
- Hacking the planet from a LilyGo T-Deck using custom firmware
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Read_User_Setup.ino (8453B)

      1 /*
      2   This sketch reads the user setup information from the processor via the Serial Port
      4   It is a support and diagnostic sketch for the TFT_eSPI library:
      7   The output is essentially a copy of the User_Setep configuration so can be used to
      8   verify the correct settings are being picked up by the compiler.
     10   If support is needed the output can be cut and pasted into an Arduino Forum post and
     11   already includes the formatting [code]...[/code] markups.
     13   Written by Bodmer 9/4/18
     14 */
     15 //>>>>> Note: STM32 pin references above D15 may not reflect board markings <<<<<
     17 #include <SPI.h>
     18 #include <TFT_eSPI.h>      // Graphics library
     20 TFT_eSPI tft = TFT_eSPI(); // Invoke library
     22 #ifdef ARDUINO_ARCH_ESP8266
     23   ADC_MODE(ADC_VCC); // Read the supply voltage
     24 #endif
     26 setup_t user; // The library defines the type "setup_t" as a struct
     27               // Calling tft.getSetup(user) populates it with the settings
     28 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     30 void setup() {
     31   // Use serial port
     32   Serial.begin(115200);
     34   // Initialise the TFT screen
     35   tft.init();
     36 }
     38 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     40 void loop(void) {
     42 tft.getSetup(user); //
     44 Serial.print("\n[code]\n");
     46 Serial.print ("TFT_eSPI ver = "); Serial.println(user.version);
     47 printProcessorName();
     48 #if defined (ESP32) || defined (ARDUINO_ARCH_ESP8266)
     49   if (user.esp < 0x32F000 || user.esp > 0x32FFFF) { Serial.print("Frequency    = "); Serial.print(ESP.getCpuFreqMHz());Serial.println("MHz"); }
     50 #endif
     51 #ifdef ARDUINO_ARCH_ESP8266
     52   Serial.print("Voltage      = "); Serial.print(ESP.getVcc() / 918.0); Serial.println("V"); // 918 empirically determined
     53 #endif
     54 Serial.print("Transactions = "); Serial.println((user.trans  ==  1) ? "Yes" : "No");
     55 Serial.print("Interface    = "); Serial.println((user.serial ==  1) ? "SPI" : "Parallel");
     56 #ifdef ARDUINO_ARCH_ESP8266
     57 if (user.serial ==  1){ Serial.print("SPI overlap  = "); Serial.println((user.overlap == 1) ? "Yes\n" : "No\n"); }
     58 #endif
     59 if (user.tft_driver != 0xE9D) // For ePaper displays the size is defined in the sketch
     60 {
     61   Serial.print("Display driver = "); Serial.println(user.tft_driver, HEX); // Hexadecimal code
     62   Serial.print("Display width  = "); Serial.println(user.tft_width);  // Rotation 0 width and height
     63   Serial.print("Display height = "); Serial.println(user.tft_height);
     64   Serial.println();
     65 }
     66 else if (user.tft_driver == 0xE9D) Serial.println("Display driver = ePaper\n");
     68 if (user.r0_x_offset  != 0)  { Serial.print("R0 x offset = "); Serial.println(user.r0_x_offset); } // Offsets, not all used yet
     69 if (user.r0_y_offset  != 0)  { Serial.print("R0 y offset = "); Serial.println(user.r0_y_offset); }
     70 if (user.r1_x_offset  != 0)  { Serial.print("R1 x offset = "); Serial.println(user.r1_x_offset); }
     71 if (user.r1_y_offset  != 0)  { Serial.print("R1 y offset = "); Serial.println(user.r1_y_offset); }
     72 if (user.r2_x_offset  != 0)  { Serial.print("R2 x offset = "); Serial.println(user.r2_x_offset); }
     73 if (user.r2_y_offset  != 0)  { Serial.print("R2 y offset = "); Serial.println(user.r2_y_offset); }
     74 if (user.r3_x_offset  != 0)  { Serial.print("R3 x offset = "); Serial.println(user.r3_x_offset); }
     75 if (user.r3_y_offset  != 0)  { Serial.print("R3 y offset = "); Serial.println(user.r3_y_offset); }
     77 if (user.pin_tft_mosi != -1) { Serial.print("MOSI    = "); Serial.print("GPIO "); Serial.println(getPinName(user.pin_tft_mosi)); }
     78 if (user.pin_tft_miso != -1) { Serial.print("MISO    = "); Serial.print("GPIO "); Serial.println(getPinName(user.pin_tft_miso)); }
     79 if (user.pin_tft_clk  != -1) { Serial.print("SCK     = "); Serial.print("GPIO "); Serial.println(getPinName(user.pin_tft_clk)); }
     81 #ifdef ARDUINO_ARCH_ESP8266
     82 if (user.overlap == true)
     83 {
     84   Serial.println("Overlap selected, following pins MUST be used:");
     86                              Serial.println("MOSI     = SD1 (GPIO 8)");
     87                              Serial.println("MISO     = SD0 (GPIO 7)");
     88                              Serial.println("SCK      = CLK (GPIO 6)");
     89                              Serial.println("TFT_CS   = D3  (GPIO 0)\n");
     91   Serial.println("TFT_DC and TFT_RST pins can be user defined");
     92 }
     93 #endif
     94 String pinNameRef = "GPIO ";
     95 #ifdef ARDUINO_ARCH_ESP8266
     96   pinNameRef = "PIN_D";
     97 #endif
     99 if (user.esp == 0x32F) {
    100   Serial.println("\n>>>>> Note: STM32 pin references above D15 may not reflect board markings <<<<<");
    101   pinNameRef = "D";
    102 }
    103 if (user.pin_tft_cs != -1) { Serial.print("TFT_CS   = " + pinNameRef); Serial.println(getPinName(user.pin_tft_cs)); }
    104 if (user.pin_tft_dc != -1) { Serial.print("TFT_DC   = " + pinNameRef); Serial.println(getPinName(user.pin_tft_dc)); }
    105 if (user.pin_tft_rst!= -1) { Serial.print("TFT_RST  = " + pinNameRef); Serial.println(getPinName(user.pin_tft_rst)); }
    107 if (user.pin_tch_cs != -1) { Serial.print("TOUCH_CS = " + pinNameRef); Serial.println(getPinName(user.pin_tch_cs)); }
    109 if (user.pin_tft_wr != -1) { Serial.print("TFT_WR   = " + pinNameRef); Serial.println(getPinName(user.pin_tft_wr)); }
    110 if (user.pin_tft_rd != -1) { Serial.print("TFT_RD   = " + pinNameRef); Serial.println(getPinName(user.pin_tft_rd)); }
    112 if (user.pin_tft_d0 != -1) { Serial.print("\nTFT_D0   = " + pinNameRef); Serial.println(getPinName(user.pin_tft_d0)); }
    113 if (user.pin_tft_d1 != -1) { Serial.print("TFT_D1   = " + pinNameRef); Serial.println(getPinName(user.pin_tft_d1)); }
    114 if (user.pin_tft_d2 != -1) { Serial.print("TFT_D2   = " + pinNameRef); Serial.println(getPinName(user.pin_tft_d2)); }
    115 if (user.pin_tft_d3 != -1) { Serial.print("TFT_D3   = " + pinNameRef); Serial.println(getPinName(user.pin_tft_d3)); }
    116 if (user.pin_tft_d4 != -1) { Serial.print("TFT_D4   = " + pinNameRef); Serial.println(getPinName(user.pin_tft_d4)); }
    117 if (user.pin_tft_d5 != -1) { Serial.print("TFT_D5   = " + pinNameRef); Serial.println(getPinName(user.pin_tft_d5)); }
    118 if (user.pin_tft_d6 != -1) { Serial.print("TFT_D6   = " + pinNameRef); Serial.println(getPinName(user.pin_tft_d6)); }
    119 if (user.pin_tft_d7 != -1) { Serial.print("TFT_D7   = " + pinNameRef); Serial.println(getPinName(user.pin_tft_d7)); }
    121 #if defined (TFT_BL)
    122   Serial.print("\nTFT_BL           = " + pinNameRef); Serial.println(getPinName(user.pin_tft_led));
    123   #if defined (TFT_BACKLIGHT_ON)
    124     Serial.print("TFT_BACKLIGHT_ON = "); Serial.println(user.pin_tft_led_on == HIGH ? "HIGH" : "LOW");
    125   #endif
    126 #endif
    128 Serial.println();
    130 uint16_t fonts = tft.fontsLoaded();
    131 if (fonts & (1 << 1))        Serial.print("Font GLCD   loaded\n");
    132 if (fonts & (1 << 2))        Serial.print("Font 2      loaded\n");
    133 if (fonts & (1 << 4))        Serial.print("Font 4      loaded\n");
    134 if (fonts & (1 << 6))        Serial.print("Font 6      loaded\n");
    135 if (fonts & (1 << 7))        Serial.print("Font 7      loaded\n");
    136 if (fonts & (1 << 9))        Serial.print("Font 8N     loaded\n");
    137 else
    138 if (fonts & (1 << 8))        Serial.print("Font 8      loaded\n");
    139 if (fonts & (1 << 15))       Serial.print("Smooth font enabled\n");
    140 Serial.print("\n");
    142 if (user.serial==1)        { Serial.print("Display SPI frequency = "); Serial.println(user.tft_spi_freq/10.0); }
    143 if (user.pin_tch_cs != -1) { Serial.print("Touch SPI frequency   = "); Serial.println(user.tch_spi_freq/10.0); }
    145 Serial.println("[/code]");
    147 delay(3000);
    148 }
    150 void printProcessorName(void)
    151 {
    152   Serial.print("Processor    = ");
    153   if ( user.esp == 0x8266) Serial.println("ESP8266");
    154   if ( user.esp == 0x32)   Serial.println("ESP32");
    155   if ( user.esp == 0x32F)  Serial.println("STM32");
    156   if ( user.esp == 0x2040) Serial.println("RP2040");
    157   if ( user.esp == 0x0000) Serial.println("Generic");
    158 }
    160 // Get pin name
    161 int8_t getPinName(int8_t pin)
    162 {
    163   // For ESP32 and RP2040 pin labels on boards use the GPIO number
    164   if (user.esp == 0x32 || user.esp == 0x2040) return pin;
    166   if (user.esp == 0x8266) {
    167     // For ESP8266 the pin labels are not the same as the GPIO number
    168     // These are for the NodeMCU pin definitions:
    169     //        GPIO       Dxx
    170     if (pin == 16) return 0;
    171     if (pin ==  5) return 1;
    172     if (pin ==  4) return 2;
    173     if (pin ==  0) return 3;
    174     if (pin ==  2) return 4;
    175     if (pin == 14) return 5;
    176     if (pin == 12) return 6;
    177     if (pin == 13) return 7;
    178     if (pin == 15) return 8;
    179     if (pin ==  3) return 9;
    180     if (pin ==  1) return 10;
    181     if (pin ==  9) return 11;
    182     if (pin == 10) return 12;
    183   }
    185   if (user.esp == 0x32F) return pin;
    187   return pin; // Invalid pin
    188 }