
- privacy respecting meta search engine
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DateCommit messageFiles+-
2023-11-12Added config and opensearch3+172-2
2023-11-12Updated to the latest version1+0-11
2023-11-12Updated to the latest version29+290-107
2023-09-25Added tor onion service2+2-1
2023-09-22test commit1+1-0
2023-09-22Merge branch 'Ahwxorg:main' into main1+7-0
2023-09-17feat: adding instance (merge pull request #53 from codedipper/add-instances2)1+7-0
2023-09-17Modified search button to say surfs up1+1-1
2023-09-17Minor vanity changes to the logo, title, stripped some stuff away to streamline the UI3+6-15
2023-09-17Initial commit, will develope on the UI later3+3-175
2023-09-09feat: adding pulldown (merge pull request #50 from davidovski/language_dropdown)4+25-10
2023-09-09fix: typo so duckduckgo works again (merge pull request #51 from davidovski/fix_duckduckgo)1+1-1
2023-09-09Fix typo in duckduckgo1+1-1
2023-09-09Use languages list to generate dropdown in settings1+17-4
2023-09-09Use language list for wikipedia3+8-6
2023-09-07feat(instances.json): adding @Ahwxorg's 2nd instance in france1+8-1
2023-09-07feat( adding auto updater like LibreX used to have1+6-0
2023-09-06fix: edit domain for (merge pull request #46 from drinkmonster/main)1+7-7
2023-09-06fix: moving logic to printing results (merge pull request #48 from davidovski/frontend_passing)10+34-41
2023-09-06Move base_url parsing to print results5+6-2
2023-09-06Move checking for frontends to printing instead of parsing10+28-39
2023-09-06edit domain1+7-7
2023-09-05feat(instances.json): add librey.baczek.me1+7-0
2023-09-05feat(xmr-ahwx.png): adding ahwx' xmr' qr code1+0-0
2023-09-05feat(donate.php): adding xmr and qr for ahwx1+16-1
2023-09-04ci: adding support for multi-arch docker images (merge pull request #44 from mentos1386/patch-1)1+4-0
2023-09-03ci: multi-arch docker images1+4-0
2023-09-03style: minor ui improvements on donate page (merge pull request #43 from osarthak/update-donate)4+169-12
2023-09-03fix: update instances list to redirect to official instances which generate from json (merge pull request #42 from codedipper/update-readme)1+16-12
2023-09-03feat: adding more flags to example docker-compose.yaml (merge pull request #41 from codedipper/compose-fix)2+27-17
2023-09-03update donate ui && fix footer links margin4+169-12
2023-09-03more changes1+1-1
2023-09-03more changes1+5-4
2023-09-03more changes1+12-10
2023-09-03update instance list on readme1+13-12
2023-09-03update default compose2+27-17
2023-09-02fix(docker-compose.yml): Add "docs" for Watchtower1+1-1
2023-09-02fix(instances.json): fixing order; feat: add watchtower to automatically pull newest image upon release (merge pull request #38 from codedipper/watchtower)3+25-9
2023-09-02typo in docker readme1+1-1
2023-09-02fix instances.json order1+6-6
2023-09-02add watchtower2+18-2
2023-09-01chore: update instances; feat: docker stuff (merge pull request #37 from codedipper/man)6+96-104
2023-09-01some security headers1+4-0
2023-08-31fix default for cache ttl docker1+1-1
2023-08-31add cache ttl to docker3+3-0
2023-08-31update cocker configs and docs4+82-97
2023-08-31update instances1+7-7
2023-08-31feat( add something like a security policy1+9-0
2023-08-31feat: cache results to combat spammers (merge pull request #34 from davidovski/results_caching)24+134-68
2023-08-31fix: some minor css padding; feat: add instance (merge pull request #36 from whoisYoges/CastorFixes)5+15-6
2023-08-31`Add:` instance to readme1+1-0
2023-08-31`Add:` a new libreY instance1+7-0
2023-08-31`Fix:` indentation for search settings.2+5-5
2023-08-31`Updated:` spacing between instance list and footer.1+2-1
2023-08-30chore: update instances (merge pull request #35 from codedipper/add-instances3)1+14-28
2023-08-30Properly remove google request if on cooldown1+1-0
2023-08-30fix: docker stuff (merge pull request #33 from nohoster/docker-update)13+75-163
2023-08-30set default language2+3-2
2023-08-30fix: ads sometimes show up with ddg (merge pull request #32 from codedipper/ad-ddg-fix)1+1-1
2023-08-30Do not throw error if duckduck go query fails1+3-0
2023-08-30do not avoid request if cached2+8-6
2023-08-30curl follow location by default1+2-0
2023-08-30fix not respecting cooldown1+1-1
2023-08-30Actually exec fallback requests2+9-3
2023-08-30add/remove instances1+14-28
2023-08-30Make fallback work when no results found1+1-1
2023-08-30Add no instances message2+5-2
2023-08-30Add no results messages3+24-9
2023-08-30Fix typo1+1-1
2023-08-30Always do no fallback on fallback requests3+3-4
2023-08-30fix missing $1+1-1
2023-08-30Add ttl on caches3+9-9
2023-08-30Use caching for all requests23+83-49
2023-08-30fixed var1+1-1
2023-08-30fix when ads sometimes show up with ddg1+1-1
2023-08-30Updated and simplified the docker building setup13+75-163
2023-08-29fix: vuln within image parsing (merge pull request #31 from codedipper/nibH3YzJ)2+2-8
2023-08-29fix high-severity vulnerability2+2-8
2023-08-29fix: docker attributes variable format (merge pull request #30 from nohoster/patch-1)1+1-1
2023-08-29fix: unable to create organisation package (merge pull request #29 from BluenationStudio/main)1+1-0
2023-08-29Fix variable format.1+1-1
2023-08-29fix unable to create organization package1+1-0
2023-08-29feat: adding docker stuff (merge pull request #24 from BluenationStudio/main)1+30-0
2023-08-29feat: adding (merge pull request #28 from nohoster/main)2+8-7
2023-08-29Update instances.json1+7-7
2023-08-29Update README.md1+1-0
2023-08-28feat: adding instance & fix: formatting (merge pull request #27 from codedipper/main)1+12-5
2023-08-28add instances, fix formatting1+12-5
2023-08-28fix: some padding (merge pull request #26 from osarthak/update)2+17-9
2023-08-27fixed sub-search-button border padding, did-you-mean on mobile, smaller footer2+17-9
2023-08-26build docker image1+30-0
2023-08-26feat: load balancing and cooldowns (merge pull request #19 from davidovski/load_balancing)9+70-24
2023-08-25Fix language config variable not working1+1-1
2023-08-25Fix missing quote in docker build script1+1-1
2023-08-25Fixed incorrect use of function_exists1+2-2
2023-08-25Do not persist if apcu is not installed1+5-2
2023-08-25Add php8-apcu to dependencies2+2-2
2023-08-25add default for request_cooldown1+2-0
2023-08-25Change default timeout to 25 minutes4+3-13
569 more commits remaining, fetch the repository