
- Unnamed repository; edit this file 'description' to name the repository.
git clone git://git.acid.vegas/-c.git
Log | Files | Refs | Archive | README | LICENSE

DateCommit messageFiles+-
2024-12-13Added certificate based authentication option2+88-12
2024-12-09Allow no auth connections3+2-6
2024-12-06Added missing spacer between 'Uptime' and 'OS'2+1-1
2024-12-06Fixed more padding & layout issues, renamed 'Node Roles' to 'Legend', cleaned up cluster metrics, etc2+250-172
2024-12-06Added node uptimes, fixed padding and spacing in various spots to fit everything better. cluster stats box being redone with better stat displays (still working on that)2+161-138
2024-12-03Indexes being written to are sorted to the top now2+6-1
2024-12-03Added thread pool information parsing for node ingestion/task stats, fixed some dynamic padding on the transport address2+54-11
2024-12-03Added API authentication support2+31-2
2024-11-30Added support for data streams2+38-6
2024-11-29Sorting nodes by name now, dynamic padding for indexes based on if hidden indexes are toggled, fixed width for the node roles panel2+72-50
2024-11-29Added a toggle to press h to hide/show hidden indexes2+51-45
2024-11-29Added http support2+23-3
2024-11-29Removed leftover dev comments1+2-2
2024-11-29Pointless comments removed from source1+3-32
2024-11-29Removed un-used var1+0-1
2024-11-29Ensure no negative padding2+8-7
2024-11-29Fixed typo in git clone command1+1-1
2024-11-29Added dynamic node/index name padding & togglable boxes2+201-61
2024-11-29Fixed size displays2+10-7
2024-11-29Fixed incorrect size letter shown1+11-10
2024-11-29fixed typo in readme git clone url1+1-1
2024-11-29Added binary2+1-3
2024-11-29Initial commit7+1249-0