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motd.txt (1124B)

      1                                       |\ /| /|_/|
      2                                     |\||-|\||-/|/|
      3                                      \\|\|//||///
      4                     _..----.._       |\/\||//||||
      5                   .'     o    '.     |||\\|/\\ ||
      6                  /   o       o  \    | './\_/.' |  -  Welcome to  -
      7                 |o        o     o|   |          |  the Krusty Krab!
      8                 /'-.._o     __.-'\   |          |    Home  of the
      9                 \      `````     /   |          |    KRABBY PATTY
     10                 |``--........--'`|    '.______.'
     11                  \              /
     12              jgs  `'----------'`
     15  d888b   .d8b.  db     db     d8888b db    db    d888b  d8888b. db    db d8888b.
     16 88' Y8b d8' `8b 88     88     88'    `8b  d8'   88' Y8b 88  `8D 88    88 88  `8D
     17 88      88ooo88 88     88     88oooo  `8bd8'    88      88oobY' 88    88 88oooY'
     18 88  ooo 88~~~88 88     88     88~~~~    88      88  ooo 88`8b   88    88 88~~~b.
     19 88. ~8~ 88   88 88boo. 88boo. 88.       88      88. ~8~ 88 `88. 88b  d88 88   8D
     20  Y888P  YP   YP Y8888P Y8888P Y8888P    YP       Y888P  88   YD ~Y8888P' Y8888P'