
- irc flooding solution
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prox.tcl (5933B)

      1 # {{{ pub  [CS ] SOCKS proxy gathering off phpBB [et al] sources and {DNS,R,...}BL matching
      2 array unset {v:sites} {}
      3 # {{{ RBL to query
      4 set {v:sites:rbl} [list		\
      5		\
      6	\
      7		\
      8	\
      9	\
     11 # }}}
     12 array unset {v:proxies}
     13 array unset {v:proxies:rbl}
     14 # {{{
     15 array set {v:sites} [list dcsproxy [list				\
     16 		[list ""	\
     17 			[list						\
     18 #				vb_login_username	"insectcrew"	\
     19 				vb_login_lusername	"szucsy"	\
     20 				do			"login"		\
     21 #				vb_login_md5password	"7e7cb40bdbfd8d4c512eda43e748b3ba"		\
     22 				vb_login_md5password	"966bf1eaaaf07917faa5192115a10988"		\
     23 #				vb_login_md5password_utf	"7e7cb40bdbfd8d4c512eda43e748b3ba"	\
     24 				vb_login_md5password_utf	"966bf1eaaaf07917faa5192115a10988"	\
     25 				cookieuser		1		\
     26 				s			""		\
     27 			]						\
     28 		]							\
     29 		""			\
     30 		""		\
     31 		{<div>.+?</div>}					\
     32 		{<a href="(.+?)"}					\
     33 	]]
     34 # }}}
     35 # {{{
     36 array set {v:sites} [list proxy-heaven [list			\
     37 		[list]							\
     38 		""			\
     39 		""							\
     40 		{<h3 class=.+?>.+?</h3>}				\
     41 		{(?i)href='(.+?socks.+?)'}				\
     42 	]]
     43 # }}}
     44 set {v:filter} {:23|443|(?:[18]0)?8[08]|312[78]|6588|9050$}
     45 # }}}
     46 # {{{ pub  [CS ] SOCKS proxy gathering off phpBB [et al] sources and {DNS,R,...}BL matching
     47 setudef flag socks
     48 array unset {v%cookies}
     50 # {{{ bind  evnt  -|- loaded v%socks:ini
     51 bind evnt -|- loaded v%socks:ini
     52 proc v%socks:ini args {
     53 	global {v:sites}
     54 	foreach {- - tid}	\
     55 		[join [lsearch -all -inline -regexp [utimers] {v%socks:daily}]] {
     56 		killutimer ${tid} }
     57 	foreach t [array names {v:sites}] {
     58 		foreach c [channels] {
     59 			if {![channel get ${c} socks]} { continue }
     60 			catch {utimer 86400 [list v%socks:daily ${c} ${t}]}	;# XXX tunable
     61 		}
     62 	}
     63 }
     64 # }}}
     65 # {{{ utimer 86400 [list v%socks:daily [ ... ]]
     66 proc v%socks:daily {c t} {
     67 	catch {v:socks * * * ${c} ${t}}
     68 	utimer 86400 [list v%socks:daily ${c} ${t}]
     69 }
     70 # }}}
     71 # {{{ bind  pub  S|- .socks v:socks
     72 bind pub S|- .socks v:socks
     73 proc v:socks {n u h c t} {
     74 	global {v:sites} {v:proxies} {v:filter} {v%cookies}
     75 	if {![channel get ${c} socks]} { return }
     76 	if {![string length [set site [last [array get {v:sites} ${t}]]]]} {
     77 		v%blog "[v%ifx johne] unknown site `${t}'" ${c}; return }
     79 	set llogin [lindex ${site} 0]; set turl [lindex ${site} 1]; set lourl [lindex ${site} 2]
     80 	set tp0 [lindex ${site} 3]; set tp1 [lindex ${site} 4]
     81 	if { [llength ${llogin}] && \
     82 	    ![string length [last [array get {v%cookies} ${site}]]]} {
     83 		set lurl [lindex ${llogin} 0]; set lbody [lindex ${llogin} 1]
     84 		v%fetch -cookies POST ${t} ${lurl} ${lbody} }
     86 	set socks {}
     87 	foreach thr [regexp -all -inline ${tp0} [v%fetch -- GET ${t} ${turl}]] {
     88 		if {[regexp -- ${tp1} ${thr} {} thrurl]} {
     89 			set thtml [v%fetch -- GET ${t} ${turl}]
     90 			foreach {- s} [regexp -all -inline {\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}:\d+} ${thtml}] {
     91 				lappend socks ${s}
     92 			}
     93 		}
     94 	}
     96 	set socks [lsearch -not -all -inline -regexp ${socks} ${v:filter}]
     97 	if {![llength ${socks}]} { v%blog "[v%ifx johne/${t}] No socks found. FML" ${c} }\
     98 	else { v%blog "[v%ifx johne/${t}] Done. [llength ${socks}] socks found." ${c} }
     99 	array set {v:proxies} [list ${t} ${socks}]
    100 	if {[string length ${lourl}]} { catch {v%fetch -cookies GET ${lourl}}; }
    101 	return 1
    102 }
    103 # }}}
    104 # {{{ bind  pub  S|- .matchbl v:socks:matchbl
    105 bind pub S|- .matchbl v:socks:matchbl
    106 proc v:socks:matchbl {n u h c t {zidx 0}} {
    107 	global {v:proxies} {v:proxies:rbl} {v:sites:rbl}
    108 	if {![channel get ${c} socks]} { return }
    109 	if {${zidx} == 0} { array set {v:proxies:rbl} [list ${t} [concat [last [array get {v:proxies} ${t}]]]] }
    110 	if {![llength [set proxies [last [array get {v:proxies:rbl} ${t}]]]]} {
    111 		v%blog "[v%ifx johne/rbl] don't have n e proxies for `${t}'" ${c}; return }
    113 	if {![string length [set zone [lindex ${v:sites:rbl} ${zidx}]]]} { return }
    114 	set nproxies [llength ${proxies}]; set n 0
    115 	v%blog "[v%ifx johne/rbl] ${t}: Matching ${nproxies} proxies against ${zone}" ${c}
    116 	array set {v:proxies:rbl} [list ${t} {}]
    117 	foreach ip ${proxies} {
    118 		incr n
    119 		if {[catch {set ha [apply format [join [list %d.%d.%d.%d [lreverse [scan ${ip} %d.%d.%d.%d]]]]].${zone}}] != 0} {
    120 			if {${n} >= ${nproxies}} {
    121 				v%dns:rbl - - - ${c} ${t} - ${zone} [incr zidx] [list ${n} ${h} ${u} ${c} ${t}]
    122 			}
    123 		} elseif {${n} >= ${nproxies}} {
    124 			dnslookup ${ha}							\
    125 				v%dns:rbl	${c} ${t} ${ip} ${zone} [incr zidx]	\
    126 						[list ${n} ${h} ${u} ${c} ${t}]
    127 		} else { dnslookup ${ha} v%dns:rbl ${c} ${t} ${ip} }
    128 	}
    129 }
    130 # }}}
    132 # {{{ Ancillary
    133 proc v%fetch {{cookies ""} {method ""} site url {body ""}} {
    134 	global {v%cookies}
    135 	set method [string tolower ${method}]
    136 	set cookie [last [array get {v%cookies} ${site}]]
    137 	# N.B.	Tcl is the most worthless language there is
    138 	set html [apply	::httpx::${method}	\
    139 			[list -headers ${url} [list Cookie [list ${cookie}]] ${body}]]
    140 	set status [lindex ${html} 0]
    142 	if {[string first 20 ${status} 0] != 0 && \
    143 	    [string first 30 ${status} 0] != 0} { return -code return }	;# TODO
    144 	if {${cookies} == "-cookies"} {
    145 		set hdr [lindex ${html} 1]; set cookies ""
    146 		foreach idx [lsearch -all -regexp ${hdr} {Set-Cookie}] {
    147 			append cookies "[lindex ${hdr} [expr ${idx} + 1]]; "
    148 		}; if {[string length ${cookies}]} {
    149 			array set {v%cookies} [list ${site} ${cookies}] }
    150 	}; last ${html}
    151 }
    153 proc v%dns:rbl {ip host s c t oip {zone ""} {last 0} {pargs ""}} {
    154 	global {v:proxies:rbl}
    155 	if {${last}} {
    156 		v%dns:rbl:fini ${t} ${c} ${zone}; v:socks:matchbl - - - ${c} ${t} ${last}
    157 	} elseif {!${s}} { array set {v:proxies:rbl} [list ${t} [concat [last [array get {v:proxies:rbl} ${t}]] ${oip}]] }
    158 }
    160 proc v%dns:rbl:fini {t c zone} {
    161 	global {v:proxies:rbl}
    162 	set n [llength [last [array get {v:proxies:rbl} ${t}]]]
    163 	v%blog "[v%ifx johne/rbl] ${t}!${zone}: ${n} unlisted." ${c}
    164 }
    165 # }}}
    166 # }}}
    167 # }}}