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Smooth_font.cpp (19810B)

      1  // Coded by Bodmer 10/2/18, see license in root directory.
      2  // This is part of the TFT_eSPI class and is associated with anti-aliased font functions
      5 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
      6 // New anti-aliased (smoothed) font functions added below
      7 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
      9 /***************************************************************************************
     10 ** Function name:           loadFont
     11 ** Description:             loads parameters from a font vlw array in memory
     12 *************************************************************************************x*/
     13 void TFT_eSPI::loadFont(const uint8_t array[])
     14 {
     15   if (array == nullptr) return;
     16   fontPtr = (uint8_t*) array;
     17   loadFont("", false);
     18 }
     20 #ifdef FONT_FS_AVAILABLE
     21 /***************************************************************************************
     22 ** Function name:           loadFont
     23 ** Description:             loads parameters from a font vlw file
     24 *************************************************************************************x*/
     25 void TFT_eSPI::loadFont(String fontName, fs::FS &ffs)
     26 {
     27   fontFS = ffs;
     28   loadFont(fontName, false);
     29 }
     30 #endif
     32 /***************************************************************************************
     33 ** Function name:           loadFont
     34 ** Description:             loads parameters from a font vlw file
     35 *************************************************************************************x*/
     36 void TFT_eSPI::loadFont(String fontName, bool flash)
     37 {
     38   /*
     39     The vlw font format does not appear to be documented anywhere, so some reverse
     40     engineering has been applied!
     42     Header of vlw file comprises 6 uint32_t parameters (24 bytes total):
     43       1. The gCount (number of character glyphs)
     44       2. A version number (0xB = 11 for the one I am using)
     45       3. The font size (in points, not pixels)
     46       4. Deprecated mboxY parameter (typically set to 0)
     47       5. Ascent in pixels from baseline to top of "d"
     48       6. Descent in pixels from baseline to bottom of "p"
     50     Next are gCount sets of values for each glyph, each set comprises 7 int32t parameters (28 bytes):
     51       1. Glyph Unicode stored as a 32 bit value
     52       2. Height of bitmap bounding box
     53       3. Width of bitmap bounding box
     54       4. gxAdvance for cursor (setWidth in Processing)
     55       5. dY = distance from cursor baseline to top of glyph bitmap (signed value +ve = up)
     56       6. dX = distance from cursor to left side of glyph bitmap (signed value -ve = left)
     57       7. padding value, typically 0
     59     The bitmaps start next at 24 + (28 * gCount) bytes from the start of the file.
     60     Each pixel is 1 byte, an 8 bit Alpha value which represents the transparency from
     61     0xFF foreground colour, 0x00 background. The library uses a linear interpolation
     62     between the foreground and background RGB component colours. e.g.
     63         pixelRed = ((fgRed * alpha) + (bgRed * (255 - alpha))/255
     64     To gain a performance advantage fixed point arithmetic is used with rounding and
     65     division by 256 (shift right 8 bits is faster).
     67     After the bitmaps is:
     68        1 byte for font name string length (excludes null)
     69        a zero terminated character string giving the font name
     70        1 byte for Postscript name string length
     71        a zero/one terminated character string giving the font name
     72        last byte is 0 for non-anti-aliased and 1 for anti-aliased (smoothed)
     75     Glyph bitmap example is:
     76     // Cursor coordinate positions for this and next character are marked by 'C'
     77     // C<------- gxAdvance ------->C  gxAdvance is how far to move cursor for next glyph cursor position
     78     // |                           |
     79     // |                           |   ascent is top of "d", descent is bottom of "p"
     80     // +-- gdX --+             ascent
     81     // |         +-- gWidth--+     |   gdX is offset to left edge of glyph bitmap
     82     // |   +     x@.........@x  +  |   gdX may be negative e.g. italic "y" tail extending to left of
     83     // |   |     @@.........@@  |  |   cursor position, plot top left corner of bitmap at (cursorX + gdX)
     84     // |   |     @@.........@@ gdY |   gWidth and gHeight are glyph bitmap dimensions
     85     // |   |     .@@@.....@@@@  |  |
     86     // | gHeight ....@@@@@..@@  +  +    <-- baseline
     87     // |   |     ...........@@     |
     88     // |   |     ...........@@     |   gdY is the offset to the top edge of the bitmap
     89     // |   |     .@@.......@@. descent plot top edge of bitmap at (cursorY + ascent - gdY)
     90     // |   +     x..@@@@@@@..x     |   x marks the corner pixels of the bitmap
     91     // |                           |
     92     // +---------------------------+   yAdvance is y delta for the next line, font size or (ascent + descent)
     93     //                                 some fonts can overlay in y direction so may need a user adjust value
     95   */
     97   if (fontLoaded) unloadFont();
     99 #ifdef FONT_FS_AVAILABLE
    100   if (fontName == "") fs_font = false;
    101   else { fontPtr = nullptr; fs_font = true; }
    103   if (fs_font) {
    104     spiffs = flash; // true if font is in SPIFFS
    106     if(spiffs) fontFS = SPIFFS;
    108     // Avoid a crash on the ESP32 if the file does not exist
    109     if (fontFS.exists("/" + fontName + ".vlw") == false) {
    110       Serial.println("Font file " + fontName + " not found!");
    111       return;
    112     }
    114     fontFile = "/" + fontName + ".vlw", "r");
    116     if(!fontFile) return;
    118, fs::SeekSet);
    119   }
    120 #else
    121   // Avoid unused varaible warning
    122   fontName = fontName;
    123   flash = flash;
    124 #endif
    126   gFont.gArray   = (const uint8_t*)fontPtr;
    128   gFont.gCount   = (uint16_t)readInt32(); // glyph count in file
    129                              readInt32(); // vlw encoder version - discard
    130   gFont.yAdvance = (uint16_t)readInt32(); // Font size in points, not pixels
    131                              readInt32(); // discard
    132   gFont.ascent   = (uint16_t)readInt32(); // top of "d"
    133   gFont.descent  = (uint16_t)readInt32(); // bottom of "p"
    135   // These next gFont values might be updated when the Metrics are fetched
    136   gFont.maxAscent  = gFont.ascent;   // Determined from metrics
    137   gFont.maxDescent = gFont.descent;  // Determined from metrics
    138   gFont.yAdvance   = gFont.ascent + gFont.descent;
    139   gFont.spaceWidth = gFont.yAdvance / 4;  // Guess at space width
    141   fontLoaded = true;
    143   // Fetch the metrics for each glyph
    144   loadMetrics();
    145 }
    148 /***************************************************************************************
    149 ** Function name:           loadMetrics
    150 ** Description:             Get the metrics for each glyph and store in RAM
    151 *************************************************************************************x*/
    152 //#define SHOW_ASCENT_DESCENT
    153 void TFT_eSPI::loadMetrics(void)
    154 {
    155   uint32_t headerPtr = 24;
    156   uint32_t bitmapPtr = headerPtr + gFont.gCount * 28;
    158 #if defined (ESP32) && defined (CONFIG_SPIRAM_SUPPORT)
    159   if ( psramFound() )
    160   {
    161     gUnicode  = (uint16_t*)ps_malloc( gFont.gCount * 2); // Unicode 16 bit Basic Multilingual Plane (0-FFFF)
    162     gHeight   =  (uint8_t*)ps_malloc( gFont.gCount );    // Height of glyph
    163     gWidth    =  (uint8_t*)ps_malloc( gFont.gCount );    // Width of glyph
    164     gxAdvance =  (uint8_t*)ps_malloc( gFont.gCount );    // xAdvance - to move x cursor
    165     gdY       =  (int16_t*)ps_malloc( gFont.gCount * 2); // offset from bitmap top edge from lowest point in any character
    166     gdX       =   (int8_t*)ps_malloc( gFont.gCount );    // offset for bitmap left edge relative to cursor X
    167     gBitmap   = (uint32_t*)ps_malloc( gFont.gCount * 4); // seek pointer to glyph bitmap in the file
    168   }
    169   else
    170 #endif
    171   {
    172     gUnicode  = (uint16_t*)malloc( gFont.gCount * 2); // Unicode 16 bit Basic Multilingual Plane (0-FFFF)
    173     gHeight   =  (uint8_t*)malloc( gFont.gCount );    // Height of glyph
    174     gWidth    =  (uint8_t*)malloc( gFont.gCount );    // Width of glyph
    175     gxAdvance =  (uint8_t*)malloc( gFont.gCount );    // xAdvance - to move x cursor
    176     gdY       =  (int16_t*)malloc( gFont.gCount * 2); // offset from bitmap top edge from lowest point in any character
    177     gdX       =   (int8_t*)malloc( gFont.gCount );    // offset for bitmap left edge relative to cursor X
    178     gBitmap   = (uint32_t*)malloc( gFont.gCount * 4); // seek pointer to glyph bitmap in the file
    179   }
    181 #ifdef SHOW_ASCENT_DESCENT
    182   Serial.print("ascent  = "); Serial.println(gFont.ascent);
    183   Serial.print("descent = "); Serial.println(gFont.descent);
    184 #endif
    186 #ifdef FONT_FS_AVAILABLE
    187   if (fs_font), fs::SeekSet);
    188 #endif
    190   uint16_t gNum = 0;
    192   while (gNum < gFont.gCount)
    193   {
    194     gUnicode[gNum]  = (uint16_t)readInt32(); // Unicode code point value
    195     gHeight[gNum]   =  (uint8_t)readInt32(); // Height of glyph
    196     gWidth[gNum]    =  (uint8_t)readInt32(); // Width of glyph
    197     gxAdvance[gNum] =  (uint8_t)readInt32(); // xAdvance - to move x cursor
    198     gdY[gNum]       =  (int16_t)readInt32(); // y delta from baseline
    199     gdX[gNum]       =   (int8_t)readInt32(); // x delta from cursor
    200     readInt32(); // ignored
    202     //Serial.print("Unicode = 0x"); Serial.print(gUnicode[gNum], HEX); Serial.print(", gHeight  = "); Serial.println(gHeight[gNum]);
    203     //Serial.print("Unicode = 0x"); Serial.print(gUnicode[gNum], HEX); Serial.print(", gWidth  = "); Serial.println(gWidth[gNum]);
    204     //Serial.print("Unicode = 0x"); Serial.print(gUnicode[gNum], HEX); Serial.print(", gxAdvance  = "); Serial.println(gxAdvance[gNum]);
    205     //Serial.print("Unicode = 0x"); Serial.print(gUnicode[gNum], HEX); Serial.print(", gdY  = "); Serial.println(gdY[gNum]);
    207     // Different glyph sets have different ascent values not always based on "d", so we could get
    208     // the maximum glyph ascent by checking all characters. BUT this method can generate bad values
    209     // for non-existent glyphs, so we will reply on processing for the value and disable this code for now...
    210     /*
    211     if (gdY[gNum] > gFont.maxAscent)
    212     {
    213       // Try to avoid UTF coding values and characters that tend to give duff values
    214       if (((gUnicode[gNum] > 0x20) && (gUnicode[gNum] < 0x7F)) || (gUnicode[gNum] > 0xA0))
    215       {
    216         gFont.maxAscent   = gdY[gNum];
    217 #ifdef SHOW_ASCENT_DESCENT
    218         Serial.print("Unicode = 0x"); Serial.print(gUnicode[gNum], HEX); Serial.print(", maxAscent  = "); Serial.println(gFont.maxAscent);
    219 #endif
    220       }
    221     }
    222     */
    224     // Different glyph sets have different descent values not always based on "p", so get maximum glyph descent
    225     if (((int16_t)gHeight[gNum] - (int16_t)gdY[gNum]) > gFont.maxDescent)
    226     {
    227       // Avoid UTF coding values and characters that tend to give duff values
    228       if (((gUnicode[gNum] > 0x20) && (gUnicode[gNum] < 0xA0) && (gUnicode[gNum] != 0x7F)) || (gUnicode[gNum] > 0xFF))
    229       {
    230         gFont.maxDescent   = gHeight[gNum] - gdY[gNum];
    231 #ifdef SHOW_ASCENT_DESCENT
    232         Serial.print("Unicode = 0x"); Serial.print(gUnicode[gNum], HEX); Serial.print(", maxDescent = "); Serial.println(gHeight[gNum] - gdY[gNum]);
    233 #endif
    234       }
    235     }
    237     gBitmap[gNum] = bitmapPtr;
    239     bitmapPtr += gWidth[gNum] * gHeight[gNum];
    241     gNum++;
    242     yield();
    243   }
    245   gFont.yAdvance = gFont.maxAscent + gFont.maxDescent;
    247   gFont.spaceWidth = (gFont.ascent + gFont.descent) * 2/7;  // Guess at space width
    248 }
    251 /***************************************************************************************
    252 ** Function name:           deleteMetrics
    253 ** Description:             Delete the old glyph metrics and free up the memory
    254 *************************************************************************************x*/
    255 void TFT_eSPI::unloadFont( void )
    256 {
    257   if (gUnicode)
    258   {
    259     free(gUnicode);
    260     gUnicode = NULL;
    261   }
    263   if (gHeight)
    264   {
    265     free(gHeight);
    266     gHeight = NULL;
    267   }
    269   if (gWidth)
    270   {
    271     free(gWidth);
    272     gWidth = NULL;
    273   }
    275   if (gxAdvance)
    276   {
    277     free(gxAdvance);
    278     gxAdvance = NULL;
    279   }
    281   if (gdY)
    282   {
    283     free(gdY);
    284     gdY = NULL;
    285   }
    287   if (gdX)
    288   {
    289     free(gdX);
    290     gdX = NULL;
    291   }
    293   if (gBitmap)
    294   {
    295     free(gBitmap);
    296     gBitmap = NULL;
    297   }
    299   gFont.gArray = nullptr;
    301 #ifdef FONT_FS_AVAILABLE
    302   if (fs_font && fontFile) fontFile.close();
    303 #endif
    305   fontLoaded = false;
    306 }
    309 /***************************************************************************************
    310 ** Function name:           readInt32
    311 ** Description:             Get a 32 bit integer from the font file
    312 *************************************************************************************x*/
    313 uint32_t TFT_eSPI::readInt32(void)
    314 {
    315   uint32_t val = 0;
    317 #ifdef FONT_FS_AVAILABLE
    318   if (fs_font) {
    319     val  = << 24;
    320     val |= << 16;
    321     val |= << 8;
    322     val |=;
    323   }
    324   else
    325 #endif
    326   {
    327     val  = pgm_read_byte(fontPtr++) << 24;
    328     val |= pgm_read_byte(fontPtr++) << 16;
    329     val |= pgm_read_byte(fontPtr++) << 8;
    330     val |= pgm_read_byte(fontPtr++);
    331   }
    333   return val;
    334 }
    337 /***************************************************************************************
    338 ** Function name:           getUnicodeIndex
    339 ** Description:             Get the font file index of a Unicode character
    340 *************************************************************************************x*/
    341 bool TFT_eSPI::getUnicodeIndex(uint16_t unicode, uint16_t *index)
    342 {
    343   for (uint16_t i = 0; i < gFont.gCount; i++)
    344   {
    345     if (gUnicode[i] == unicode)
    346     {
    347       *index = i;
    348       return true;
    349     }
    350   }
    351   return false;
    352 }
    355 /***************************************************************************************
    356 ** Function name:           drawGlyph
    357 ** Description:             Write a character to the TFT cursor position
    358 *************************************************************************************x*/
    359 // Expects file to be open
    360 void TFT_eSPI::drawGlyph(uint16_t code)
    361 {
    362   uint16_t fg = textcolor;
    363   uint16_t bg = textbgcolor;
    365   // Check if cursor has moved
    366   if (last_cursor_x != cursor_x)
    367   {
    368     bg_cursor_x = cursor_x;
    369     last_cursor_x = cursor_x;
    370   }
    372   if (code < 0x21)
    373   {
    374     if (code == 0x20) {
    375       if (_fillbg) fillRect(bg_cursor_x, cursor_y, (cursor_x + gFont.spaceWidth) - bg_cursor_x, gFont.yAdvance, bg);
    376       cursor_x += gFont.spaceWidth;
    377       bg_cursor_x = cursor_x;
    378       last_cursor_x = cursor_x;
    379       return;
    380     }
    382     if (code == '\n') {
    383       cursor_x = 0;
    384       bg_cursor_x = 0;
    385       last_cursor_x = 0;
    386       cursor_y += gFont.yAdvance;
    387       if (textwrapY && (cursor_y >= height())) cursor_y = 0;
    388       return;
    389     }
    390   }
    392   uint16_t gNum = 0;
    393   bool found = getUnicodeIndex(code, &gNum);
    395   if (found)
    396   {
    398     if (textwrapX && (cursor_x + gWidth[gNum] + gdX[gNum] > width()))
    399     {
    400       cursor_y += gFont.yAdvance;
    401       cursor_x = 0;
    402       bg_cursor_x = 0;
    403     }
    404     if (textwrapY && ((cursor_y + gFont.yAdvance) >= height())) cursor_y = 0;
    405     if (cursor_x == 0) cursor_x -= gdX[gNum];
    407     uint8_t* pbuffer = nullptr;
    408     const uint8_t* gPtr = (const uint8_t*) gFont.gArray;
    410 #ifdef FONT_FS_AVAILABLE
    411     if (fs_font)
    412     {
    413[gNum], fs::SeekSet);
    414       pbuffer =  (uint8_t*)malloc(gWidth[gNum]);
    415     }
    416 #endif
    418     int16_t cy = cursor_y + gFont.maxAscent - gdY[gNum];
    419     int16_t cx = cursor_x + gdX[gNum];
    421     //  if (cx > width() && bg_cursor_x > width()) return;
    422     //  if (cursor_y > height()) return;
    424     int16_t  fxs = cx;
    425     uint32_t fl = 0;
    426     int16_t  bxs = cx;
    427     uint32_t bl = 0;
    428     int16_t  bx = 0;
    429     uint8_t pixel;
    431     startWrite(); // Avoid slow ESP32 transaction overhead for every pixel
    433     int16_t fillwidth  = 0;
    434     int16_t fillheight = 0;
    436     // Fill area above glyph
    437     if (_fillbg) {
    438       fillwidth  = (cursor_x + gxAdvance[gNum]) - bg_cursor_x;
    439       if (fillwidth > 0) {
    440         fillheight = gFont.maxAscent - gdY[gNum];
    441         // Could be negative
    442         if (fillheight > 0) {
    443           fillRect(bg_cursor_x, cursor_y, fillwidth, fillheight, textbgcolor);
    444         }
    445       }
    446       else {
    447         // Could be negative
    448         fillwidth = 0;
    449       }
    451       // Fill any area to left of glyph                              
    452       if (bg_cursor_x < cx) fillRect(bg_cursor_x, cy, cx - bg_cursor_x, gHeight[gNum], textbgcolor);
    453       // Set x position in glyph area where background starts
    454       if (bg_cursor_x > cx) bx = bg_cursor_x - cx;
    455       // Fill any area to right of glyph
    456       if (cx + gWidth[gNum] < cursor_x + gxAdvance[gNum]) {
    457         fillRect(cx + gWidth[gNum], cy, (cursor_x + gxAdvance[gNum]) - (cx + gWidth[gNum]), gHeight[gNum], textbgcolor);
    458       }
    459     }
    461     for (int32_t y = 0; y < gHeight[gNum]; y++)
    462     {
    463 #ifdef FONT_FS_AVAILABLE
    464       if (fs_font) {
    465         if (spiffs)
    466         {
    467 , gWidth[gNum]);
    468           //Serial.println("SPIFFS");
    469         }
    470         else
    471         {
    472           endWrite();    // Release SPI for SD card transaction
    473 , gWidth[gNum]);
    474           startWrite();  // Re-start SPI for TFT transaction
    475           //Serial.println("Not SPIFFS");
    476         }
    477       }
    478 #endif
    480       for (int32_t x = 0; x < gWidth[gNum]; x++)
    481       {
    482 #ifdef FONT_FS_AVAILABLE
    483         if (fs_font) pixel = pbuffer[x];
    484         else
    485 #endif
    486         pixel = pgm_read_byte(gPtr + gBitmap[gNum] + x + gWidth[gNum] * y);
    488         if (pixel)
    489         {
    490           if (bl) { drawFastHLine( bxs, y + cy, bl, bg); bl = 0; }
    491           if (pixel != 0xFF)
    492           {
    493             if (fl) {
    494               if (fl==1) drawPixel(fxs, y + cy, fg);
    495               else drawFastHLine( fxs, y + cy, fl, fg);
    496               fl = 0;
    497             }
    498             if (getColor) bg = getColor(x + cx, y + cy);
    499             drawPixel(x + cx, y + cy, alphaBlend(pixel, fg, bg));
    500           }
    501           else
    502           {
    503             if (fl==0) fxs = x + cx;
    504             fl++;
    505           }
    506         }
    507         else
    508         {
    509           if (fl) { drawFastHLine( fxs, y + cy, fl, fg); fl = 0; }
    510           if (_fillbg) {
    511             if (x >= bx) {
    512               if (bl==0) bxs = x + cx;
    513               bl++;
    514             }
    515           }
    516         }
    517       }
    518       if (fl) { drawFastHLine( fxs, y + cy, fl, fg); fl = 0; }
    519       if (bl) { drawFastHLine( bxs, y + cy, bl, bg); bl = 0; }
    520     }
    522     // Fill area below glyph
    523     if (fillwidth > 0) {
    524       fillheight = (cursor_y + gFont.yAdvance) - (cy + gHeight[gNum]);
    525       if (fillheight > 0) {
    526         fillRect(bg_cursor_x, cy + gHeight[gNum], fillwidth, fillheight, textbgcolor);
    527       }
    528     }
    530     if (pbuffer) free(pbuffer);
    531     cursor_x += gxAdvance[gNum];
    532     endWrite();
    533   }
    534   else
    535   {
    536     // Point code not in font so draw a rectangle and move on cursor
    537     drawRect(cursor_x, cursor_y + gFont.maxAscent - gFont.ascent, gFont.spaceWidth, gFont.ascent, fg);
    538     cursor_x += gFont.spaceWidth + 1;
    539   }
    540   bg_cursor_x = cursor_x;
    541   last_cursor_x = cursor_x;
    542 }
    544 /***************************************************************************************
    545 ** Function name:           showFont
    546 ** Description:             Page through all characters in font, td ms between screens
    547 *************************************************************************************x*/
    548 void TFT_eSPI::showFont(uint32_t td)
    549 {
    550   if(!fontLoaded) return;
    552   int16_t cursorX = width(); // Force start of new page to initialise cursor
    553   int16_t cursorY = height();// for the first character
    554   uint32_t timeDelay = 0;    // No delay before first page
    556   fillScreen(textbgcolor);
    558   for (uint16_t i = 0; i < gFont.gCount; i++)
    559   {
    560     // Check if this will need a new screen
    561     if (cursorX + gdX[i] + gWidth[i] >= width())  {
    562       cursorX = -gdX[i];
    564       cursorY += gFont.yAdvance;
    565       if (cursorY + gFont.maxAscent + gFont.descent >= height()) {
    566         cursorX = -gdX[i];
    567         cursorY = 0;
    568         delay(timeDelay);
    569         timeDelay = td;
    570         fillScreen(textbgcolor);
    571       }
    572     }
    574     setCursor(cursorX, cursorY);
    575     drawGlyph(gUnicode[i]);
    576     cursorX += gxAdvance[i];
    577     yield();
    578   }
    580   delay(timeDelay);
    581   fillScreen(textbgcolor);
    582 }