
- Hacking the planet from a LilyGo T-Deck using custom firmware
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lv_example_anim_3.c (6061B)

      1 #include "../lv_examples.h"
      4 /**
      5  * the example show the use of cubic-bezier3 in animation.
      6  * the control point P1,P2 of cubic-bezier3 can be adjusted by slider.
      7  * and the chart shows the cubic-bezier3 in real time. you can click
      8  * run button see animation in current point of cubic-bezier3.
      9  */
     11 #define CHART_POINTS_NUM 256
     13 struct {
     14     lv_obj_t * anim_obj;
     15     lv_obj_t * chart;
     16     lv_chart_series_t * ser1;
     17     lv_obj_t * p1_slider;
     18     lv_obj_t * p1_label;
     19     lv_obj_t * p2_slider;
     20     lv_obj_t * p2_label;
     21     lv_obj_t * run_btn;
     22     uint16_t p1;
     23     uint16_t p2;
     24     lv_anim_t a;
     25 } ginfo;
     27 static int32_t anim_path_bezier3_cb(const lv_anim_t * a);
     28 static void refer_chart_cubic_bezier(void);
     29 static void run_btn_event_handler(lv_event_t * e);
     30 static void slider_event_cb(lv_event_t * e);
     31 static void page_obj_init(lv_obj_t * par);
     32 static void anim_x_cb(void * var, int32_t v);
     34 /**
     35  * create an animation
     36  */
     37 void lv_example_anim_3(void)
     38 {
     39     static lv_coord_t col_dsc[] = {LV_GRID_FR(1), 200, LV_GRID_FR(1), LV_GRID_TEMPLATE_LAST};
     40     static lv_coord_t row_dsc[] = {30, 10, 10, LV_GRID_FR(1), LV_GRID_TEMPLATE_LAST};
     42     /*Create a container with grid*/
     43     lv_obj_t * cont = lv_obj_create(lv_scr_act());
     44     lv_obj_set_style_pad_all(cont, 2, LV_PART_MAIN);
     45     lv_obj_set_style_pad_column(cont, 10, LV_PART_MAIN);
     46     lv_obj_set_style_pad_row(cont, 10, LV_PART_MAIN);
     47     lv_obj_set_grid_dsc_array(cont, col_dsc, row_dsc);
     48     lv_obj_set_size(cont, 320, 240);
     49     lv_obj_center(cont);
     51     page_obj_init(cont);
     53     lv_anim_init(&ginfo.a);
     54     lv_anim_set_var(&ginfo.a, ginfo.anim_obj);
     55     int32_t end = lv_obj_get_style_width(cont, LV_PART_MAIN) -
     56                   lv_obj_get_style_width(ginfo.anim_obj, LV_PART_MAIN) - 10;
     57     lv_anim_set_values(&ginfo.a, 5, end);
     58     lv_anim_set_time(&ginfo.a, 2000);
     59     lv_anim_set_exec_cb(&ginfo.a, anim_x_cb);
     60     lv_anim_set_path_cb(&ginfo.a, anim_path_bezier3_cb);
     62     refer_chart_cubic_bezier();
     63 }
     65 static int32_t anim_path_bezier3_cb(const lv_anim_t * a)
     66 {
     67     uint32_t t = lv_map(a->act_time, 0, a->time, 0, 1024);
     68     int32_t step = lv_bezier3(t, 0, ginfo.p1, ginfo.p2, 1024);
     69     int32_t new_value;
     70     new_value = step * (a->end_value - a->start_value);
     71     new_value = new_value >> 10;
     72     new_value += a->start_value;
     73     return new_value;
     74 }
     76 static void refer_chart_cubic_bezier(void)
     77 {
     78     for(uint16_t i = 0; i <= CHART_POINTS_NUM; i ++) {
     79         uint32_t t = i * (1024 / CHART_POINTS_NUM);
     80         int32_t step = lv_bezier3(t, 0, ginfo.p1, ginfo.p2, 1024);
     81         lv_chart_set_value_by_id2(ginfo.chart, ginfo.ser1, i, t, step);
     82     }
     83     lv_chart_refresh(ginfo.chart);
     84 }
     86 static void anim_x_cb(void * var, int32_t v)
     87 {
     88     lv_obj_set_style_translate_x(var, v, LV_PART_MAIN);
     89 }
     91 static void run_btn_event_handler(lv_event_t * e)
     92 {
     93     lv_event_code_t code = lv_event_get_code(e);
     94     if(code == LV_EVENT_CLICKED) {
     95         lv_anim_start(&ginfo.a);
     96     }
     97 }
     99 static void slider_event_cb(lv_event_t * e)
    100 {
    101     char buf[16];
    102     lv_obj_t * label;
    103     lv_obj_t * slider = lv_event_get_target(e);
    105     if(slider == ginfo.p1_slider) {
    106         label = ginfo.p1_label;
    107         ginfo.p1 = lv_slider_get_value(slider);
    108         lv_snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "p1:%d", ginfo.p1);
    109     }
    110     else {
    111         label = ginfo.p2_label;
    112         ginfo.p2 = lv_slider_get_value(slider);
    113         lv_snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "p2:%d", ginfo.p2);
    114     }
    116     lv_label_set_text(label, buf);
    117     refer_chart_cubic_bezier();
    118 }
    120 static void page_obj_init(lv_obj_t * par)
    121 {
    122     ginfo.anim_obj = lv_obj_create(par);
    123     lv_obj_set_size(ginfo.anim_obj, 30, 30);
    124     lv_obj_set_align(ginfo.anim_obj, LV_ALIGN_TOP_LEFT);
    125     lv_obj_clear_flag(ginfo.anim_obj, LV_OBJ_FLAG_SCROLLABLE);
    126     lv_obj_set_style_bg_color(ginfo.anim_obj, lv_palette_main(LV_PALETTE_RED), LV_PART_MAIN);
    127     lv_obj_set_grid_cell(ginfo.anim_obj, LV_GRID_ALIGN_START, 0, 1, LV_GRID_ALIGN_START, 0, 1);
    129     ginfo.p1_label = lv_label_create(par);
    130     ginfo.p2_label = lv_label_create(par);
    131     lv_label_set_text(ginfo.p1_label, "p1:0");
    132     lv_label_set_text(ginfo.p2_label, "p2:0");
    133     lv_obj_set_grid_cell(ginfo.p1_label, LV_GRID_ALIGN_START, 0, 1, LV_GRID_ALIGN_START, 1, 1);
    134     lv_obj_set_grid_cell(ginfo.p2_label, LV_GRID_ALIGN_START, 0, 1, LV_GRID_ALIGN_START, 2, 1);
    136     ginfo.p1_slider = lv_slider_create(par);
    137     ginfo.p2_slider = lv_slider_create(par);
    138     lv_slider_set_range(ginfo.p1_slider, 0, 1024);
    139     lv_slider_set_range(ginfo.p2_slider, 0, 1024);
    140     lv_obj_set_style_pad_all(ginfo.p1_slider, 2, LV_PART_KNOB);
    141     lv_obj_set_style_pad_all(ginfo.p2_slider, 2, LV_PART_KNOB);
    142     lv_obj_add_event_cb(ginfo.p1_slider, slider_event_cb, LV_EVENT_VALUE_CHANGED, NULL);
    143     lv_obj_add_event_cb(ginfo.p2_slider, slider_event_cb, LV_EVENT_VALUE_CHANGED, NULL);
    144     lv_obj_set_grid_cell(ginfo.p1_slider, LV_GRID_ALIGN_STRETCH, 1, 1, LV_GRID_ALIGN_START, 1, 1);
    145     lv_obj_set_grid_cell(ginfo.p2_slider, LV_GRID_ALIGN_STRETCH, 1, 1, LV_GRID_ALIGN_START, 2, 1);
    147     ginfo.run_btn = lv_btn_create(par);
    148     lv_obj_add_event_cb(ginfo.run_btn, run_btn_event_handler, LV_EVENT_CLICKED, NULL);
    149     lv_obj_t * btn_label = lv_label_create(ginfo.run_btn);
    150     lv_label_set_text(btn_label, LV_SYMBOL_PLAY);
    151     lv_obj_center(btn_label);
    152     lv_obj_set_grid_cell(ginfo.run_btn, LV_GRID_ALIGN_STRETCH, 2, 1, LV_GRID_ALIGN_STRETCH, 1, 2);
    154     ginfo.chart = lv_chart_create(par);
    155     lv_obj_set_style_pad_all(ginfo.chart, 0, LV_PART_MAIN);
    156     lv_obj_set_style_size(ginfo.chart, 0, LV_PART_INDICATOR);
    157     lv_chart_set_type(ginfo.chart, LV_CHART_TYPE_SCATTER);
    158     ginfo.ser1 = lv_chart_add_series(ginfo.chart, lv_palette_main(LV_PALETTE_RED), LV_CHART_AXIS_PRIMARY_Y);
    159     lv_chart_set_range(ginfo.chart, LV_CHART_AXIS_PRIMARY_Y, 0, 1024);
    160     lv_chart_set_range(ginfo.chart, LV_CHART_AXIS_PRIMARY_X, 0, 1024);
    161     lv_chart_set_point_count(ginfo.chart, CHART_POINTS_NUM);
    162     lv_obj_set_grid_cell(ginfo.chart, LV_GRID_ALIGN_STRETCH, 0, 3, LV_GRID_ALIGN_STRETCH, 3, 1);
    163 }
    165 #endif