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TODO.tex (15636B)
1 \documentclass{article} 2 \title{TODO} 3 \author{Leon Kaiser} 4 \date{2011-05-31} 5 \pagenumbering{arabic} 6 \pagestyle{headings} 7 \nofiles 8 \begin{document} 9 \maketitle 10 \tableofcontents 11 \contentsline {section}{\numberline {1}Tasks Organized by Priority}{2} 12 \contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {1.1}High Priority}{2} 13 \contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {1.2}Medium Priority}{2} 14 \contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {1.3}Low Priority}{3} 15 \contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {1.4}Unknown Priority}{3} 16 \contentsline {section}{\numberline {2}Relevant IRC/IRL logs:}{4} 17 \contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {2.1}Jmax}{4} 18 \contentsline {subsubsection}{\numberline {2.1.1}Jmax and madvirii}{4} 19 \contentsline {subsubsection}{\numberline {2.1.2}Jmax, vx`, and madvirii.}{4} 20 \contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {2.2}LiteralKa blogging to no-one in particular.}{5} 21 \contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {2.3}Rufas}{5} 22 \contentsline {subsubsection}{\numberline {2.3.1}Rufas, sparc, and thyme}{5} 23 \contentsline {subsubsection}{\numberline {2.3.2}Rufas, incog, and rshxd.}{6} 24 \contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {2.4}The l0de Radio Hour}{6} 25 \contentsline {subsubsection}{\numberline {2.4.1}Rufas at [S1E12] 16:26}{6} 26 \contentsline {subsubsection}{\numberline {2.4.2}Rufas at [20100409] 30:00}{6} 27 \contentsline {subsubsection}{\numberline {2.4.3}sloth at [20100409] 3:07:21}{7} 28 \newpage 29 % {{{ Tasks organized by priority 30 \section{Tasks Organized by Priority}\label{Tasks Organized by Priority}\index{Tasks Organized by Priority} 31 % {{{ High Priority 32 \subsection{High Priority}\label{High Priority}\index{High Priority} 33 \begin{itemize} 34 \item Support clone connections via {\tt TOR}. 35 \begin{itemize} 36 \item {\tt TOR} might actually already be supported by {\tt PROXY}. 37 \end{itemize} 38 \item File flooding with \emph{optional} adjustments for nick-length and latency. 39 \begin{itemize} 40 \item The reason for the `optional' bit is because one won't necessarily need a nick-length adjustment if the file being flooded is not an {\tt ASCII} file (in fact, it will just look weird.) 41 \end{itemize} 42 \item Permit (bot)net to target multiple networks (be able to send separate commands to an individual network's bots. 43 \item Implement {\tt STUPID}-like {\tt SSH} tunneling. ({\tt SSH Tunnel Utilizing Python IRC Destroyer}.) 44 \item {\tt}-style nick spamming (using {\tt /NAMES} output.) 45 \end{itemize} 46 % }}} 47 % {{{ Medium Priority 48 \subsection{Medium Priority}\label{Medium Priority}\index{Medium Priority} 49 \begin{itemize} 50 \item Add `nickshuffle' with `nickbase' option. 51 \item {\tt do\_jupe()}: 52 \begin{itemize} 53 \item Call on \{de,re,\}connection. 54 \end{itemize} 55 \item muhstik's mechanism to do {\tt MODE}s and {\tt KICK}s sucks. It doesn't track any list of nicks to op, or nicks to {\tt KICK}, but it tries to change with simple {\tt MODE +o} and {\tt KICK}. This needs to be recoded with penalty handling. 56 \item Mass\{{\tt KNOCK},{\tt INVITE},{\tt TOPIC}\}. 57 \begin{itemize} 58 \item For mass{\tt INVITE}s, allow a mask (*!*@*.* style) `blacklist' of sorts, so that the clones don't {\tt INVITE} honeypot bots, lorf. 59 \end{itemize} 60 \item Add a `stop connect' command (`pause' or w/e.) 61 \begin{itemize} 62 \item It should toggle, obviously. 63 \end{itemize} 64 \item Max bots for connect -- maximum successful bots, not maximum connections. 65 \begin{itemize} 66 \item Allow increase/decrease. 67 \end{itemize} 68 \item Support {\tt SSL}/{\tt TLS} and {\tt SASL} {\tt IRC} connections% 69 \footnote[1]{Leach, P., Newman, C. \emph{Using Digest Authentication as a SASL Mechanism}, {\tt RFC 2831}, May 2000, (}% 70 \footnote[2]{Myers, J. \emph{Simple Authentication and Security Layer (SASL)}, {\tt RFC 2222}, October 1997. (}% 71 \footnote[3]{Newman, C. \emph{Anonymous SASL Mechanism}, {\tt RFC 2245}, November 1997. (} 72 \item Fix the buffer overflow or what the fuck ever when scan mode is enabled. 73 \end{itemize} 74 % }}} 75 % {{{ Low Priority 76 \subsection{Low Priority}\label{Low Priority}\index{Low Priority} 77 \begin{itemize} 78 \item Inline documentation. 79 \item {\tt TOPIC} lock mode. 80 \item {\tt TOPIC} fight mode. 81 \item {\tt CTCP} responses. 82 \item Random colored messages. 83 \item Spam every person, (non-)\{op,ircop,voice\}, etc. in the channel. 84 \item \{Mass,Single\} reconnect (for evading {\tt ident} bans.) 85 \item Detect {\tt MODE +g} notifications on {\tt PRIVMSG}. 86 \begin{itemize} 87 \item Probably should just issue a warning or something. 88 \end{itemize} 89 \item Add \emph{optional} spectator -- bot that watches, and doesn't respond to `all'. 90 \item Modify bot behavior so that if a clone is the only `user' in a channel, the clone will cycle \emph{only} once. If deopped by ChanServ, etc. then give up. 91 \begin{itemize} 92 \item Possibly include a configuration setting that determines if channel registration is possible on the network ({\tt boolean}, on the off-chance that a network with NickServ doesn't have ChanServ, as it would otherwise be covered by {\tt conf.dalnet}.) 93 \end{itemize} 94 \item Does {\tt echo} mimic {\tt CTCP ACTION}s as well? 95 \item Allow \emph{optional} Cisco passwords (in format IP\{:PW,\}.) 96 \item {\tt do\_jupe()}: 97 \begin{itemize} 98 \item If ghosted, does the affected clone reconnect? 99 \end{itemize} 100 \end{itemize} 101 % }}} 102 % {{{ Unknown Priority 103 \subsection{Unknown Priority}\label{Unknown Priority}\index{Unknown Priority} 104 \begin{itemize} 105 \item {\tt do\_jupe()}: 106 \begin{itemize} 107 \item \_2\_ @ {\tt MONITOR} 108 \item Handle overflow. 109 \end{itemize} 110 \item {\tt .select *\&,} 111 \item {\tt .deaf} 112 \item Write or find some sort of tool that can differentiate between {\tt SOCKS4} and {\tt SOCKS5} proxies. 113 \item Should {\tt static} be used more? 114 \end{itemize} 115 % }}} 116 % }}} 117 % {{{ Relevant IRC/IRL logs: 118 \section{Relevant IRC/IRL logs:}\label{Relevant IRC/IRL logs:}\index{Relevant IRC/IRL logs:} 119 % {{{ Jmax 120 \subsection{Jmax}\label{Jmax}\index{Jmax} 121 % {{{ Jmax and madvirii. 122 \subsubsection{Jmax and madvirii}\label{Jmax and madvirii}\index{Jmax and madvirii} 123 02:32:57 $<$@Jmax$>$ maybe... add line numbers?\\ 124 02:33:12 $<$+madvirii$>$ yah, like but it would have to be a system\\ 125 02:33:19 $<$@Jmax$>$ or after the line is sent to chan, send a message to the next\\\indent bot\\ 126 02:33:20 $<$+madvirii$>$ cuz it would get old editing your fav asciis\\ 127 02:33:36 $<$@Jmax$>$ system?\\ 128 02:33:44 $<$+madvirii$>$ yah like, read the txt file in line by line in an array, and\\\indent then assign a line number to each bot accordingly, if they got banned, it\\\indent might affect it, unless u design a failsafe, but it seems to be the right direction\\\indent to head in\\ 129 02:34:50 $<$@Jmax$>$ if a bot can't send the message, it's delegated 130 % }}} 131 % {{{ Jmax, vx`, and madvirii. 132 \subsubsection{Jmax, vx`, and madvirii.}\label{Jmax, vx`, and madvirii.}\index{Jmax, vx`, and madvirii.} 133 02:44:38 $<$@Jmax$>$ if you mean \emph{cat}|(1)ting, then here's what I have in mind:\\ 134 02:44:41 $<$@Jmax$>$ 1) determine latency\\ 135 02:44:47 $<$ vx`$>$ if it's gonna have the ability to scroll an ascii with the whole\\\indent set of bots or some that ie. aren't banned on the channel\\ 136 02:44:50 $<$@Jmax$>$ 2) ignore any bots with high latency, if there's enough bots\\ 137 02:44:56 $<$ vx`$>$ then you wouldn't want some bots ruining the ascii because of\\\indent slow links\\ 138 02:45:38 $<$+madvirii$>$ well, if we determine latency, and then just have the ten\\\indent fastest bots\\ 139 02:45:52 $<$@Jmax$>$ no, we can't just ignore the bots\\ 140 02:45:59 $<$ vx`$>$ hardly efficient\\ 141 02:46:03 $<$@Jmax$>$ if we only have 10, then it'll still be limited. esp. if we have\\\indent 100 more\\ 142 02:46:34 $<$ vx`$>$ apart from that, low latency links might get a) hit by the other\\\indent bots scrolling b) throttled c) \{banned,muted,shunned,glined\}\\ 143 02:47:29 $<$@Jmax$>$ 3) determine which bots are capable of speaking in the\\\indent channel. (not\{muted,banned,shunned\}, etc.)\\ 144 02:47:56 $<$ vx`$>$ freenode's ircd might have some gay features to suppress\\\indent ruining, and you don't necessarily get numerics from the ircd informing you\\ 145 02:48:11 $<$+madvirii$>$ that is a good 3-step process to execute \emph{prior} to even\\\indent attempting to load a file\\ 146 02:48:31 $<$@Jmax$>$ 4) pull the file into an array, and assign each line to one of\\\indent those bots\\ 147 02:48:51 $<$@Jmax$>$ 5) measure nick length, pad accordingly\\ 148 02:50:18 $<$ vx`$>$ but there are some time constraints on that code,\\\indent proportionally to the amount of bots you're scrolling with\\ 149 02:50:28 $<$@Jmax$>$ actually, in step 4, do not assign each line to a bot, maintain\\\indent each list separately, a queue for \{bot,line\}s\\ 150 02:55:02 $<$@Jmax$>$ 6) issue the first line to the first bot in queue, and make\\\indent the second bot wait for a successful message. If, during that time, it is\\\indent determined by the first bot that it \emph{cannot} send the message (and it's not a\\\indent latency issue), the line is re-assigned to the next bot in the queue and\\\indent removed from the queue.\\ 151 02:55:34 $<$@Jmax$>$ 7) repeat until the file is complete.\\ 152 02:55:52 $<$@Jmax$>$ that will ensure that, if a bot is kicked, the rest of the bots\\\indent take account for it\\ 153 02:56:04 $<$+madvirii$>$ so the number of lines in the file queue will determine\\\indent the number of bot instances in the bot queue\\ 154 02:56:05 $<$@Jmax$>$ and any lines assigned to that bot are not ignored\\ 155 02:56:10 $<$@Jmax$>$ no, completely independent\\ 156 02:56:27 $<$ vx`$>$ what do you in case of a line not arriving due to ie. unexpected\\\indent network problems, the link going down completely, etc.\\ 157 02:56:39 $<$+madvirii$>$ ok so its just for lines in queue\\ 158 02:57:24 $<$@Jmax$>$ well, that's what the second part of step 6 is for, but that\\\indent doesn't account for netsplits\\ 159 02:57:48 $<$ vx`$>$ or any other network issues for that matter, like the proxy\\\indent going down or lagging, ...\\ 160 03:00:02 $<$@Jmax$>$ sure it does, there will be a timeout, there will be the chance\\\indent that the bot is just very very lagged, and wasn't removed from the queue\\\indent earlier, and sends the message, reaches the timeout, and the other bot\\\indent replaces it, however, the message was still sent, so it will show up later\\ 161 03:02:08 $<$ vx`$>$ sure, but out of order and if that'd happen too often it'd ruin\\\indent the whole thing\\ 162 03:02:16 $<$@Jmax$>$ right: i think that will be a rarity 163 % }}} 164 % }}} 165 % {{{ LiteralKa blogging to no-one in particular. 166 \subsection{LiteralKa blogging to no-one in particular.}\label{LiteralKa blogging to no-one in particular.}\index{LiteralKa blogging to no-one in particular.} 167 13:51:56 $<$\&LiteralKa$>$ Maybe a command to spam a specific type of person in\\\indent a given channel: (non-)\{ops,ircops,voiced\}, all, etc.\\ 168 13:53:34 $<$\&LiteralKa$>$ Synchronized ASCII flooding would be p. cool (read:\\\indent \emph{cat}(1)-style file flooding.)\\ 169 13:53:48 $<$\&LiteralKa$>$ Like, delegate {\tt x} amount of lines to each bot based on\\\indent connection speed or some other algorithm or something. 170 % }}} 171 % {{{ Rufas 172 \subsection{Rufas}\label{Rufas}\index{Rufas} 173 % {{{ Rufas, sparc, and thyme 174 \subsubsection{Rufas, sparc, and thyme}\label{Rufas, sparc, and thyme}\index{Rufas, sparc, and thyme} 175 21:38:16 $<$+Rucas$>$ i highly suggest you check out {\tt STUPID}, run it from a very\\\indent fast box and it can DDOS an ircd just by flooding text in chat, {\tt SSH Tunnel\\\indent Utilizing Python IRC Destroyer}\\ 176 21:38:54 $<$ sparc$>$ \emph{Rucas}: how fast of a box are we talking\\ 177 21:39:00 $<$+Rucas$>$ 100mbit is perfect, basically you need enough bandwidth\\\indent to push all the OTHER boxes at a decent rate, it still does pretty well from\\\indent a standard cable line though\\ 178 21:39:42 $<$ thyme$>$ cant do something like: start remote processes on machines\\\indent to avoid having to have one big monsterbox and just send signalling from\\\indent home box\\ 179 21:40:09 $<$+Rucas$>$ well the original intent was cooperative flooding so like,\\\indent you'd have 5 hosts and they'd all paste lines of one ascii, so you could spam\\\indent asciis but bots wouldn't molish you but i never got around to that, because\\\indent of \emph{jenk}'s {\tt irc-rc} 180 % }}} 181 % {{{ Rufas, incog, and rshxd. 182 \subsubsection{Rufas, incog, and rshxd.}\label{Rufas, incog, and rshxd.}\index{Rufas, incog, and rshxd.} 183 21:42:43 $<$ rshxd$>$ \emph{Rucas}: since when did you write {\tt ASIAN}\\ 184 21:42:50 $<$\&Rucas$>$ fucing years ago\\ 185 21:42:59 $<$ rshxd$>$ I thought \emph{abez} wrote that for you\\ 186 21:43:02 $<$\&Rucas$>$ no, i wrote it, and \emph{abez} rewrote part of it\\ 187 21:43:04 $<$ incog$>$ before that was {\tt AYSYN}\\ 188 21:43:13 $<$\&Rucas$>$ and then \emph{Jmax} rewrote that, and it is on {\tt ASIANv6} or some\\\indent shit, but i wrote {\tt ASIANv1}\\ 189 21:43:36 $<$ incog$>$ was it based off \emph{mef}'s shit or all new?\\ 190 21:43:42 $<$\&Rucas$>$ all new, i wish i had \emph{mef}'s code, but now i wrote {\tt STUPID}\\\indent which is much nicer than {\tt ASIAN} 191 % }}} 192 % }}} 193 % {{{ The l0de Radio Hour 194 \subsection{The l0de Radio Hour}\label{The l0de Radio Hour}\index{The l0de Radio Hour} 195 % {{{ Rufas at [S1E12] 16:26 196 \subsubsection{Rufas at [S1E12] 16:26}\label{Rufas at [S1E12] 16:26}\index{Rufas at [S1E12] 16:26} 197 \emph{l0de}: [If you steal that idea] my lawyers will fuck you so severely that it's not\\\indent even funny...\\ 198 \emph{Rufas}: I'm sure they will, just like that guy's 800 bot botnet running wild on\\\indent EFNet right now.\\ 199 \emph{l0de}: Holy shit, that's hillarious--he's got 800 bots now?\\ 200 \emph{Rufas}: Yeah, he's up to 900 now.\\ 201 \emph{l0de}: 900 fuckin' bots, through a JPEG redirect exploit-type of thing? [...] And\\\indent for our listeners, basically this guy coded an Internet Explorer link that runs\\\indent an mIRC exploit and basically \bf{turns your computar into botnet}\rm\\ 202 \emph{Rufas}: And he authorized us to reverse engineer it [...] We can use it to assrape\\\indent \emph{\#politics}. 203 % }}} 204 % {{{ Rufas at [20100409] 30:00 205 \subsubsection{Rufas at [20100409] 30:00}\label{Rufas at [20100409] 30:00}\index{Rufas at [20100409] 30:00} 206 \emph{l0de}: Alright, so what people really want to hear about from you is the ruin:\\\indent the mega ruin that is going on. And you have this \bf{massive}\rm\symbol{32} fucking botnet\\\indent and you're annihilating everything that comes into contact with you. I know\\\indent Hardchats was DDoSed massively last night, primarily because of your\\\indent exploits. Why don't you tell us what happened?\\ 207 \emph{Rufas}: Well, not a heck of a lot has really changed with what I've been doing.\\\indent I've used the new tool I wrote a few months ago called {\tt STUPID} but-\\ 208 \emph{l0de}: Is this a reference to \emph{Max Goldberg}'s {\tt AYSYN}--no it was \emph{mef} that wrote\\\indent {\tt AYSYN} right?\\ 209 \emph{Rufas}: \emph{mef} wrote {\tt AYSYN} and I wrote {\tt ASIAN} based on that which was {\tt Automated\\\indent Synchronous IRC Attack Network}. And then based on that I made {\tt STUPID},\\\indent which is {\tt SSH Tunnel Utilizing Python IRC Destroyer}--because they all\\\indent have to have some sort of stupid {\tt GNU} acronym to go with them. 210 % }}} 211 % {{{ sloth at [20100409] 3:07:21 212 \subsubsection{sloth at [20100409] 3:07:21}\label{sloth at [20100409] 3:07:21}\index{sloth at [20100409] 3:07:21} 213 \emph{sloth}: I've gotten a lot of comments about "Oh my God! This is the first IPv6\\\indent botnet I've ever seen."\\ 214 \emph{sloth}: We are on the cutting edge of IRC flooding: we are pushing it into IPv6\\\indent and people just \bf{don't even know}\rm. 215 % }}} 216 % }}} 217 % }}} 218 % }}} 219 \end{document}