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ngircd.cpp (21128B)

      1 /* ngIRCd Protocol module for Anope IRC Services
      2  *
      3  * (C) 2011-2012, 2014 Alexander Barton <>
      4  * (C) 2011-2022 Anope Team <>
      5  *
      6  * Please read COPYING and README for further details.
      7  *
      8  * Based on the original code of Epona by Lara.
      9  * Based on the original code of Services by Andy Church.
     10  */
     12 #include "module.h"
     14 class ngIRCdProto : public IRCDProto
     15 {
     16 	void SendSVSKillInternal(const MessageSource &source, User *user, const Anope::string &buf) anope_override
     17 	{
     18 		IRCDProto::SendSVSKillInternal(source, user, buf);
     19 		user->KillInternal(source, buf);
     20 	}
     22  public:
     23 	ngIRCdProto(Module *creator) : IRCDProto(creator, "ngIRCd")
     24 	{
     25 		DefaultPseudoclientModes = "+oi";
     26 		CanCertFP = true;
     27 		CanSVSNick = true;
     28 		CanSetVHost = true;
     29 		CanSetVIdent = true;
     30 		MaxModes = 5;
     31 	}
     33 	void SendAkill(User *u, XLine *x) anope_override
     34 	{
     35 		// Calculate the time left before this would expire, capping it at 2 days
     36 		time_t timeleft = x->expires - Anope::CurTime;
     37 		if (timeleft > 172800 || !x->expires)
     38 			timeleft = 172800;
     39 		UplinkSocket::Message(Me) << "GLINE " << x->mask << " " << timeleft << " :" << x->GetReason() << " (" << x->by << ")";
     40 	}
     42 	void SendAkillDel(const XLine *x) anope_override
     43 	{
     44 		UplinkSocket::Message(Me) << "GLINE " << x->mask;
     45 	}
     47 	void SendChannel(Channel *c) anope_override
     48 	{
     49 		UplinkSocket::Message(Me) << "CHANINFO " << c->name << " +" << c->GetModes(true, true);
     50 	}
     52 	// Received: NICK DukeP 1 ~DukePyro 1 +i :DukePyrolator
     53 	void SendClientIntroduction(User *u) anope_override
     54 	{
     55 		Anope::string modes = "+" + u->GetModes();
     56 		UplinkSocket::Message(Me) << "NICK " << u->nick << " 1 " << u->GetIdent() << " " << u->host << " 1 " << modes << " :" << u->realname;
     57 	}
     59 	void SendConnect() anope_override
     60 	{
     61 		UplinkSocket::Message() << "PASS " << Config->Uplinks[Anope::CurrentUplink].password << " 0210-IRC+ Anope|" << Anope::VersionShort() << ":CLHMSo P";
     62 		/* Make myself known to myself in the serverlist */
     63 		SendServer(Me);
     64 		/* finish the enhanced server handshake and register the connection */
     65 		this->SendNumeric(376, "*", ":End of MOTD command");
     66 	}
     68 	void SendForceNickChange(User *u, const Anope::string &newnick, time_t when) anope_override
     69 	{
     70 		UplinkSocket::Message(Me) << "SVSNICK " << u->nick << " " << newnick;
     71 	}
     73 	void SendGlobalNotice(BotInfo *bi, const Server *dest, const Anope::string &msg) anope_override
     74 	{
     75 		UplinkSocket::Message(bi) << "NOTICE $" << dest->GetName() << " :" << msg;
     76 	}
     78 	void SendGlobalPrivmsg(BotInfo *bi, const Server *dest, const Anope::string &msg) anope_override
     79 	{
     80 		UplinkSocket::Message(bi) << "PRIVMSG $" << dest->GetName() << " :" << msg;
     81 	}
     83 	void SendGlobopsInternal(const MessageSource &source, const Anope::string &buf) anope_override
     84 	{
     85 		UplinkSocket::Message(source) << "WALLOPS :" << buf;
     86 	}
     88 	void SendJoin(User *user, Channel *c, const ChannelStatus *status) anope_override
     89 	{
     90 		UplinkSocket::Message(user) << "JOIN " << c->name;
     91 		if (status)
     92 		{
     93 			/* First save the channel status incase uc->Status == status */
     94 			ChannelStatus cs = *status;
     95 			/* If the user is internally on the channel with flags, kill them so that
     96 			 * the stacker will allow this.
     97 			 */
     98 			ChanUserContainer *uc = c->FindUser(user);
     99 			if (uc != NULL)
    100 				uc->status.Clear();
    102 			BotInfo *setter = BotInfo::Find(user->GetUID());
    103 			for (size_t i = 0; i < cs.Modes().length(); ++i)
    104 				c->SetMode(setter, ModeManager::FindChannelModeByChar(cs.Modes()[i]), user->GetUID(), false);
    106 			if (uc != NULL)
    107 				uc->status = cs;
    108 		}
    109 	}
    111 	void SendLogin(User *u, NickAlias *na) anope_override
    112 	{
    113 		UplinkSocket::Message(Me) << "METADATA " << u->GetUID() << " accountname :" << na->nc->display;
    114 	}
    116 	void SendLogout(User *u) anope_override
    117 	{
    118 		UplinkSocket::Message(Me) << "METADATA " << u->GetUID() << " accountname :";
    119 	}
    121 	/* SERVER name hop descript */
    122 	void SendServer(const Server *server) anope_override
    123 	{
    124 		UplinkSocket::Message() << "SERVER " << server->GetName() << " " << server->GetHops() << " :" << server->GetDescription();
    125 	}
    127 	void SendVhost(User *u, const Anope::string &vIdent, const Anope::string &vhost) anope_override
    128 	{
    129 		if (!vIdent.empty())
    130 			UplinkSocket::Message(Me) << "METADATA " << u->nick << " user :" << vIdent;
    132 		UplinkSocket::Message(Me) << "METADATA " << u->nick << " cloakhost :" << vhost;
    133 		if (!u->HasMode("CLOAK"))
    134 		{
    135 			u->SetMode(Config->GetClient("HostServ"), "CLOAK");
    136 			ModeManager::ProcessModes();
    137 		}
    138 	}
    140 	void SendVhostDel(User *u) anope_override
    141 	{
    142 		this->SendVhost(u, u->GetIdent(), "");
    143 	}
    145 	Anope::string Format(const Anope::string &source, const Anope::string &message) anope_override
    146 	{
    147 		return IRCDProto::Format(source.empty() ? Me->GetSID() : source, message);
    148 	}
    149 };
    151 struct IRCDMessage005 : IRCDMessage
    152 {
    153 	IRCDMessage005(Module *creator) : IRCDMessage(creator, "005", 1) { SetFlag(IRCDMESSAGE_SOFT_LIMIT); }
    155 	// Please see <> for details.
    156 	void Run(MessageSource &source, const std::vector<Anope::string> &params) anope_override
    157 	{
    158 		size_t pos;
    159 		Anope::string parameter, data;
    160 		for (unsigned i = 0, end = params.size(); i < end; ++i)
    161 		{
    162 			pos = params[i].find('=');
    163 			if (pos != Anope::string::npos)
    164 			{
    165 				parameter = params[i].substr(0, pos);
    166 				data = params[i].substr(pos+1, params[i].length());
    167 				if (parameter == "MODES")
    168 				{
    169 					unsigned maxmodes = convertTo<unsigned>(data);
    170 					IRCD->MaxModes = maxmodes;
    171 				}
    172 				else if (parameter == "NICKLEN")
    173 				{
    174 					unsigned newlen = convertTo<unsigned>(data), len = Config->GetBlock("networkinfo")->Get<unsigned>("nicklen");
    175 					if (len != newlen)
    176 					{
    177 						Log() << "Warning: NICKLEN is " << newlen << " but networkinfo:nicklen is " << len;
    178 					}
    179 				}
    180 			}
    181 		}
    182 	}
    183 };
    185 struct IRCDMessage376 : IRCDMessage
    186 {
    187 	IRCDMessage376(Module *creator) : IRCDMessage(creator, "376", 2) { }
    189 	/*
    190 	 * 376 :End of MOTD command
    191 	 *
    192 	 * we do nothing here, this function exists only to
    193 	 * avoid the "unknown message from server" message.
    194 	 *
    195 	 */
    197 	void Run(MessageSource &source, const std::vector<Anope::string> &params) anope_override
    198 	{
    199 	}
    200 };
    202 struct IRCDMessageChaninfo : IRCDMessage
    203 {
    204 	IRCDMessageChaninfo(Module *creator) : IRCDMessage(creator, "CHANINFO", 2) { SetFlag(IRCDMESSAGE_SOFT_LIMIT); SetFlag(IRCDMESSAGE_REQUIRE_SERVER); }
    206 	/*
    207 	 * CHANINFO is used by servers to inform each other about a channel: its
    208 	 * modes, channel key, user limits and its topic. The parameter combination
    209 	 * <key> and <limit> is optional, as well as the <topic> parameter, so that
    210 	 * there are three possible forms of this command:
    211 	 *
    212 	 * CHANINFO <chan> +<modes>
    213 	 * CHANINFO <chan> +<modes> :<topic>
    214 	 * CHANINFO <chan> +<modes> <key> <limit> :<topic>
    215 	 *
    216 	 * The parameter <key> must be ignored if a channel has no key (the parameter
    217 	 * <modes> doesn't list the "k" channel mode). In this case <key> should
    218 	 * contain "*" because the parameter <key> is required by the CHANINFO syntax
    219 	 * and therefore can't be omitted. The parameter <limit> must be ignored when
    220 	 * a channel has no user limit (the parameter <modes> doesn't list the "l"
    221 	 * channel mode). In this case <limit> should be "0".
    222 	 */
    223 	void Run(MessageSource &source, const std::vector<Anope::string> &params) anope_override
    224 	{
    225 		bool created;
    226 		Channel *c = Channel::FindOrCreate(params[0], created);
    228 		Anope::string modes = params[1];
    230 		if (params.size() == 3)
    231 		{
    232 			c->ChangeTopicInternal(NULL, source.GetName(), params[2], Anope::CurTime);
    233 		}
    234 		else if (params.size() == 5)
    235 		{
    236 			for (size_t i = 0, end = params[1].length(); i < end; ++i)
    237 			{
    238 				switch(params[1][i])
    239 				{
    240 					case 'k':
    241 						modes += " " + params[2];
    242 						continue;
    243 					case 'l':
    244 						modes += " " + params[3];
    245 						continue;
    246 				}
    247 			}
    248 			c->ChangeTopicInternal(NULL, source.GetName(), params[4], Anope::CurTime);
    249 		}
    251 		c->SetModesInternal(source, modes);
    252 	}
    253 };
    255 struct IRCDMessageJoin : Message::Join
    256 {
    257 	IRCDMessageJoin(Module *creator) : Message::Join(creator, "JOIN") { SetFlag(IRCDMESSAGE_REQUIRE_USER); }
    259 	/*
    260 	 * <@po||ux> DukeP: RFC 2813, 4.2.1: the JOIN command on server-server links
    261 	 * separates the modes ("o") with ASCII 7, not space. And you can't see ASCII 7.
    262 	 *
    263 	 * if a user joins a new channel, the ircd sends <channelname>\7<umode>
    264 	 */
    265 	void Run(MessageSource &source, const std::vector<Anope::string> &params) anope_override
    266 	{
    267 		User *user = source.GetUser();
    268 		size_t pos = params[0].find('\7');
    269 		Anope::string channel, modes;
    271 		if (pos != Anope::string::npos)
    272 		{
    273 			channel = params[0].substr(0, pos);
    274 			modes = '+' + params[0].substr(pos+1, params[0].length()) + " " + user->nick;
    275 		}
    276 		else
    277 		{
    278 			channel = params[0];
    279 		}
    281 		std::vector<Anope::string> new_params;
    282 		new_params.push_back(channel);
    284 		Message::Join::Run(source, new_params);
    286 		if (!modes.empty())
    287 		{
    288 			Channel *c = Channel::Find(channel);
    289 			if (c)
    290 				c->SetModesInternal(source, modes);
    291 		}
    292 	}
    293 };
    295 struct IRCDMessageMetadata : IRCDMessage
    296 {
    297 	IRCDMessageMetadata(Module *creator) : IRCDMessage(creator, "METADATA", 3) { SetFlag(IRCDMESSAGE_REQUIRE_SERVER); }
    299 	/*
    300 	 * Received: METADATA DukePyrolator host :anope-e2ee5c7d
    301 	 *
    302 	 * params[0] = nick of the user
    303 	 * params[1] = command
    304 	 * params[2] = data
    305 	 *
    306 	 * following commands are supported:
    307 	 *  - "accountname": the account name of a client (can't be empty)
    308 	 *  - "certfp": the certificate fingerprint of a client (can't be empty)
    309 	 *  - "cloakhost" : the cloaked hostname of a client
    310 	 *  - "host": the hostname of a client (can't be empty)
    311 	 *  - "info": info text ("real name") of a client
    312 	 *  - "user": the user name (ident) of a client (can't be empty)
    313 	 */
    315 	void Run(MessageSource &source, const std::vector<Anope::string> &params) anope_override
    316 	{
    317 		User *u = User::Find(params[0]);
    318 		if (!u)
    319 		{
    320 			Log(LOG_DEBUG) << "received METADATA for nonexistent user " << params[0];
    321 			return;
    322 		}
    323 		if (params[1].equals_cs("accountname"))
    324 		{
    325 			NickCore *nc = NickCore::Find(params[2]);
    326 			if (nc)
    327 				u->Login(nc);
    328 		}
    329 		else if (params[1].equals_cs("certfp"))
    330 		{
    331 			u->fingerprint = params[2];
    332 			FOREACH_MOD(OnFingerprint, (u));
    333 		}
    334 		else if (params[1].equals_cs("cloakhost"))
    335 		{
    336 			if (!params[2].empty())
    337 				u->SetDisplayedHost(params[2]);
    338 		}
    339 		else if (params[1].equals_cs("host"))
    340 		{
    341 			u->SetCloakedHost(params[2]);
    342 		}
    343 		else if (params[1].equals_cs("info"))
    344 		{
    345 			u->SetRealname(params[2]);
    346 		}
    347 		else if (params[1].equals_cs("user"))
    348 		{
    349 			u->SetVIdent(params[2]);
    350 		}
    351 	}
    352 };
    354 struct IRCDMessageMode : IRCDMessage
    355 {
    356 	IRCDMessageMode(Module *creator) : IRCDMessage(creator, "MODE", 2) { SetFlag(IRCDMESSAGE_SOFT_LIMIT); }
    358 	/*
    359 	 * Received: :DukeP MODE #anope +b *!*@*
    360 	 * Received: :DukeP MODE #anope +h DukeP
    361 	 * params[0] = channel or nick
    362 	 * params[1] = modes
    363 	 * params[n] = parameters
    364 	 */
    366 	void Run(MessageSource &source, const std::vector<Anope::string> &params) anope_override
    367 	{
    368 		Anope::string modes = params[1];
    370 		for (size_t i = 2; i < params.size(); ++i)
    371 			modes += " " + params[i];
    373 		if (IRCD->IsChannelValid(params[0]))
    374 		{
    375 			Channel *c = Channel::Find(params[0]);
    377 			if (c)
    378 				c->SetModesInternal(source, modes);
    379 		}
    380 		else
    381 		{
    382 			User *u = User::Find(params[0]);
    384 			if (u)
    385 				u->SetModesInternal(source, "%s", params[1].c_str());
    386 		}
    387 	}
    388 };
    390 struct IRCDMessageNick : IRCDMessage
    391 {
    392 	IRCDMessageNick(Module *creator) : IRCDMessage(creator, "NICK", 1) { SetFlag(IRCDMESSAGE_SOFT_LIMIT); }
    394 	/*
    395 	 * NICK - NEW
    396 	 * Received: NICK DukeP_ 1 ~DukePyro 1 + :DukePyrolator
    397 	 * Parameters: <nickname> <hopcount> <username> <host> <servertoken> <umode> :<realname>
    398 	 * source = server
    399 	 * params[0] = nick
    400 	 * params[1] = hopcount
    401 	 * params[2] = username/ident
    402 	 * params[3] = host
    403 	 * params[4] = servertoken
    404 	 * params[5] = modes
    405 	 * params[6] = info
    406 	 *
    407 	 * NICK - change
    408 	 * Received: :DukeP_ NICK :test2
    409 	 * source    = oldnick
    410 	 * params[0] = newnick
    411 	 *
    412 	 */
    413 	void Run(MessageSource &source, const std::vector<Anope::string> &params) anope_override
    414 	{
    415 		if (params.size() == 1)
    416 		{
    417 			User *u = source.GetUser();
    419 			// we have a nickchange
    420 			if (u)
    421 				u->ChangeNick(params[0]);
    422 		}
    423 		else if (params.size() == 7)
    424 		{
    425 			// a new user is connecting to the network
    426 			Server *s = Server::Find(params[4]);
    427 			if (s == NULL)
    428 			{
    429 				Log(LOG_DEBUG) << "User " << params[0] << " introduced from nonexistent server " << params[4] << "?";
    430 				return;
    431 			}
    432 			User::OnIntroduce(params[0], params[2], params[3], "", "", s, params[6], Anope::CurTime, params[5], "", NULL);
    433 			Log(LOG_DEBUG) << "Registered nick \"" << params[0] << "\" on server " << s->GetName() << ".";
    434 		}
    435 		else
    436 		{
    437 			Log(LOG_DEBUG) << "Received NICK with invalid number of parameters. source = " << source.GetName() << "params[0] = " << params[0] << "params.size() = " << params.size();
    438 		}
    439 	}
    440 };
    442 struct IRCDMessageNJoin : IRCDMessage
    443 {
    444 	IRCDMessageNJoin(Module *creator) : IRCDMessage(creator, "NJOIN",2) { SetFlag(IRCDMESSAGE_REQUIRE_SERVER); };
    446 	/*
    447 	 * RFC 2813, 4.2.2: Njoin Message:
    448 	 * The NJOIN message is used between servers only.
    449 	 * It is used when two servers connect to each other to exchange
    450 	 * the list of channel members for each channel.
    451 	 *
    452 	 * Even though the same function can be performed by using a succession
    453 	 * of JOIN, this message SHOULD be used instead as it is more efficient.
    454 	 *
    455 	 * Received: NJOIN #test :DukeP2,@DukeP,%test,+test2
    456 	 */
    457 	void Run(MessageSource &source, const std::vector<Anope::string> &params) anope_override
    458 	{
    459 		std::list<Message::Join::SJoinUser> users;
    461 		commasepstream sep(params[1]);
    462 		Anope::string buf;
    463 		while (sep.GetToken(buf))
    464 		{
    466 			Message::Join::SJoinUser sju;
    468 			/* Get prefixes from the nick */
    469 			for (char ch; (ch = ModeManager::GetStatusChar(buf[0]));)
    470 			{
    471 				buf.erase(buf.begin());
    472 				sju.first.AddMode(ch);
    473 			}
    475 			sju.second = User::Find(buf);
    476 			if (!sju.second)
    477 			{
    478 				Log(LOG_DEBUG) << "NJOIN for nonexistent user " << buf << " on " << params[0];
    479 				continue;
    480 			}
    481 			users.push_back(sju);
    482 		}
    484 		Message::Join::SJoin(source, params[0], 0, "", users);
    485 	}
    486 };
    488 struct IRCDMessagePong : IRCDMessage
    489 {
    490 	IRCDMessagePong(Module *creator) : IRCDMessage(creator, "PONG", 0) { SetFlag(IRCDMESSAGE_SOFT_LIMIT); SetFlag(IRCDMESSAGE_REQUIRE_SERVER); }
    492 	/*
    493 	 * ngIRCd does not send an EOB, so we send a PING immediately
    494 	 * when receiving a new server and then finish sync once we
    495 	 * get a pong back from that server.
    496 	 */
    497 	void Run(MessageSource &source, const std::vector<Anope::string> &params) anope_override
    498 	{
    499 		if (!source.GetServer()->IsSynced())
    500 			source.GetServer()->Sync(false);
    501 	}
    502 };
    504 struct IRCDMessageServer : IRCDMessage
    505 {
    506 	IRCDMessageServer(Module *creator) : IRCDMessage(creator, "SERVER", 3) { SetFlag(IRCDMESSAGE_SOFT_LIMIT); }
    508 	/*
    509 	 * New directly linked server:
    510 	 *
    511 	 * SERVER 1 :Experimental server
    512 	 *   New server introducing itself
    513 	 *   and attempting to register.
    514 	 *
    515 	 * params[0] = servername
    516 	 * params[1] = hop count
    517 	 * params[2] = server description
    518 	 *
    519 	 * New remote server in the network:
    520 	 *
    521 	 * SERVER 5 34 :BU Central Server
    522 	 *   Server is our uplink for
    523 	 *   which is 5 hops away. The token "34" will be used
    524 	 *   by when introducing new users or
    525 	 *   services connected to
    526 	 *
    527 	 * params[0] = servername
    528 	 * params[1] = hop count
    529 	 * params[2] = server numeric
    530 	 * params[3] = server description
    531 	 */
    533 	void Run(MessageSource &source, const std::vector<Anope::string> &params) anope_override
    534 	{
    535 		if (params.size() == 3)
    536 		{
    537 			// our uplink is introducing itself
    538 			new Server(Me, params[0], 1, params[2], "1");
    539 		}
    540 		else
    541 		{
    542 			// our uplink is introducing a new server
    543 			unsigned int hops = params[1].is_pos_number_only() ? convertTo<unsigned>(params[1]) : 0;
    544 			new Server(source.GetServer(), params[0], hops, params[3], params[2]);
    545 		}
    546 		/*
    547 		 * ngIRCd does not send an EOB, so we send a PING immediately
    548 		 * when receiving a new server and then finish sync once we
    549 		 * get a pong back from that server.
    550 		 */
    551 		IRCD->SendPing(Me->GetName(), params[0]);
    552 	}
    553 };
    555 struct IRCDMessageTopic : IRCDMessage
    556 {
    557 	IRCDMessageTopic(Module *creator) : IRCDMessage(creator, "TOPIC", 2) { SetFlag(IRCDMESSAGE_SOFT_LIMIT); }
    559 	// Received: :DukeP TOPIC #anope :test
    560 	void Run(MessageSource &source, const std::vector<Anope::string> &params) anope_override
    561 	{
    562 		Channel *c = Channel::Find(params[0]);
    563 		if (!c)
    564 		{
    565 			Log(LOG_DEBUG) << "TOPIC for nonexistent channel " << params[0];
    566 			return;
    567 		}
    568 		c->ChangeTopicInternal(source.GetUser(), source.GetName(), params[1], Anope::CurTime);
    569 	}
    570 };
    574 class ProtongIRCd : public Module
    575 {
    576 	ngIRCdProto ircd_proto;
    578 	/* Core message handlers */
    579 	Message::Capab message_capab;
    580 	Message::Error message_error;
    581 	Message::Invite message_invite;
    582 	Message::Kick message_kick;
    583 	Message::Kill message_kill;
    584 	Message::MOTD message_motd;
    585 	Message::Notice message_notice;
    586 	Message::Part message_part;
    587 	Message::Ping message_ping;
    588 	Message::Privmsg message_privmsg, message_squery;
    589 	Message::Quit message_quit;
    590 	Message::SQuit message_squit;
    591 	Message::Stats message_stats;
    592 	Message::Time message_time;
    593 	Message::Version message_version;
    594 	Message::Whois message_whois;
    596 	/* Our message handlers */
    597 	IRCDMessage005 message_005;
    598 	IRCDMessage376 message_376;
    599 	IRCDMessageChaninfo message_chaninfo;
    600 	IRCDMessageJoin message_join;
    601 	IRCDMessageMetadata message_metadata;
    602 	IRCDMessageMode message_mode;
    603 	IRCDMessageNick message_nick;
    604 	IRCDMessageNJoin message_njoin;
    605 	IRCDMessagePong message_pong;
    606 	IRCDMessageServer message_server;
    607 	IRCDMessageTopic message_topic;
    609 	void AddModes()
    610 	{
    611 		/* Add user modes */
    612 		ModeManager::AddUserMode(new UserMode("NOCTCP", 'b'));
    613 		ModeManager::AddUserMode(new UserMode("BOT", 'B'));
    614 		ModeManager::AddUserMode(new UserMode("COMMONCHANS", 'C'));
    615 		ModeManager::AddUserMode(new UserMode("INVIS", 'i'));
    616 		ModeManager::AddUserMode(new UserModeOperOnly("OPER", 'o'));
    617 		ModeManager::AddUserMode(new UserModeOperOnly("PROTECTED", 'q'));
    618 		ModeManager::AddUserMode(new UserModeOperOnly("RESTRICTED", 'r'));
    619 		ModeManager::AddUserMode(new UserModeNoone("REGISTERED", 'R'));
    620 		ModeManager::AddUserMode(new UserModeOperOnly("SNOMASK", 's'));
    621 		ModeManager::AddUserMode(new UserMode("WALLOPS", 'w'));
    622 		ModeManager::AddUserMode(new UserMode("CLOAK", 'x'));
    624 		/* Add modes for ban, exception, and invite lists */
    625 		ModeManager::AddChannelMode(new ChannelModeList("BAN", 'b'));
    626 		ModeManager::AddChannelMode(new ChannelModeList("EXCEPT", 'e'));
    627 		ModeManager::AddChannelMode(new ChannelModeList("INVITEOVERRIDE", 'I'));
    629 		/* Add channel user modes */
    630 		ModeManager::AddChannelMode(new ChannelModeStatus("VOICE", 'v', '+', 0));
    631 		ModeManager::AddChannelMode(new ChannelModeStatus("HALFOP", 'h', '%', 1));
    632 		ModeManager::AddChannelMode(new ChannelModeStatus("OP", 'o', '@', 2));
    633 		ModeManager::AddChannelMode(new ChannelModeStatus("PROTECT", 'a', '&', 3));
    634 		ModeManager::AddChannelMode(new ChannelModeStatus("OWNER", 'q', '~', 4));
    636 		/* Add channel modes */
    637 		ModeManager::AddChannelMode(new ChannelMode("INVITE", 'i'));
    638 		ModeManager::AddChannelMode(new ChannelModeKey('k'));
    639 		ModeManager::AddChannelMode(new ChannelModeParam("LIMIT", 'l', true));
    640 		ModeManager::AddChannelMode(new ChannelMode("MODERATED", 'm'));
    641 		ModeManager::AddChannelMode(new ChannelMode("REGMODERATED", 'M'));
    642 		ModeManager::AddChannelMode(new ChannelMode("NOEXTERNAL", 'n'));
    643 		ModeManager::AddChannelMode(new ChannelMode("OPERONLY", 'O'));
    644 		ModeManager::AddChannelMode(new ChannelMode("PERM", 'P'));
    645 		ModeManager::AddChannelMode(new ChannelMode("NOKICK", 'Q'));
    646 		ModeManager::AddChannelMode(new ChannelModeNoone("REGISTERED", 'r'));
    647 		ModeManager::AddChannelMode(new ChannelMode("REGISTEREDONLY", 'R'));
    648 		ModeManager::AddChannelMode(new ChannelMode("SECRET", 's'));
    649 		ModeManager::AddChannelMode(new ChannelMode("TOPIC", 't'));
    650 		ModeManager::AddChannelMode(new ChannelMode("NOINVITE", 'V'));
    651 		ModeManager::AddChannelMode(new ChannelMode("SSL", 'z'));
    652 	}
    654  public:
    655 	ProtongIRCd(const Anope::string &modname, const Anope::string &creator) : Module(modname, creator, PROTOCOL | VENDOR),
    656 		ircd_proto(this),
    657 		message_capab(this), message_error(this), message_invite(this), message_kick(this), message_kill(this),
    658 		message_motd(this), message_notice(this), message_part(this), message_ping(this), message_privmsg(this),
    659 		message_squery(this, "SQUERY"), message_quit(this), message_squit(this), message_stats(this), message_time(this),
    660 		message_version(this), message_whois(this),
    662 		message_005(this), message_376(this), message_chaninfo(this), message_join(this), message_metadata(this),
    663 		message_mode(this), message_nick(this), message_njoin(this), message_pong(this), message_server(this),
    664 		message_topic(this)
    665 	{
    667 		Servers::Capab.insert("QS");
    669 		this->AddModes();
    671 	}
    673 	void OnUserNickChange(User *u, const Anope::string &) anope_override
    674 	{
    675 		u->RemoveMode(Config->GetClient("NickServ"), "REGISTERED");
    676 	}
    677 };
    679 MODULE_INIT(ProtongIRCd)