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Log | Files | Refs | Archive | README | LICENSE

DateCommit messageFiles+-
2024-05-09Fixed link to SETUP.md1+1-1
2024-05-08Fixed ram/psram display. memGet.h wasnt needed as we can call this directly from ESP2+15-7
2024-05-08Fixed images1+4-4
2024-05-08Added schematics and more1+0-0
2024-05-08Fixed formatting1+6-6
2024-05-08Started parsing all meshtastic events for better logging, added more firmware hacks for heartbeat and for display RAM/PSRAM usage3+121-9
2024-05-07Added event handlers for ALL meshtastic event types1+147-26
2024-05-07Commented out experiemntal shit1+1-1
2024-05-07Entire code is in a class now for modular usage1+196-173
2024-05-07Documentation improved, structured repo cleaner, mqtt is mostly finish12+189-168
2024-05-07Fixed indentation (fuck vscode)1+4-4
2024-05-07Added more event types1+13-7
2024-05-07Code cleanup, better commenting and documentation1+28-16
2024-05-07Added logging and cleaned up output now that debugging is done1+28-51
2024-05-06MQTT client is working perfectly now! MQTT on devices are working now.5+150-21
2024-05-05Added hardware info for newfags, added custom gta fish boot logo, documented more issues9+376-3
2024-05-03Added documentation on enabling the GPS on Meshtastic1+11-0
2024-05-03Added pictures of solder pad mistake to warn others2+6-0
2024-05-03Added T-Deck documentation, parts list, gps install guide, etc. Added MQTT connection script (still working on this)3+154-66
2024-04-30Added a preview picture of my T-deck2+2-1
2024-04-30Added documentation on firmware hacking & hardware provisioning, started working on the MQTT interface7+455-314
2024-04-29Added some firmware hacking documentation for customization, white-space cleanup, etc4+65-29
2024-04-28IRC skeleton improved and stripped down, meshtastic serial interfacing mostly complete3+46-107
2024-04-28Meshtastic events all handled mostly now and outputting to stdout, debugging and testing finished2+99-45
2024-04-27Updated tracking progress and notes1+2-0
2024-04-27Improving serial connection for stability, have working reconnection on disconnection now, sorted out pubsub events throwing errors due to triggering the on_node event prior to on_connect1+69-104
2024-04-27Added dynamic interface with tcp and upcomming mqtt hooking. add outgoing messages aswell.2+115-56
2024-04-27Added notes and link to t-deck case1+8-0
2024-04-27Added IRC skeleton, serial comms improved, starting to add TCP interfacing still3+301-3
2024-04-25Updated README documentation and improved overall code-baae of the serial interfacing tool2+121-72
2024-04-25Initial commit3+165-0