('Track 1 Data:')
-        print('Raw: ' +, data).group(1))
-    print('\n')
-    # Track 2 specific parsing
-    if track2_match:
-        pan, exp_date, service_code, discretionary_data = track2_match.groups()
-        formatted_pan = format_pan(pan)
-        formatted_exp_date = format_exp_date(exp_date)
-        print_fields('Track 2 Data', [
-            ('Primary Account Number (PAN)', formatted_pan),
-            ('Expiration Date', formatted_exp_date),
-            ('Service Code', service_code),
-            ('Discretionary Data', discretionary_data),
-            ('Raw Track Data',
-        ], '\033[96m')
-    # Fallback generic track 2
-    elif, data):
-        print('Track 2 Data:')
-        print('Raw: ' +, data).group(1))
-    print('\n')
-    # Track 3 generic data if found
-    if track3_match:
-        print('Track 3 Data:')
-        print('Raw: ' +
-    else:
-        print('Track 3 Data: No data found.')
+	'''
+	Parse the magnetic stripe data and print the results
+	:param data: The raw magnetic stripe data to parse
+	'''
+	# Patterns for specific track data parsing
+	track1_pattern = r'^%([AB])(\d{1,19})\^([^\^]{2,26})\^(\d{4})(\d{3})([^\?]*?)\?(\w?)'
+	track2_pattern = r';(\d{1,19})=(\d{4})(\d{3})(.*?)\?$'
+	# Generic patterns to capture raw data if specific parsing fails
+	generic_track1_pattern = r'(%[AB][^\?]+\?)'
+	generic_track2_pattern = r'(;[^\?]+\?)'
+	generic_track3_pattern = r'(\+[^\?]+\?)'
+	# Attempt to match the track data
+	track1_match =, data)
+	track2_match =, data)
+	track3_match =, data)
+	# Track 1 specific parsing
+	if track1_match:
+		format_code, pan, name, exp_date, service_code, discretionary_data, lrc = track1_match.groups()
+		if format_code == 'A':
+			print('Error: Unsupported format code \'A\'. Exiting.')
+			sys.exit(1)
+		formatted_pan = format_pan(pan)
+		formatted_exp_date = format_exp_date(exp_date)
+		desc1 = service_code_descriptions(1, service_code[0])
+		desc2 = service_code_descriptions(2, service_code[1])
+		desc3 = service_code_descriptions(3, service_code[2])
+		print_fields('Track 1 Data', [
+			('Format Code', f'{format_code} - Financial cards (ISO/IEC 7813)'),
+			('Primary Account Number (PAN)', formatted_pan),
+			('Cardholder Name', name),
+			('Expiration Date', formatted_exp_date),
+			('Service Code Digit 1', f'{service_code[0]}: {desc1}'),
+			('Service Code Digit 2', f'{service_code[1]}: {desc2}'),
+			('Service Code Digit 3', f'{service_code[2]}: {desc3}'),
+			('Discretionary Data', discretionary_data),
+			('LRC (optional)', lrc),
+			('Raw Track Data',
+		], '\033[93m')
+	# Fallback generic track 1
+	elif, data):
+		print('Track 1 Data:')
+		print('Raw: ' +, data).group(1))
+	print('\n')
+	# Track 2 specific parsing
+	if track2_match:
+		pan, exp_date, service_code, discretionary_data = track2_match.groups()
+		formatted_pan = format_pan(pan)
+		formatted_exp_date = format_exp_date(exp_date)
+		print_fields('Track 2 Data', [
+			('Primary Account Number (PAN)', formatted_pan),
+			('Expiration Date', formatted_exp_date),
+			('Service Code', service_code),
+			('Discretionary Data', discretionary_data),
+			('Raw Track Data',
+		], '\033[96m')
+	# Fallback generic track 2
+	elif, data):
+		print('Track 2 Data:')
+		print('Raw: ' +, data).group(1))
+	print('\n')
+	# Track 3 generic data if found
+	if track3_match:
+		print('Track 3 Data:')
+		print('Raw: ' +
+	else:
+		print('Track 3 Data: No data found.')
 def print_fields(title: str, fields: list, color_code: str):
-    '''
-    Print the fields in a formatted table
-    :param title: The title of the table
-    :param fields: The fields to print
-    :param color_code: The color code to use for the table
-    '''
+	'''
+	Print the fields in a formatted table
+	:param title: The title of the table
+	:param fields: The fields to print
+	:param color_code: The color code to use for the table
+	'''
-    max_len = max(len(name) for name, _ in fields)
+	max_len = max(len(name) for name, _ in fields)
-    print(title)
+	print(title)
-    for name, value in fields:
-        print(color_code + name.ljust(max_len) + '\033[90m | \033[0m' + value)
+	for name, value in fields:
+		print(color_code + name.ljust(max_len) + '\033[90m | \033[0m' + value)
 if __name__ == '__main__':
-    try:
-        swipe_data = getpass.getpass(prompt='Please swipe the card: ')
-        parse_magnetic_stripe(swipe_data)
-    except Exception as e:
-        print('Error:', e)
+	try:
+		swipe_data = getpass.getpass(prompt='Please swipe the card: ')
+		parse_magnetic_stripe(swipe_data)
+	except Exception as e:
+		print('Error:', e)