httpz- Hyper-fast HTTP Scraping Tool |
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1 #!/usr/bin/env python 2 # HTTPZ Crawler - Developed by acidvegas in Python ( 3 4 ''' 5 BCUZ FUCK HTTPX PYTHON STILL GO HARD 6 ''' 7 8 import argparse 9 import asyncio 10 import json 11 import random 12 import re 13 import logging 14 import ssl 15 import urllib.request 16 17 try: 18 import aiodns 19 except ImportError: 20 print('Missing required module \'aiodns\'. (pip install aiodns)') 21 exit(1) 22 23 try: 24 import aiohttp 25 except ImportError: 26 print('Missing required module \'aiohttp\'. (pip install aiohttp)') 27 exit(1) 28 29 # ANSI escape codes for colors 30 BLUE = '\033[34m' 31 CYAN = '\033[36m' 32 RED = '\033[91m' 33 GREEN = '\033[92m' 34 DARK_GREY = '\033[90m' 35 YELLOW = '\033[93m' 36 RESET = '\033[0m' 37 38 # Globals 39 DNS_SERVERS = None 40 args = None # Global args variable 41 42 def vlog(msg: str): 43 ''' 44 Verbose logging only if enabled 45 46 :param msg: Message to print to console 47 ''' 48 if args.verbose: 49 50 51 52 def create_session(user_agent: str, timeout: int, proxy: str = None) -> dict: 53 ''' 54 Create a custom aiohttp session 55 56 :param user_agent: User agent to use for HTTP requests 57 :param timeout: Timeout for HTTP requests 58 ''' 59 ssl_context = ssl.SSLContext(ssl.PROTOCOL_TLS_CLIENT) 60 ssl_context.check_hostname = False 61 ssl_context.verify_mode = ssl.CERT_NONE 62 63 headers = {'User-Agent': user_agent} 64 connector = aiohttp.TCPConnector(ssl=ssl_context) 65 66 session_params = { 67 'connector': connector, 68 'headers': headers, 69 'timeout': aiohttp.ClientTimeout(total=timeout) 70 } 71 72 return session_params 73 74 75 def get_dns_servers() -> dict: 76 '''Get a list of DNS servers to use for lookups.''' 77 with urllib.request.urlopen('') as source: 78 results ='\n') 79 80 v4_servers = [server for server in results if ':' not in server] 81 v6_servers = [server for server in results if ':' in server] 82 83 return {'4': v4_servers, '6': v6_servers} 84 85 86 async def dns_lookup(domain: str, record_type: str, timeout: int, retry: int) -> list: 87 ''' 88 Resolve DNS information from a domain 89 90 :param domain: Domain name to resolve 91 :param record_type: DNS record type to resolve 92 :param timeout: Timeout for DNS request 93 :param retry: Number of times to retry failed requests 94 ''' 95 for i in range(retry): 96 try: 97 version = '4' if record_type == 'A' else '6' if record_type == 'AAAA' else random.choice(['4','6']) 98 nameserver = random.choice(DNS_SERVERS[version]) 99 resolver = aiodns.DNSResolver(nameservers=[nameserver], timeout=timeout) 100 records = await resolver.query(domain, record_type) 101 return records.cname if record_type == 'CNAME' else [ for record in records] 102 except Exception as e: 103 vlog(f'{RED}[ERROR]{RESET} {domain} - Failed to resolve {record_type} record using {nameserver} {DARK_GREY}({str(e)}){RESET}') 104 return [] 105 106 107 async def get_body(source: str, preview: int) -> str: 108 ''' 109 Get the body of a webpage 110 111 :param source: HTML source of the webpage 112 :param preview: Number of bytes to preview 113 ''' 114 body_content ='<body.*?>(.*?)</body>', source[:5000], re.DOTALL | re.IGNORECASE) 115 processed_content = if body_content else source 116 clean_content = re.sub(r'<[^>]+>', '', processed_content) 117 return clean_content[:preview] 118 119 120 async def get_title(session: aiohttp.ClientSession, domain: str): 121 ''' 122 Get the title of a webpage and its status code 123 124 :param session: aiohttp session 125 :param domain: URL to get the title of 126 ''' 127 title = None 128 body = None 129 status_code = None 130 131 try: 132 async with session.get(domain, timeout=args.timeout, allow_redirects=False) as response: 133 status_code = response.status 134 if status_code in (200, 201): 135 html_content = await response.text() 136 match ='<title>(.*?)</title>', html_content, re.IGNORECASE | re.DOTALL) 137 title = if match else None 138 title = bytes(title, 'utf-8').decode('unicode_escape') if title else None 139 title = re.sub(r'[\r\n]+', ' ', title)[:300] if title else None # Fix this ugly shit 140 body = await get_body(html_content, args.preview) 141 body = re.sub(r'\s+', ' ', body).strip() if body else None 142 elif status_code in (301, 302, 303, 307, 308) and args.retry > 0: # Need to implement a max redirect limit 143 redirect_url = response.headers.get('Location') 144 if redirect_url: 145 vlog(f'{YELLOW}[WARN]{RESET} {domain} -> {redirect_url} {DARK_GREY}({status_code}){RESET}') 146 return await get_title(session, redirect_url) 147 else: 148 vlog(f'{RED}[ERROR]{RESET} No redirect URL found for {domain} {DARK_GREY}({status_code}){RESET}') 149 else: 150 vlog(f'{RED}[ERROR]{RESET} {domain} - Invalid status code {DARK_GREY}{status_code}{RESET}') 151 except asyncio.TimeoutError: 152 vlog(f'{RED}[ERROR]{RESET} {domain} - HTTP request timed out') 153 except Exception as e: 154 vlog(f'{RED}[ERROR]{RESET} Failed to get title for {domain} {DARK_GREY}({e}){RESET}') 155 return title, body, status_code # Fix this ugly shit 156 157 158 async def check_url(session: aiohttp.ClientSession, domain: str): 159 ''' 160 Process a domain name 161 162 :param session: aiohttp session 163 :param domain: URL to get the title of 164 ''' 165 dns_records = {} 166 167 for record_type in ('A', 'AAAA'): 168 records = await dns_lookup(domain, record_type, args.timeout, args.retry) 169 if records: 170 dns_records[record_type] = records 171 if not dns_records: 172 cname_record = await dns_lookup(domain, 'CNAME', args.timeout, args.retry) 173 if cname_record: 174 dns_records['CNAME'] = cname_record 175 domain = cname_record 176 else: 177 vlog(f'{RED}[ERROR]{RESET} No DNS records found for {domain}') 178 return domain, None, None, None, None, None 179 180 title, body, status_code = await get_title(session, f'https://{domain}') 181 if not title and not body: 182 title, body, status_code = await get_title(session, f'http://{domain}') 183 184 if title or body: 185 if status_code in (200, 201): 186 status_code = f'[{GREEN}200{RESET}]' 187 elif status_code in (301, 302, 303, 307, 308): 188 status_code = f'[{YELLOW}{status_code}{RESET}]' 189'{domain} {status_code} [{CYAN}{title}{RESET}] - [{BLUE}{body}{RESET}]') 190 return domain, 'https', title, body, dns_records, status_code 191 else: 192 vlog(f'{RED}[ERROR]{RESET} {domain} - Failed to retrieve title') 193 194 return domain, None, None, None, None, status_code 195 196 197 async def process_file(): 198 ''' 199 Process a list of domains from file 200 ''' 201 202 session_params = create_session(args.user_agent, args.timeout, args.proxy) 203 204 async with aiohttp.ClientSession(**session_params) as session: 205 tasks = set() 206 with open(args.file, 'r') as file: 207 for line in file: 208 domain = line.strip() 209 if domain: 210 tasks.add(asyncio.create_task(check_url(session, domain))) 211 212 if len(tasks) >= args.concurrency: # Should be a better way to do this 213 done, tasks = await asyncio.wait(tasks, return_when=asyncio.FIRST_COMPLETED) 214 215 for task in done: 216 domain, protocol, title, body, dns_records, status_code = task.result() 217 if title or body or dns_records: 218 write_result_to_file(domain, protocol, title, body, dns_records, status_code) 219 220 221 if tasks: 222 done, _ = await asyncio.wait(tasks) 223 for task in done: 224 domain, protocol, title, body, dns_records, status_code = task.result() 225 if title: 226 write_result_to_file(domain, protocol, title, body, dns_records, status_code) 227 228 229 230 231 def write_result_to_file(domain, protocol, title, body, dns_records, status_code): 232 ''' 233 Write a single domain result to file 234 235 :param domain: Domain name 236 :param protocol: Protocol used (http or https) 237 :param title: Title of the domain 238 :param dns_records: DNS records of the domain 239 :param status_code: HTTP status code 240 ''' 241 result = { 242 'domain': domain, 243 'protocol': protocol, 244 'status_code': status_code, 245 'title': title, 246 'body': body, 247 'dns_records': dns_records 248 } 249 with open(args.output, 'a') as f: 250 json.dump(result, f) 251 f.write('\n') 252 253 254 def main(): 255 global DNS_SERVERS, args 256 257 parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Check URLs from a file asynchronously, perform DNS lookups and store results in JSON.') 258 parser.add_argument('file', help='File containing list of domains') 259 parser.add_argument('-c', '--concurrency', type=int, default=10, help='Number of concurrent requests') 260 parser.add_argument('-m', '--memory_limit', type=int, default=1000, help='Number of results to store in memory before syncing to file') 261 parser.add_argument('-o', '--output', default='results.json', help='Output file') 262 parser.add_argument('-t', '--timeout', type=int, default=10, help='Timeout for HTTP requests') 263 parser.add_argument('-u', '--user_agent', default='Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; Googlebot/2.1; +', help='User agent to use for HTTP requests') 264 parser.add_argument('-x', '--proxy', type=str, help='Proxy to use for HTTP requests') 265 parser.add_argument('-r', '--retry', type=int, default=2, help='Number of times to retry failed requests') 266 parser.add_argument('-v', '--verbose', action='store_true', help='Increase output verbosity') 267 parser.add_argument('-p', '--preview', type=int, default=500, help='Preview size in bytes for body & title (default: 500)') 268 args = parser.parse_args() 269 270 log_level = logging.INFO 271 logging.basicConfig(level=log_level, format=f'{DARK_GREY}%(asctime)s{RESET} %(message)s', datefmt='%H:%M:%S') 272 273'Loading DNS servers...') 274 DNS_SERVERS = get_dns_servers() 275 if not DNS_SERVERS: 276 logging.fatal('Failed to get DNS servers.') 277'Found {len(DNS_SERVERS["4"])} IPv4 and {len(DNS_SERVERS["6"])} IPv6 DNS servers.') 278 279 280 281 if __name__ == '__main__': 282 main()