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arablogo3.txt (1178B)

      1 .___________________________________________________.
      2 |                                                   | <b>Press contact:</b>
      3 |       _..._                                       | Paghtar Agga
      4 |      ( <"` \                             .)\ /(.  | <i><a href=""></a></i>
      5 |       `.( ) )                             || ||   | ARAB UK Office
      6 |    /`.   / /                              || ||   | c/o Jalalabad Restaurant
      7 |   / _ \ / /                               || ||   | and Community Center
      8 |  ( ( \ \ /        _/|             .       || ||   | 247 Ilford Lane, Ilford, Essex
      9 |   \ / \ \          ||      )\  __/ \__    || ||   | IG1 2SB LK, England
     10 |    / / \ \______   ||      ) \_) <=> (__  || ||_  |
     11 |   (  U )\______ \_/ |     / .----/ \--- \/ | |_(  | All other inquiries:
     12 |    \_./  O O O \___/  ^__/ /           \__/       | Faisal Al Ali Sharon bin Yahoudi
     13 |                                                   | <a href=""></a>
     14 |        ASSOCIATION OF RAGED ARAB BLOGGERS         | ARAB Global Headquarters
     15 `___________________________________________________' Sabah al-salim, B4, S8, Kuwait