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commit 053ca3e7e4b290b76978668744c041e6fe430d4a
parent 60a78c277927dba9bc2f82bc6ac615a0ffcdc9ef
Author: acidvegas <>
Date: Wed, 26 Jul 2023 19:19:03 -0400


Aart/ | 111+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

1 file changed, 111 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)

diff --git a/art/ b/art/
@@ -0,0 +1,111 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# IRC2ANSI - Developed by acidvegas in Python (
+import re
+def IRC2ANSI(text):
+	''' Convert IRC art to ANSI art. '''
+	_formats = {
+		'\x02': '\033[1m', # Bold
+		'\x1D': '\033[3m', # Italic
+		'\x1F': '\033[4m', # Underline
+		'\x16': '\033[7m', # Reverse
+		'\x0f': '\033[0m', # Reset
+	}
+	_colors = {
+		'00': ('37',  '47'), # White
+		'01': ('30',  '40'), # Black
+		'02': ('34',  '44'), # Blue
+		'03': ('32',  '42'), # Green
+		'04': ('91', '101'), # Red
+		'05': ('31',  '41'), # Brown
+		'06': ('35',  '45'), # Purple
+		'07': ('33',  '43'), # Orange
+		'08': ('93', '103'), # Yellow
+		'09': ('92', '102'), # Light Green
+		'10': ('36',  '46'), # Teal
+		'11': ('96', '106'), # Cyan
+		'12': ('94', '104'), # Light Blue
+		'13': ('95', '105'), # Magenta
+		'14': ('90', '100'), # Gray
+		'15': ('37',  '47')  # Light Gray
+	}
+	for i in range(16,100): # Add support for 99 colors
+		_colors[str(i)] = (str(i), str(i))
+	irc_color_regex = re.compile(r'\x03((?:\d{1,2})?(?:,\d{1,2})?)?')
+	def replace_irc_color(match):
+		''' Replace IRC color codes with ANSI color codes. '''
+		if (irc_code :=
+			codes = irc_code.split(',')
+			foreground = '0'+codes[0] if len(codes[0]) == 1 else codes[0]
+			background = ('0'+codes[1] if len(codes[1]) == 1 else codes[1]) if len(codes) == 2 else None
+			ansi_foreground = _colors.get(foreground, '37')[0]
+			ansi_background = _colors.get(background, '47')[1]
+			return f'\033[{ansi_foreground};{ansi_background}m' if background else  f'\033[{ansi_foreground}m'
+		return '\033[0m' # Reset colors on no match
+	for item in _formats:
+		if item in text:
+			text = text.replace(item, _formats[item])
+	text = text.replace('\n', '\033[0m\n') # Make sure we end with a reset code
+	return irc_color_regex.sub(replace_irc_color, text) + '\033[0m'
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+	'''A simple script to test the IRC2ANSI function. (can you tell m using vscode yet...)
+	Usage: ./ <path>, where <path> is a file or directory containing IRC art.
+	When using a directory, the script will loop through all files in the directory and play them randomly, acting as a screensaver.'''
+	import os      #
+	import sys     # We import these libraries here so they are only loaded when running the script directly
+	import time    # This way, the script can still be imported as module for other scripts, without loading these libraries
+	import pathlib # This is useful for testing the script directly and shows and example of how to use it in other scripts
+	import random  #
+	PRINT_TITLES = True # Set to False to disable printing titles when looping dircetories
+	if len(sys.argv) == 2:
+		try:
+			import chardet
+		except ImportError:
+			raise SystemExit('missing chardet module (pip install chardet)')
+		if os.path.exists(sys.argv[1]):
+			option = sys.argv[1]
+			def play(path):
+				with open(path, 'rb') as art_file:
+					data =
+					enc  = chardet.detect(data)['encoding']
+					for line in IRC2ANSI(data.decode(enc)).split('\n'):
+						print(line)
+						time.sleep(0.05)
+			if os.path.isdir(option):
+				if (results := list(pathlib.Path(option).rglob('*.[tT][xX][tT]'))):
+					while True:
+						random.shuffle(results)
+						for result in results:
+							play(result)
+							if PRINT_TITLES:
+								print(result)
+							time.sleep(3)
+			elif os.path.isfile(option):
+				play(option)
+			else:
+				raise SystemExit('invalid path')
+		else:
+			raise SystemExit('invalid path')
+	else:
+		raise SystemExit('missing or invalid arguments (usage: ./ <path>)')