
- 🚬 bad habits 🍺 for internet relay chat
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      1 # CANCER
      2 > bad habits for internet relay chat
      4 ![](.screens/preview.png)
      6 ## Information
      7 A fun bot that brings some bad habits on to IRC. Smoke cigarettes, smoke weed, and drink beer in your channels!
      9 Blow `!smoke` in the face of the opers, get bloody buck from !chug and vomit over the backlog.
     11 The bot includes colored ASCII art cigarettes, joints, and beers, that change everytime you drink or smoke.
     13 There is a various games and other fun things that generally promote user interactions in the channel.
     15 Try it out, join **#superbowl** on ** now, we have beer!
     17 **Warning:** This bot highly encourages *unthrottled* flooding! This may or may not be suited for your IRC network and/or channel(s). 
     19 **Optional**: Network operator privledges can be given to the bot for a fun feature where if someone does `!smoke` and it is the last hit of a cigarette, they will have a 1 in 100 chance of being `/KILL`'d from the network, aka **KILLED BY CANCER**
     21 ## Commands
     22 | Command         | Description                                                |
     23 | --------------- | ---------------------------------------------------------- |
     24 | `@cancer`       | Information about the bot                                  |
     25 | `@cancer stats` | Return bot statistics for the channel                      |
     26 | `!100`          | 1 in 100 chance to get a 100 *(big `!smoke`)*              |
     27 | `!beer [nick]`  | Grab a beer or toss one to someone                         |
     28 | `!chainsmoke`   | Start a game of Chain Smoke                                |
     29 | `!chug`         | Sip beer                                                   |
     30 | `!dragrace`     | Start a game of Drag Race                                  |
     31 | `!extendo`      | 1 in 100 chance to get an EXTENDO *(big `!toke`)*          |
     32 | `!fatfuck`      | 1 in 100 chance to get a  FATFUCK *(fat `!smoke`/`!toke`)* |
     33 | `!letschug`     | LET'S FUCKING CHUG!                                        |
     34 | `!letstoke`     | LET'S FUCKING TOKE!                                        |
     35 | `!toke`         | Hit joint                                                  |
     36 | `!smoke`        | Hit cigarette                                              |
     37 | `!nosmoking`    | Disable the bot for 30 seconds                             |
     39 ## Todo
     40 - Too drunk/Vomit features trigged from `!chug`
     41 - `!cigar` smoking and `!pizza` eating
     42 - ASCII art for cigarette packs, lighter, nosmoking, vomit
     43 - Fastest to respond w/ command timers for somthing
     44 - Keep track of how many chugged, smoked, & toked per-nick for `!top` command
     46 ___
     48 ###### Mirrors for this repository: []( • [SuperNETs]( • [GitHub]( • [GitLab]( • [Codeberg](