
- Random tools & helpful resources for IRC
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      1 #!/usr/bin/env python
      2 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
      3 # Scroll IRC Art Bot - Developed by acidvegas in Python (
      4 #
      6 '''
      7 Credits to VXP for making the original "pngbot" script (
      8 '''
     10 import os
     11 import urllib.request
     13 from PIL import Image, ImageDraw, ImageFont
     15 def flip_cell_state(cellState, bit):
     16 	if cellState & bit:
     17 		return cellState & ~bit
     18 	else:
     19 		return cellState | bit
     21 def parse_char(colourSpec, curColours):
     22 	if len(colourSpec) > 0:
     23 		colourSpec = colourSpec.split(',')
     24 		if len(colourSpec) == 2 and len(colourSpec[1]) > 0:
     25 			return (int(colourSpec[0] or curColours[0]), int(colourSpec[1]))
     26 		elif len(colourSpec) == 1 or len(colourSpec[1]) == 0:
     27 			return (int(colourSpec[0]), curColours[1])
     28 	else:
     29 		return (15, 1)
     31 def ascii_png(url):
     32 	text_file = os.path.join('data','temp.txt')
     33 	if os.path.isfile(text_file):
     34 		os.remove(text_file)
     35 	urllib.request.urlretrieve(url, text_file)
     36 	data = open(text_file)
     37 	inCurColourSpec = ''
     38 	inCurRow = -1
     39 	inLine = data.readline()
     40 	inSize = [0, 0]
     41 	inMaxCols = 0
     42 	outMap = []
     43 	while inLine:
     44 		inCellState = 0x00
     45 		inParseState = 1
     46 		inCurCol = 0
     47 		inMaxCol = len(inLine)
     48 		inCurColourDigits = 0
     49 		inCurColours = (15, 1)
     50 		inCurColourSpec = ''
     51 		inCurRow += 1
     52 		outMap.append([])
     53 		inRowCols = 0
     54 		inSize[1] += 1
     55 		while inCurCol < inMaxCol:
     56 			inChar = inLine[inCurCol]
     57 			if inChar in set('\r\n'):
     58 				inCurCol += 1
     59 			elif inParseState == 1:
     60 				inCurCol += 1
     61 				if inChar == '':
     62 					inCellState = flip_cell_state(inCellState, 0x01)
     63 				elif inChar == '':
     64 					inParseState = 2
     65 				elif inChar == '':
     66 					inCellState = flip_cell_state(inCellState, 0x02)
     67 				elif inChar == '':
     68 					inCellState |= 0x00
     69 					inCurColours = (15, 1)
     70 				elif inChar == '':
     71 					inCurColours = (inCurColours[1], inCurColours[0])
     72 				elif inChar == '':
     73 					inCellState = flip_cell_state(inCellState, 0x04)
     74 				else:
     75 					inRowCols += 1
     76 					outMap[inCurRow].append([*inCurColours, inCellState, inChar])
     77 			elif inParseState == 2 or inParseState == 3:
     78 				if inChar == ',' and inParseState == 2:
     79 					if (inCurCol + 1) < inMaxCol and not inLine[inCurCol + 1] in set('0123456789'):
     80 						inCurColours = parse_char(inCurColourSpec, inCurColours)
     81 						inCurColourDigits = 0
     82 						inCurColourSpec = ''
     83 						inParseState = 1
     84 					else:
     85 						inCurCol += 1
     86 						inCurColourDigits = 0
     87 						inCurColourSpec += inChar
     88 						inParseState = 3
     89 				elif inChar in set('0123456789') and inCurColourDigits == 0:
     90 					inCurCol += 1
     91 					inCurColourDigits += 1
     92 					inCurColourSpec += inChar
     93 				elif inChar in set('0123456789') and inCurColourDigits == 1 and inCurColourSpec[-1] == '0':
     94 					inCurCol += 1
     95 					inCurColourDigits += 1
     96 					inCurColourSpec += inChar
     97 				elif inChar in set('012345') and inCurColourDigits == 1 and inCurColourSpec[-1] == '1':
     98 					inCurCol += 1
     99 					inCurColourDigits += 1
    100 					inCurColourSpec += inChar
    101 				else:
    102 					inCurColours = parse_char(inCurColourSpec, inCurColours)
    103 					inCurColourDigits = 0
    104 					inCurColourSpec = ''
    105 					inParseState = 1
    106 		inMaxCols = max(inMaxCols, inRowCols)
    107 		inLine = data.readline()
    108 	inSize[0] = inMaxCols
    109 	canvas_data = outMap
    110 	numRowCols = 0
    111 	for numRow in range(len(outMap)):
    112 		numRowCols = max(numRowCols, len(outMap[numRow]))
    113 	for numRow in range(len(outMap)):
    114 		if len(outMap[numRow]) != numRowCols:
    115 			for numColOff in range(numRowCols - len(outMap[numRow])):
    116 				outMap[numRow].append([1,1,0,' '])
    117 		outMap[numRow].insert(0,[1,1,0,' '])
    118 		outMap[numRow].append([1,1,0,' '])
    119 	outMap.insert(0,[[1,1,0,' ']] * len(outMap[0]))
    120 	outMap.append([[1,1,0,' ']] * len(outMap[0]))
    121 	inCanvasMap = outMap
    122 	outImgFont = ImageFont.truetype(os.path.join('data','DejaVuSansMono.ttf'), 11)
    123 	outImgFontSize = [*outImgFont.getsize(' ')]
    124 	outImgFontSize[1] += 3
    125 	ColorsBold   = [[255,255,255],[85,85,85],[85,85,255],[85,255,85],[255,85,85],[255,85,85],[255,85,255],[255,255,85],[255,255,85],[85,255,85],[85,255,255],[85,255,255],[85,85,255],[255,85,255],[85,85,85],[255,255,255]]
    126 	ColorsNormal = [[255,255,255],[0,0,0],[0,0,187],[0,187,0],[255,85,85],[187,0,0],[187,0,187],[187,187,0],[255,255,85],[85,255,85],[0,187,187],[85,255,255],[85,85,255],[255,85,255],[85,85,85],[187,187,187]]
    127 	inSize = (len(inCanvasMap[0]), len(inCanvasMap))
    128 	outSize = [a*b for a,b in zip(inSize, outImgFontSize)]
    129 	outCurPos = [0, 0]
    130 	outImg ='RGBA', outSize, (*ColorsNormal[1], 255))
    131 	outImgDraw = ImageDraw.Draw(outImg)
    132 	for inCurRow in range(len(inCanvasMap)):
    133 		for inCurCol in range(len(inCanvasMap[inCurRow])):
    134 			inCurCell = inCanvasMap[inCurRow][inCurCol]
    135 			outColours = [0, 0]
    136 			if inCurCell[2] & 0x01:
    137 				if inCurCell[3] != ' ':
    138 					if inCurCell[3] == '█':
    139 						outColours[1] = ColorsNormal[inCurCell[0]]
    140 					else:
    141 						outColours[0] = ColorsBold[inCurCell[0]]
    142 						outColours[1] = ColorsNormal[inCurCell[1]]
    143 				else:
    144 					outColours[1] = ColorsNormal[inCurCell[1]]
    145 			else:
    146 				if inCurCell[3] != ' ':
    147 					if inCurCell[3] == '█':
    148 						outColours[1] = ColorsNormal[inCurCell[0]]
    149 					else:
    150 						outColours[0] = ColorsNormal[inCurCell[0]]
    151 						outColours[1] = ColorsNormal[inCurCell[1]]
    152 				else:
    153 					outColours[1] = ColorsNormal[inCurCell[1]]
    154 			outImgDraw.rectangle((*outCurPos,outCurPos[0] + outImgFontSize[0], outCurPos[1] + outImgFontSize[1]), fill=(*outColours[1], 255))
    155 			if  not inCurCell[3] in ' █' and outColours[0] != outColours[1]:
    156 				outImgDraw.text(outCurPos,inCurCell[3], (*outColours[0], 255), outImgFont)
    157 			if inCurCell[2] & 0x04:
    158 				outColours[0] = ColorsNormal[inCurCell[0]]
    159 				outImgDraw.line(xy=(outCurPos[0], outCurPos[1] + (outImgFontSize[1] - 2), outCurPos[0] + outImgFontSize[0], outCurPos[1] + (outImgFontSize[1] - 2)), fill=(*outColours[0], 255))
    160 			outCurPos[0] += outImgFontSize[0]
    161 		outCurPos[0] = 0
    162 		outCurPos[1] += outImgFontSize[1]
    163 	out_file = os.path.join('data','temp.png')
    164 	if os.path.isfile(out_file):
    165 		os.remove(out_file)