
- collection of un-sorted bollocks
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v6 (747B)

      1 #!/bin/sh
      2 # ipv6 clone helper script - developed by acidvegas (https://git.acid.vegas/random)
      3 interface='eth0'
      4 subnet='2607:5300:201:3000:'
      6 rnd() {
      7 	echo $(tr -dc 'A-F0-9' < /dev/urandom | head -c4)
      8 }
     10 usage() {
     11 	echo "v6 add <num> | generate & add <nun> ipv6 addresses (saved to ~/.v6.log)"
     12 	echo "v6 del       | delete all ipv6 addresses created by this script"
     13 }
     15 if [ "$#" = '2' ]; then
     16 	if [ "$1" = 'add' ]; then
     17 		for i in $(seq $2); do
     18 			address = "$subnet:$(rnd):$(rnd):$(rnd):$(rnd)"
     19 			sudo ip addr add $address dev $1
     20 			echo $address
     21 			echo $address >> .v6.log
     22 		done
     23 	elif [ "$1" = 'del' ]; then
     24 		while IFS= read -r address; do
     25 			sudo ip addr del $address dev $interface
     26 		done < .v6.log
     27 		rm .v6.log
     28 	else
     29 		usage
     30 else
     31 	usage
     32 fi