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Button.cpp (3183B)

      1 /***************************************************************************************
      2 ** Code for the GFX button UI element
      3 ** Grabbed from Adafruit_GFX library and enhanced to handle any label font
      4 ***************************************************************************************/
      5 TFT_eSPI_Button::TFT_eSPI_Button(void) {
      6   _gfx       = nullptr;
      7   _xd        = 0;
      8   _yd        = 0;
      9   _textdatum = MC_DATUM;
     10   _label[9]  = '\0';
     11   currstate = false;
     12   laststate = false;
     13 }
     15 // Classic initButton() function: pass center & size
     16 void TFT_eSPI_Button::initButton(
     17  TFT_eSPI *gfx, int16_t x, int16_t y, uint16_t w, uint16_t h,
     18  uint16_t outline, uint16_t fill, uint16_t textcolor,
     19  char *label, uint8_t textsize)
     20 {
     21   // Tweak arguments and pass to the newer initButtonUL() function...
     22   initButtonUL(gfx, x - (w / 2), y - (h / 2), w, h, outline, fill,
     23     textcolor, label, textsize);
     24 }
     26 // Newer function instead accepts upper-left corner & size
     27 void TFT_eSPI_Button::initButtonUL(
     28  TFT_eSPI *gfx, int16_t x1, int16_t y1, uint16_t w, uint16_t h,
     29  uint16_t outline, uint16_t fill, uint16_t textcolor,
     30  char *label, uint8_t textsize)
     31 {
     32   _x1           = x1;
     33   _y1           = y1;
     34   _w            = w;
     35   _h            = h;
     36   _outlinecolor = outline;
     37   _fillcolor    = fill;
     38   _textcolor    = textcolor;
     39   _textsize     = textsize;
     40   _gfx          = gfx;
     41   strncpy(_label, label, 9);
     42 }
     44 // Adjust text datum and x, y deltas
     45 void TFT_eSPI_Button::setLabelDatum(int16_t x_delta, int16_t y_delta, uint8_t datum)
     46 {
     47   _xd        = x_delta;
     48   _yd        = y_delta;
     49   _textdatum = datum;
     50 }
     52 void TFT_eSPI_Button::drawButton(bool inverted, String long_name) {
     53   uint16_t fill, outline, text;
     55   if(!inverted) {
     56     fill    = _fillcolor;
     57     outline = _outlinecolor;
     58     text    = _textcolor;
     59   } else {
     60     fill    = _textcolor;
     61     outline = _outlinecolor;
     62     text    = _fillcolor;
     63   }
     65   uint8_t r = min(_w, _h) / 4; // Corner radius
     66   _gfx->fillRoundRect(_x1, _y1, _w, _h, r, fill);
     67   _gfx->drawRoundRect(_x1, _y1, _w, _h, r, outline);
     69   if (_gfx->textfont == 255) {
     70     _gfx->setCursor(_x1 + (_w / 8),
     71                     _y1 + (_h / 4));
     72     _gfx->setTextColor(text);
     73     _gfx->setTextSize(_textsize);
     74     _gfx->print(_label);
     75   }
     76   else {
     77     _gfx->setTextColor(text, fill);
     78     _gfx->setTextSize(_textsize);
     80     uint8_t tempdatum = _gfx->getTextDatum();
     81     _gfx->setTextDatum(_textdatum);
     82     uint16_t tempPadding = _gfx->getTextPadding();
     83     _gfx->setTextPadding(0);
     85     if (long_name == "")
     86       _gfx->drawString(_label, _x1 + (_w/2) + _xd, _y1 + (_h/2) - 4 + _yd);
     87     else
     88       _gfx->drawString(long_name, _x1 + (_w/2) + _xd, _y1 + (_h/2) - 4 + _yd);
     90     _gfx->setTextDatum(tempdatum);
     91     _gfx->setTextPadding(tempPadding);
     92   }
     93 }
     95 bool TFT_eSPI_Button::contains(int16_t x, int16_t y) {
     96   return ((x >= _x1) && (x < (_x1 + _w)) &&
     97           (y >= _y1) && (y < (_y1 + _h)));
     98 }
    100 void TFT_eSPI_Button::press(bool p) {
    101   laststate = currstate;
    102   currstate = p;
    103 }
    105 bool TFT_eSPI_Button::isPressed()    { return currstate; }
    106 bool TFT_eSPI_Button::justPressed()  { return (currstate && !laststate); }
    107 bool TFT_eSPI_Button::justReleased() { return (!currstate && laststate); }