acid-drop- Hacking the planet from a LilyGo T-Deck using custom firmware |
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1 ```eval_rst 2 .. include:: /header.rst 3 :github_url: |github_link_base|/others/ 4 ``` 5 # Monkey 6 7 A simple monkey test. Use random input to stress test the application. 8 9 ## Usage 10 11 Enable `LV_USE_MONKEY` in `lv_conf.h`. 12 13 First configure monkey, use `lv_monkey_config_t` to define the configuration structure, set the `type` (check [input devices](/overview/indev) for the supported types), and then set the range of `period_range` and `input_range`, the monkey will output random operations at random times within this range. Call `lv_monkey_create` to create monkey. Finally call `lv_monkey_set_enable(monkey, true)` to enable monkey. 14 15 If you want to pause the monkey, call `lv_monkey_set_enable(monkey, false)`. To delete the monkey, call `lv_monkey_del(monkey)`. 16 17 Note that `input_range` has different meanings in different `type`: 18 19 - `LV_INDEV_TYPE_POINTER` No effect, click randomly within the pixels of the screen resolution. 20 - `LV_INDEV_TYPE_ENCODER` The minimum and maximum values of `enc_diff`. 21 - `LV_INDEV_TYPE_BUTTON` The minimum and maximum values of `btn_id`. Use `lv_monkey_get_indev()` to get the input device, and use `lv_indev_set_button_points()` to map the key ID to the coordinates. 22 - `LV_INDEV_TYPE_KEYPAD` No effect, Send random [Keys](/overview/indev). 23 24 ## Example 25 26 ```eval_rst 27 28 .. include:: ../../examples/others/monkey/index.rst 29 30 ``` 31 ## API 32 33 34 ```eval_rst 35 36 .. doxygenfile:: lv_monkey.h 37 :project: lvgl 38 39 ```