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inspircd3.cpp (63524B)

      1 /* InspIRCd 3.0 functions
      2  *
      3  * (C) 2003-2022 Anope Team
      4  * Contact us at
      5  *
      6  * Please read COPYING and README for further details.
      7  *
      8  * Based on the original code of Epona by Lara.
      9  * Based on the original code of Services by Andy Church.
     10  */
     12 #include "module.h"
     13 #include "modules/cs_mode.h"
     14 #include "modules/sasl.h"
     16 typedef std::map<char, unsigned> ListLimits;
     18 struct SASLUser
     19 {
     20 	Anope::string uid;
     21 	Anope::string acc;
     22 	time_t created;
     23 };
     25 static std::list<SASLUser> saslusers;
     27 static Anope::string rsquit_server, rsquit_id;
     29 class InspIRCd3Proto : public IRCDProto
     30 {
     31  private:
     32 	void SendChgIdentInternal(const Anope::string &nick, const Anope::string &vIdent)
     33 	{
     34 		if (!Servers::Capab.count("CHGIDENT"))
     35 			Log() << "CHGIDENT not loaded!";
     36 		else
     37 			UplinkSocket::Message(Me) << "CHGIDENT " << nick << " " << vIdent;
     38 	}
     40 	void SendChgHostInternal(const Anope::string &nick, const Anope::string &vhost)
     41 	{
     42 		if (!Servers::Capab.count("CHGHOST"))
     43 			Log() << "CHGHOST not loaded!";
     44 		else
     45 			UplinkSocket::Message(Me) << "CHGHOST " << nick << " " << vhost;
     46 	}
     48 	void SendAddLine(const Anope::string &xtype, const Anope::string &mask, time_t duration, const Anope::string &addedby, const Anope::string &reason)
     49 	{
     50 		UplinkSocket::Message(Me) << "ADDLINE " << xtype << " " << mask << " " << addedby << " " << Anope::CurTime << " " << duration << " :" << reason;
     51 	}
     53 	void SendDelLine(const Anope::string &xtype, const Anope::string &mask)
     54 	{
     55 		UplinkSocket::Message(Me) << "DELLINE " << xtype << " " << mask;
     56 	}
     58  public:
     59 	PrimitiveExtensibleItem<ListLimits> maxlist;
     61 	InspIRCd3Proto(Module *creator) : IRCDProto(creator, "InspIRCd 3"), maxlist(creator, "maxlist")
     62 	{
     63 		DefaultPseudoclientModes = "+oI";
     64 		CanSVSNick = true;
     65 		CanSVSJoin = true;
     66 		CanSetVHost = true;
     67 		CanSetVIdent = true;
     68 		CanSQLine = true;
     69 		CanSQLineChannel = true;
     70 		CanSZLine = true;
     71 		CanSVSHold = true;
     72 		CanCertFP = true;
     73 		RequiresID = true;
     74 		MaxModes = 20;
     75 		MaxLine = 4096;
     76 	}
     78 	unsigned GetMaxListFor(Channel *c, ChannelMode *cm) anope_override
     79 	{
     80 		ListLimits *limits = maxlist.Get(c);
     81 		if (limits)
     82 		{
     83 			ListLimits::const_iterator limit = limits->find(cm->mchar);
     84 			if (limit != limits->end())
     85 				return limit->second;
     86 		}
     88 		// Fall back to the config limit if we can't find the mode.
     89 		return IRCDProto::GetMaxListFor(c, cm);
     90 	}
     92 	void SendConnect() anope_override
     93 	{
     94 		UplinkSocket::Message() << "CAPAB START 1205";
     95 		UplinkSocket::Message() << "CAPAB CAPABILITIES :CASEMAPPING=" << Config->GetBlock("options")->Get<const Anope::string>("casemap", "ascii");
     96 		UplinkSocket::Message() << "CAPAB END";
     97 		UplinkSocket::Message() << "SERVER " << Me->GetName() << " " << Config->Uplinks[Anope::CurrentUplink].password << " 0 " << Me->GetSID() << " :" << Me->GetDescription();
     98 	}
    100 	void SendSASLMechanisms(std::vector<Anope::string> &mechanisms) anope_override
    101 	{
    102 		Anope::string mechlist;
    103 		for (unsigned i = 0; i < mechanisms.size(); ++i)
    104 			mechlist += "," + mechanisms[i];
    106 		UplinkSocket::Message(Me) << "METADATA * saslmechlist :" << (mechanisms.empty() ? "" : mechlist.substr(1));
    107 	}
    109 	void SendSVSKillInternal(const MessageSource &source, User *user, const Anope::string &buf) anope_override
    110 	{
    111 		IRCDProto::SendSVSKillInternal(source, user, buf);
    112 		user->KillInternal(source, buf);
    113 	}
    115 	void SendGlobalNotice(BotInfo *bi, const Server *dest, const Anope::string &msg) anope_override
    116 	{
    117 		UplinkSocket::Message(bi) << "NOTICE $" << dest->GetName() << " :" << msg;
    118 	}
    120 	void SendGlobalPrivmsg(BotInfo *bi, const Server *dest, const Anope::string &msg) anope_override
    121 	{
    122 		UplinkSocket::Message(bi) << "PRIVMSG $" << dest->GetName() << " :" << msg;
    123 	}
    125 	void SendPong(const Anope::string &servname, const Anope::string &who) anope_override
    126 	{
    127 		Server *serv = servname.empty() ? NULL : Server::Find(servname);
    128 		if (!serv)
    129 			serv = Me;
    131 		UplinkSocket::Message(serv) << "PONG " << who;
    132 	}
    134 	void SendAkillDel(const XLine *x) anope_override
    135 	{
    136 		{
    137 			/* InspIRCd may support regex bans
    138 			 * Mask is expected in format: 'n!u@h\sr' and spaces as '\s'
    139 			 * We remove the '//' and replace '#' and any ' ' with '\s'
    140 			 */
    141 			if (x->IsRegex() && Servers::Capab.count("RLINE"))
    142 			{
    143 				Anope::string mask = x->mask;
    144 				if (mask.length() >= 2 && mask[0] == '/' && mask[mask.length() - 1] == '/')
    145 					mask = mask.substr(1, mask.length() - 2);
    146 				size_t h = mask.find('#');
    147 				if (h != Anope::string::npos)
    148 				{
    149 					mask = mask.replace(h, 1, "\\s");
    150 					mask = mask.replace_all_cs(" ", "\\s");
    151 				}
    152 				SendDelLine("R", mask);
    153 				return;
    154 			}
    155 			else if (x->IsRegex() || x->HasNickOrReal())
    156 				return;
    158 			/* ZLine if we can instead */
    159 			if (x->GetUser() == "*")
    160 			{
    161 				cidr addr(x->GetHost());
    162 				if (addr.valid())
    163 				{
    164 					IRCD->SendSZLineDel(x);
    165 					return;
    166 				}
    167 			}
    169 			SendDelLine("G", x->GetUser() + "@" + x->GetHost());
    170 		}
    171 	}
    173 	void SendInvite(const MessageSource &source, const Channel *c, User *u) anope_override
    174 	{
    175 		UplinkSocket::Message(source) << "INVITE " << u->GetUID() << " " << c->name << " " << c->creation_time;
    176 	}
    178 	void SendTopic(const MessageSource &source, Channel *c) anope_override
    179 	{
    180 		if (Servers::Capab.count("SVSTOPIC"))
    181 		{
    182 			UplinkSocket::Message(c->ci->WhoSends()) << "SVSTOPIC " << c->name << " " << c->topic_ts << " " << c->topic_setter << " :" << c->topic;
    183 		}
    184 		else
    185 		{
    186 			/* If the last time a topic was set is after the TS we want for this topic we must bump this topic's timestamp to now */
    187 			time_t ts = c->topic_ts;
    188 			if (c->topic_time > ts)
    189 				ts = Anope::CurTime;
    190 			/* But don't modify c->topic_ts, it should remain set to the real TS we want as ci->last_topic_time pulls from it */
    191 			UplinkSocket::Message(source) << "FTOPIC " << c->name << " " << c->creation_time << " " << ts << " " << c->topic_setter << " :" << c->topic;
    192 		}
    193 	}
    195 	void SendVhostDel(User *u) anope_override
    196 	{
    197 		UserMode *um = ModeManager::FindUserModeByName("CLOAK");
    199 		if (um && !u->HasMode(um->name))
    200 			// Just set +x if we can
    201 			u->SetMode(NULL, um);
    202 		else
    203 			// Try to restore cloaked host
    204 			this->SendChgHostInternal(u->nick, u->chost);
    205 	}
    207 	void SendAkill(User *u, XLine *x) anope_override
    208 	{
    209 		// Calculate the time left before this would expire, capping it at 2 days
    210 		time_t timeleft = x->expires - Anope::CurTime;
    211 		if (timeleft > 172800 || !x->expires)
    212 			timeleft = 172800;
    214 		/* InspIRCd may support regex bans, if they do we can send this and forget about it
    215 		 * Mask is expected in format: 'n!u@h\sr' and spaces as '\s'
    216 		 * We remove the '//' and replace '#' and any ' ' with '\s'
    217 		 */
    218 		if (x->IsRegex() && Servers::Capab.count("RLINE"))
    219 		{
    220 			Anope::string mask = x->mask;
    221 			if (mask.length() >= 2 && mask[0] == '/' && mask[mask.length() - 1] == '/')
    222 				mask = mask.substr(1, mask.length() - 2);
    223 			size_t h = mask.find('#');
    224 			if (h != Anope::string::npos)
    225 			{
    226 				mask = mask.replace(h, 1, "\\s");
    227 				mask = mask.replace_all_cs(" ", "\\s");
    228 			}
    229 			SendAddLine("R", mask, timeleft, x->by, x->GetReason());
    230 			return;
    231 		}
    232 		else if (x->IsRegex() || x->HasNickOrReal())
    233 		{
    234 			if (!u)
    235 			{
    236 				/* No user (this akill was just added), and contains nick and/or realname. Find users that match and ban them */
    237 				for (user_map::const_iterator it = UserListByNick.begin(); it != UserListByNick.end(); ++it)
    238 					if (x->manager->Check(it->second, x))
    239 						this->SendAkill(it->second, x);
    240 				return;
    241 			}
    243 			const XLine *old = x;
    245 			if (old->manager->HasEntry("*@" + u->host))
    246 				return;
    248 			/* We can't akill x as it has a nick and/or realname included, so create a new akill for *@host */
    249 			x = new XLine("*@" + u->host, old->by, old->expires, old->reason, old->id);
    250 			old->manager->AddXLine(x);
    252 			Log(Config->GetClient("OperServ"), "akill") << "AKILL: Added an akill for " << x->mask << " because " << u->GetMask() << "#" << u->realname << " matches " << old->mask;
    253 		}
    255 		/* ZLine if we can instead */
    256 		if (x->GetUser() == "*")
    257 		{
    258 			cidr addr(x->GetHost());
    259 			if (addr.valid())
    260 			{
    261 				IRCD->SendSZLine(u, x);
    262 				return;
    263 			}
    264 		}
    266 		SendAddLine("G", x->GetUser() + "@" + x->GetHost(), timeleft, x->by, x->GetReason());
    267 	}
    269 	void SendNumericInternal(int numeric, const Anope::string &dest, const Anope::string &buf) anope_override
    270 	{
    271 		UplinkSocket::Message() << "NUM " << Me->GetSID() << " " << dest << " " << numeric << " " << buf;
    272 	}
    274 	void SendModeInternal(const MessageSource &source, const Channel *dest, const Anope::string &buf) anope_override
    275 	{
    276 		UplinkSocket::Message(source) << "FMODE " << dest->name << " " << dest->creation_time << " " << buf;
    277 	}
    279 	void SendClientIntroduction(User *u) anope_override
    280 	{
    281 		Anope::string modes = "+" + u->GetModes();
    282 		UplinkSocket::Message(Me) << "UID " << u->GetUID() << " " << u->timestamp << " " << u->nick << " " << u->host << " " << u->host << " " << u->GetIdent() << " " << u->timestamp << " " << modes << " :" << u->realname;
    283 		if (modes.find('o') != Anope::string::npos)
    284 			UplinkSocket::Message(u) << "OPERTYPE :service";
    285 	}
    287 	void SendServer(const Server *server) anope_override
    288 	{
    289 		/* if rsquit is set then we are waiting on a squit */
    290 		if (rsquit_id.empty() && rsquit_server.empty())
    291 			UplinkSocket::Message() << "SERVER " << server->GetName() << " " << server->GetSID() << " :" << server->GetDescription();
    292 	}
    294 	void SendSquit(Server *s, const Anope::string &message) anope_override
    295 	{
    296 		if (s != Me)
    297 		{
    298 			rsquit_id = s->GetSID();
    299 			rsquit_server = s->GetName();
    300 			UplinkSocket::Message() << "RSQUIT " << s->GetName() << " :" << message;
    301 		}
    302 		else
    303 			UplinkSocket::Message() << "SQUIT " << s->GetName() << " :" << message;
    304 	}
    306 	void SendJoin(User *user, Channel *c, const ChannelStatus *status) anope_override
    307 	{
    308 		UplinkSocket::Message(Me) << "FJOIN " << c->name << " " << c->creation_time << " +" << c->GetModes(true, true) << " :," << user->GetUID();
    309 		/* Note that we can send this with the FJOIN but choose not to
    310 		 * because the mode stacker will handle this and probably will
    311 		 * merge these modes with +nrt and other mlocked modes
    312 		 */
    313 		if (status)
    314 		{
    315 			/* First save the channel status incase uc->Status == status */
    316 			ChannelStatus cs = *status;
    317 			/* If the user is internally on the channel with flags, kill them so that
    318 			 * the stacker will allow this.
    319 			 */
    320 			ChanUserContainer *uc = c->FindUser(user);
    321 			if (uc != NULL)
    322 				uc->status.Clear();
    324 			BotInfo *setter = BotInfo::Find(user->GetUID());
    325 			for (size_t i = 0; i < cs.Modes().length(); ++i)
    326 				c->SetMode(setter, ModeManager::FindChannelModeByChar(cs.Modes()[i]), user->GetUID(), false);
    328 			if (uc != NULL)
    329 				uc->status = cs;
    330 		}
    331 	}
    333 	void SendSQLineDel(const XLine *x) anope_override
    334 	{
    335 		if (IRCD->CanSQLineChannel && (x->mask[0] == '#'))
    336 			SendDelLine("CBAN", x->mask);
    337 		else
    338 			SendDelLine("Q", x->mask);
    339 	}
    341 	void SendSQLine(User *u, const XLine *x) anope_override
    342 	{
    343 		// Calculate the time left before this would expire, capping it at 2 days
    344 		time_t timeleft = x->expires - Anope::CurTime;
    345 		if (timeleft > 172800 || !x->expires)
    346 			timeleft = 172800;
    348 		if (IRCD->CanSQLineChannel && (x->mask[0] == '#'))
    349 			SendAddLine("CBAN", x->mask, timeleft, x->by, x->GetReason());
    350 		else
    351 			SendAddLine("Q", x->mask, timeleft, x->by, x->GetReason());
    352 	}
    354 	void SendVhost(User *u, const Anope::string &vIdent, const Anope::string &vhost) anope_override
    355 	{
    356 		if (!vIdent.empty())
    357 			this->SendChgIdentInternal(u->nick, vIdent);
    358 		if (!vhost.empty())
    359 			this->SendChgHostInternal(u->nick, vhost);
    360 	}
    362 	void SendSVSHold(const Anope::string &nick, time_t t) anope_override
    363 	{
    364 		UplinkSocket::Message(Config->GetClient("NickServ")) << "SVSHOLD " << nick << " " << t << " :Being held for registered user";
    365 	}
    367 	void SendSVSHoldDel(const Anope::string &nick) anope_override
    368 	{
    369 		UplinkSocket::Message(Config->GetClient("NickServ")) << "SVSHOLD " << nick;
    370 	}
    372 	void SendSZLineDel(const XLine *x) anope_override
    373 	{
    374 		SendDelLine("Z", x->GetHost());
    375 	}
    377 	void SendSZLine(User *u, const XLine *x) anope_override
    378 	{
    379 		// Calculate the time left before this would expire, capping it at 2 days
    380 		time_t timeleft = x->expires - Anope::CurTime;
    381 		if (timeleft > 172800 || !x->expires)
    382 			timeleft = 172800;
    383 		SendAddLine("Z", x->GetHost(), timeleft, x->by, x->GetReason());
    384 	}
    386 	void SendSVSJoin(const MessageSource &source, User *u, const Anope::string &chan, const Anope::string &other) anope_override
    387 	{
    388 		UplinkSocket::Message(source) << "SVSJOIN " << u->GetUID() << " " << chan;
    389 	}
    391 	void SendSVSPart(const MessageSource &source, User *u, const Anope::string &chan, const Anope::string &param) anope_override
    392 	{
    393 		if (!param.empty())
    394 			UplinkSocket::Message(source) << "SVSPART " << u->GetUID() << " " << chan << " :" << param;
    395 		else
    396 			UplinkSocket::Message(source) << "SVSPART " << u->GetUID() << " " << chan;
    397 	}
    399 	void SendSWhois(const MessageSource &bi, const Anope::string &who, const Anope::string &mask) anope_override
    400 	{
    401 		User *u = User::Find(who);
    403 		UplinkSocket::Message(Me) << "METADATA " << u->GetUID() << " swhois :" << mask;
    404 	}
    406 	void SendBOB() anope_override
    407 	{
    408 		UplinkSocket::Message(Me) << "BURST " << Anope::CurTime;
    409 		Module *enc = ModuleManager::FindFirstOf(ENCRYPTION);
    410 		UplinkSocket::Message(Me) << "SINFO version :Anope-" << Anope::Version() << " " << Me->GetName() << " :" << IRCD->GetProtocolName() << " - (" << (enc ? enc->name : "none") << ") -- " << Anope::VersionBuildString();
    411 		UplinkSocket::Message(Me) << "SINFO fullversion :Anope-" << Anope::Version() << " " << Me->GetName() << " :[" << Me->GetSID() << "] " << IRCD->GetProtocolName() << " - (" << (enc ? enc->name : "none") << ") -- " << Anope::VersionBuildString();
    412 		UplinkSocket::Message(Me) << "SINFO rawversion :Anope-" << Anope::VersionShort();
    413 	}
    415 	void SendEOB() anope_override
    416 	{
    417 		UplinkSocket::Message(Me) << "ENDBURST";
    418 	}
    420 	void SendGlobopsInternal(const MessageSource &source, const Anope::string &buf) anope_override
    421 	{
    422 		if (Servers::Capab.count("GLOBOPS"))
    423 			UplinkSocket::Message(source) << "SNONOTICE g :" << buf;
    424 		else
    425 			UplinkSocket::Message(source) << "SNONOTICE A :" << buf;
    426 	}
    428 	void SendLogin(User *u, NickAlias *na) anope_override
    429 	{
    430 		/* InspIRCd uses an account to bypass chmode +R, not umode +r, so we can't send this here */
    431 		if (na->nc->HasExt("UNCONFIRMED"))
    432 			return;
    434 		UplinkSocket::Message(Me) << "METADATA " << u->GetUID() << " accountid :" << na->nc->GetId();
    435 		UplinkSocket::Message(Me) << "METADATA " << u->GetUID() << " accountname :" << na->nc->display;
    436 	}
    438 	void SendLogout(User *u) anope_override
    439 	{
    440 		UplinkSocket::Message(Me) << "METADATA " << u->GetUID() << " accountid :";
    441 		UplinkSocket::Message(Me) << "METADATA " << u->GetUID() << " accountname :";
    442 	}
    444 	void SendChannel(Channel *c) anope_override
    445 	{
    446 		UplinkSocket::Message(Me) << "FJOIN " << c->name << " " << c->creation_time << " +" << c->GetModes(true, true) << " :";
    447 	}
    449 	void SendSASLMessage(const SASL::Message &message) anope_override
    450 	{
    451 		UplinkSocket::Message(Me) << "ENCAP " <<, 3) << " SASL " << message.source << " " << << " " << message.type << " " << << (message.ext.empty() ? "" : (" " + message.ext));
    452 	}
    454 	void SendSVSLogin(const Anope::string &uid, const Anope::string &acc, const Anope::string &vident, const Anope::string &vhost) anope_override
    455 	{
    456 		// TODO: in 2.1 this function should take a NickAlias instead of strings.
    457 		NickCore *nc = NickCore::Find(acc);
    458 		if (!nc)
    459 			return;
    461 		UplinkSocket::Message(Me) << "METADATA " << uid << " accountid :" << nc->GetId();
    462 		UplinkSocket::Message(Me) << "METADATA " << uid << " accountname :" << acc;
    464 		if (!vident.empty())
    465 			UplinkSocket::Message(Me) << "ENCAP " << uid.substr(0, 3) << " CHGIDENT " << uid << " " << vident;
    466 		if (!vhost.empty())
    467 			UplinkSocket::Message(Me) << "ENCAP " << uid.substr(0, 3) << " CHGHOST " << uid << " " << vhost;
    469 		SASLUser su;
    470 		su.uid = uid;
    471 		su.acc = acc;
    472 		su.created = Anope::CurTime;
    474 		for (std::list<SASLUser>::iterator it = saslusers.begin(); it != saslusers.end();)
    475 		{
    476 			SASLUser &u = *it;
    478 			if (u.created + 30 < Anope::CurTime || u.uid == uid)
    479 				it = saslusers.erase(it);
    480 			else
    481 				++it;
    482 		}
    484 		saslusers.push_back(su);
    485 	}
    487 	bool IsExtbanValid(const Anope::string &mask) anope_override
    488 	{
    489 		return mask.length() >= 3 && mask[1] == ':';
    490 	}
    492 	bool IsIdentValid(const Anope::string &ident) anope_override
    493 	{
    494 		if (ident.empty() || ident.length() > Config->GetBlock("networkinfo")->Get<unsigned>("userlen"))
    495 			return false;
    497 		for (unsigned i = 0; i < ident.length(); ++i)
    498 		{
    499 			const char &c = ident[i];
    501 			if (c >= 'A' && c <= '}')
    502 				continue;
    504 			if ((c >= '0' && c <= '9') || c == '-' || c == '.')
    505 				continue;
    507 			return false;
    508 		}
    510 		return true;
    511 	}
    512 };
    514 class InspIRCdAutoOpMode : public ChannelModeList
    515 {
    516  public:
    517 	InspIRCdAutoOpMode(char mode) : ChannelModeList("AUTOOP", mode)
    518 	{
    519 	}
    521 	bool IsValid(Anope::string &mask) const anope_override
    522 	{
    523 		// We can not validate this because we don't know about the
    524 		// privileges of the setter so just reject attempts to set it.
    525 		return false;
    526 	}
    527 };
    529 class InspIRCdExtBan : public ChannelModeVirtual<ChannelModeList>
    530 {
    531 	char ext;
    533  public:
    534 	InspIRCdExtBan(const Anope::string &mname, const Anope::string &basename, char extban) : ChannelModeVirtual<ChannelModeList>(mname, basename)
    535 		, ext(extban)
    536 	{
    537 	}
    539 	ChannelMode *Wrap(Anope::string &param) anope_override
    540 	{
    541 		param = Anope::string(ext) + ":" + param;
    542 		return ChannelModeVirtual<ChannelModeList>::Wrap(param);
    543 	}
    545 	ChannelMode *Unwrap(ChannelMode *cm, Anope::string &param) anope_override
    546 	{
    547 		if (cm->type != MODE_LIST || param.length() < 3 || param[0] != ext || param[1] != ':')
    548 			return cm;
    550 		param = param.substr(2);
    551 		return this;
    552 	}
    553 };
    555 namespace InspIRCdExtban
    556 {
    557 	class EntryMatcher : public InspIRCdExtBan
    558 	{
    559 	 public:
    560 		EntryMatcher(const Anope::string &mname, const Anope::string &mbase, char c) : InspIRCdExtBan(mname, mbase, c)
    561 		{
    562 		}
    564 		bool Matches(User *u, const Entry *e) anope_override
    565 		{
    566 			const Anope::string &mask = e->GetMask();
    567 			Anope::string real_mask = mask.substr(3);
    569 			return Entry(this->name, real_mask).Matches(u);
    570 		}
    571 	};
    573 	class ChannelMatcher : public InspIRCdExtBan
    574 	{
    575 	 public:
    576 		ChannelMatcher(const Anope::string &mname, const Anope::string &mbase, char c) : InspIRCdExtBan(mname, mbase, c)
    577 		{
    578 		}
    580 		bool Matches(User *u, const Entry *e) anope_override
    581 		{
    582 			const Anope::string &mask = e->GetMask();
    584 			Anope::string channel = mask.substr(3);
    586 			ChannelMode *cm = NULL;
    587 			if (channel[0] != '#')
    588 			{
    589 				char modeChar = ModeManager::GetStatusChar(channel[0]);
    590 				channel.erase(channel.begin());
    591 				cm = ModeManager::FindChannelModeByChar(modeChar);
    592 				if (cm != NULL && cm->type != MODE_STATUS)
    593 					cm = NULL;
    594 			}
    596 			Channel *c = Channel::Find(channel);
    597 			if (c != NULL)
    598 			{
    599 				ChanUserContainer *uc = c->FindUser(u);
    600 				if (uc != NULL)
    601 					if (cm == NULL || uc->status.HasMode(cm->mchar))
    602 						return true;
    603 			}
    605 			return false;
    606 		}
    607 	};
    609 	class AccountMatcher : public InspIRCdExtBan
    610 	{
    611 	 public:
    612 		AccountMatcher(const Anope::string &mname, const Anope::string &mbase, char c) : InspIRCdExtBan(mname, mbase, c)
    613 		{
    614 		}
    616 		bool Matches(User *u, const Entry *e) anope_override
    617 		{
    618 			const Anope::string &mask = e->GetMask();
    619 			Anope::string real_mask = mask.substr(2);
    621 			return u->IsIdentified() && real_mask.equals_ci(u->Account()->display);
    622 		}
    623 	};
    625 	class RealnameMatcher : public InspIRCdExtBan
    626 	{
    627 	 public:
    628 		RealnameMatcher(const Anope::string &mname, const Anope::string &mbase, char c) : InspIRCdExtBan(mname, mbase, c)
    629 		{
    630 		}
    632 		bool Matches(User *u, const Entry *e) anope_override
    633 		{
    634 			const Anope::string &mask = e->GetMask();
    635 			Anope::string real_mask = mask.substr(2);
    636 			return Anope::Match(u->realname, real_mask);
    637 		}
    638 	};
    640 	class ServerMatcher : public InspIRCdExtBan
    641 	{
    642 	 public:
    643 		ServerMatcher(const Anope::string &mname, const Anope::string &mbase, char c) : InspIRCdExtBan(mname, mbase, c)
    644 		{
    645 		}
    647 		bool Matches(User *u, const Entry *e) anope_override
    648 		{
    649 			const Anope::string &mask = e->GetMask();
    650 			Anope::string real_mask = mask.substr(2);
    651 			return Anope::Match(u->server->GetName(), real_mask);
    652 		}
    653 	};
    655 	class FingerprintMatcher : public InspIRCdExtBan
    656 	{
    657 	 public:
    658 		FingerprintMatcher(const Anope::string &mname, const Anope::string &mbase, char c) : InspIRCdExtBan(mname, mbase, c)
    659 		{
    660 		}
    662 		bool Matches(User *u, const Entry *e) anope_override
    663 		{
    664 			const Anope::string &mask = e->GetMask();
    665 			Anope::string real_mask = mask.substr(2);
    666 			return !u->fingerprint.empty() && Anope::Match(u->fingerprint, real_mask);
    667 		}
    668 	};
    670 	class UnidentifiedMatcher : public InspIRCdExtBan
    671 	{
    672 	 public:
    673 		UnidentifiedMatcher(const Anope::string &mname, const Anope::string &mbase, char c) : InspIRCdExtBan(mname, mbase, c)
    674 		{
    675 		}
    677 		bool Matches(User *u, const Entry *e) anope_override
    678 		{
    679 			const Anope::string &mask = e->GetMask();
    680 			Anope::string real_mask = mask.substr(2);
    681 			return !u->Account() && Entry("BAN", real_mask).Matches(u);
    682 		}
    683 	};
    684 }
    686 class ColonDelimitedParamMode : public ChannelModeParam
    687 {
    688  public:
    689 	ColonDelimitedParamMode(const Anope::string &modename, char modeChar) : ChannelModeParam(modename, modeChar, true) { }
    691 	bool IsValid(Anope::string &value) const anope_override
    692 	{
    693 		return IsValid(value, false);
    694 	}
    696 	bool IsValid(const Anope::string &value, bool historymode) const
    697 	{
    698 		if (value.empty())
    699 			return false; // empty param is never valid
    701 		Anope::string::size_type pos = value.find(':');
    702 		if ((pos == Anope::string::npos) || (pos == 0))
    703 			return false; // no ':' or it's the first char, both are invalid
    705 		Anope::string rest;
    706 		try
    707 		{
    708 			if (convertTo<int>(value, rest, false) <= 0)
    709 				return false; // negative numbers and zero are invalid
    711 			rest = rest.substr(1);
    712 			int n;
    713 			if (historymode)
    714 			{
    715 				// For the history mode, the part after the ':' is a duration and it
    716 				// can be in the user friendly "1d3h20m" format, make sure we accept that
    717 				n = Anope::DoTime(rest);
    718 			}
    719 			else
    720 				n = convertTo<int>(rest);
    722 			if (n <= 0)
    723 				return false;
    724 		}
    725 		catch (const ConvertException &e)
    726 		{
    727 			// conversion error, invalid
    728 			return false;
    729 		}
    731 		return true;
    732 	}
    733 };
    735 class SimpleNumberParamMode : public ChannelModeParam
    736 {
    737  public:
    738 	SimpleNumberParamMode(const Anope::string &modename, char modeChar) : ChannelModeParam(modename, modeChar, true) { }
    740 	bool IsValid(Anope::string &value) const anope_override
    741 	{
    742 		if (value.empty())
    743 			return false; // empty param is never valid
    745 		try
    746 		{
    747 			if (convertTo<int>(value) <= 0)
    748 				return false;
    749 		}
    750 		catch (const ConvertException &e)
    751 		{
    752 			// conversion error, invalid
    753 			return false;
    754 		}
    756 		return true;
    757 	}
    758 };
    760 class ChannelModeFlood : public ColonDelimitedParamMode
    761 {
    762  public:
    763 	ChannelModeFlood(char modeChar) : ColonDelimitedParamMode("FLOOD", modeChar) { }
    765 	bool IsValid(Anope::string &value) const anope_override
    766 	{
    767 		// The parameter of this mode is a bit different, it may begin with a '*',
    768 		// ignore it if that's the case
    769 		Anope::string v = value[0] == '*' ? value.substr(1) : value;
    770 		return ((!value.empty()) && (ColonDelimitedParamMode::IsValid(v)));
    771 	}
    772 };
    774 class ChannelModeHistory : public ColonDelimitedParamMode
    775 {
    776  public:
    777 	ChannelModeHistory(char modeChar) : ColonDelimitedParamMode("HISTORY", modeChar) { }
    779 	bool IsValid(Anope::string &value) const anope_override
    780 	{
    781 		return (ColonDelimitedParamMode::IsValid(value, true));
    782 	}
    783 };
    785 class ChannelModeRedirect : public ChannelModeParam
    786 {
    787  public:
    788 	ChannelModeRedirect(char modeChar) : ChannelModeParam("REDIRECT", modeChar, true) { }
    790 	bool IsValid(Anope::string &value) const anope_override
    791 	{
    792 		// The parameter of this mode is a channel, and channel names start with '#'
    793 		return ((!value.empty()) && (value[0] == '#'));
    794 	}
    795 };
    797 struct IRCDMessageAway : Message::Away
    798 {
    799 	IRCDMessageAway(Module *creator) : Message::Away(creator, "AWAY") { SetFlag(IRCDMESSAGE_REQUIRE_USER); }
    801 	void Run(MessageSource &source, const std::vector<Anope::string> &params) anope_override
    802 	{
    803 		std::vector<Anope::string> newparams(params);
    804 		if (newparams.size() > 1)
    805 			newparams.erase(newparams.begin());
    807 		Message::Away::Run(source, newparams);
    808 	}
    809 };
    811 struct IRCDMessageCapab : Message::Capab
    812 {
    813 	struct ModeInfo
    814 	{
    815 		// The letter assigned to the mode (e.g. o).
    816 		char letter;
    818 		// If a prefix mode then the rank of the prefix.
    819 		unsigned level;
    821 		// The name of the mode.
    822 		Anope::string name;
    824 		// If a prefix mode then the symbol associated with the prefix.
    825 		char symbol;
    827 		// The type of mode.
    828 		Anope::string type;
    830 		ModeInfo() : letter(0), level(0), symbol(0) { }
    831 	};
    833 	static bool ParseMode(const Anope::string& token, ModeInfo& mode)
    834 	{
    835 		// list:ban=b  param-set:limit=l  param:key=k  prefix:30000:op=@o  simple:noextmsg=n
    836 		//     A   C            A     C        A   C         A     B  C          A        C
    837 		Anope::string::size_type a = token.find(':');
    838 		if (a == Anope::string::npos)
    839 			return false;
    841 		// If the mode is a prefix mode then it also has a rank.
    842 		mode.type = token.substr(0, a);
    843 		if (mode.type == "prefix")
    844 		{
    845 			Anope::string::size_type b = token.find(':', a + 1);
    846 			if (b == Anope::string::npos)
    847 				return false;
    849 			const Anope::string modelevel = token.substr(a + 1, b - a - 1);
    850 			mode.level = modelevel.is_pos_number_only() ? convertTo<unsigned>(modelevel) : 0;
    851 			a = b;
    852 		}
    854 		Anope::string::size_type c = token.find('=', a + 1);
    855 		if (c == Anope::string::npos)
    856 			return false;
    858 = token.substr(a + 1, c - a - 1);
    859 		switch (token.length() - c)
    860 		{
    861 			case 2:
    862 				mode.letter = token[c + 1];
    863 				break;
    864 			case 3:
    865 				mode.symbol = token[c + 1];
    866 				mode.letter = token[c + 2];
    867 				break;
    868 			default:
    869 				return false;
    870 		}
    872 		Log(LOG_DEBUG) << "Parsed mode: " << "type=" << mode.type << " name=" << << " level="
    873 			<< mode.level << " symbol=" << mode.symbol << " letter=" << mode.letter;
    874 		return true;
    875 	}
    877 	IRCDMessageCapab(Module *creator) : Message::Capab(creator, "CAPAB") { SetFlag(IRCDMESSAGE_SOFT_LIMIT); }
    879 	void Run(MessageSource &source, const std::vector<Anope::string> &params) anope_override
    880 	{
    881 		if (params[0].equals_cs("START"))
    882 		{
    883 			unsigned int spanningtree_proto_ver = 0;
    884 			if (params.size() >= 2)
    885 				spanningtree_proto_ver = params[1].is_pos_number_only() ? convertTo<unsigned>(params[1]) : 0;
    887 			if (spanningtree_proto_ver < 1205)
    888 			{
    889 				UplinkSocket::Message() << "ERROR :Protocol mismatch, no or invalid protocol version given in CAPAB START";
    890 				Anope::QuitReason = "Protocol mismatch, no or invalid protocol version given in CAPAB START";
    891 				Anope::Quitting = true;
    892 				return;
    893 			}
    895 			/* reset CAPAB */
    896 			Servers::Capab.insert("SERVERS");
    897 			Servers::Capab.insert("TOPICLOCK");
    898 			IRCD->CanSQLineChannel = false;
    899 			IRCD->CanSVSHold = false;
    900 			IRCD->DefaultPseudoclientModes = "+oI";
    901 		}
    902 		else if (params[0].equals_cs("CHANMODES") && params.size() > 1)
    903 		{
    904 			spacesepstream ssep(params[1]);
    905 			Anope::string capab;
    907 			while (ssep.GetToken(capab))
    908 			{
    909 				ModeInfo mode;
    910 				if (!ParseMode(capab, mode))
    911 					continue;
    913 				ChannelMode *cm = NULL;
    914 				if ("admin"))
    915 					cm = new ChannelModeStatus("PROTECT", mode.letter, mode.symbol, mode.level);
    916 				else if ("allowinvite"))
    917 				{
    918 					cm = new ChannelMode("ALLINVITE", mode.letter);
    919 					ModeManager::AddChannelMode(new InspIRCdExtban::EntryMatcher("INVITEBAN", "BAN", 'A'));
    920 				}
    921 				else if ("auditorium"))
    922 					cm = new ChannelMode("AUDITORIUM", mode.letter);
    923 				else if ("autoop"))
    924 					cm = new InspIRCdAutoOpMode(mode.letter);
    925 				else if ("ban"))
    926 					cm = new ChannelModeList("BAN", mode.letter);
    927 				else if ("banexception"))
    928 					cm = new ChannelModeList("EXCEPT", mode.letter);
    929 				else if ("blockcaps"))
    930 				{
    931 					cm = new ChannelMode("BLOCKCAPS", mode.letter);
    932 					ModeManager::AddChannelMode(new InspIRCdExtban::EntryMatcher("BLOCKCAPSBAN", "BAN", 'B'));
    933 				}
    934 				else if ("blockcolor"))
    935 				{
    936 					cm = new ChannelMode("BLOCKCOLOR", mode.letter);
    937 					ModeManager::AddChannelMode(new InspIRCdExtban::EntryMatcher("BLOCKCOLORBAN", "BAN", 'c'));
    938 				}
    939 				else if ("c_registered"))
    940 					cm = new ChannelModeNoone("REGISTERED", mode.letter);
    941 				else if ("censor"))
    942 					cm = new ChannelMode("CENSOR", mode.letter);
    943 				else if ("delayjoin"))
    944 					cm = new ChannelMode("DELAYEDJOIN", mode.letter);
    945 				else if ("delaymsg"))
    946 					cm = new SimpleNumberParamMode("DELAYMSG", mode.letter);
    947 				else if ("filter"))
    948 					cm = new ChannelModeList("FILTER", mode.letter);
    949 				else if ("flood"))
    950 					cm = new ChannelModeFlood(mode.letter);
    951 				else if ("founder"))
    952 					cm = new ChannelModeStatus("OWNER", mode.letter, mode.symbol, mode.level);
    953 				else if ("halfop"))
    954 					cm = new ChannelModeStatus("HALFOP", mode.letter, mode.symbol, mode.level);
    955 				else if ("history"))
    956 					cm = new ChannelModeHistory(mode.letter);
    957 				else if ("invex"))
    958 					cm = new ChannelModeList("INVITEOVERRIDE", mode.letter);
    959 				else if ("inviteonly"))
    960 					cm = new ChannelMode("INVITE", mode.letter);
    961 				else if ("joinflood"))
    962 					cm = new ColonDelimitedParamMode("JOINFLOOD", mode.letter);
    963 				else if ("key"))
    964 					cm = new ChannelModeKey(mode.letter);
    965 				else if ("kicknorejoin"))
    966 					cm = new SimpleNumberParamMode("NOREJOIN", mode.letter);
    967 				else if ("limit"))
    968 					cm = new ChannelModeParam("LIMIT", mode.letter, true);
    969 				else if ("moderated"))
    970 					cm = new ChannelMode("MODERATED", mode.letter);
    971 				else if ("nickflood"))
    972 					cm = new ColonDelimitedParamMode("NICKFLOOD", mode.letter);
    973 				else if ("noctcp"))
    974 				{
    975 					cm = new ChannelMode("NOCTCP", mode.letter);
    976 					ModeManager::AddChannelMode(new InspIRCdExtban::EntryMatcher("NOCTCPBAN", "BAN", 'C'));
    977 				}
    978 				else if ("noextmsg"))
    979 					cm = new ChannelMode("NOEXTERNAL", mode.letter);
    980 				else if ("nokick"))
    981 				{
    982 					cm = new ChannelMode("NOKICK", mode.letter);
    983 					ModeManager::AddChannelMode(new InspIRCdExtban::EntryMatcher("NOKICKBAN", "BAN", 'Q'));
    984 				}
    985 				else if ("noknock"))
    986 					cm = new ChannelMode("NOKNOCK", mode.letter);
    987 				else if ("nonick"))
    988 				{
    989 					cm = new ChannelMode("NONICK", mode.letter);
    990 					ModeManager::AddChannelMode(new InspIRCdExtban::EntryMatcher("NONICKBAN", "BAN", 'N'));
    991 				}
    992 				else if ("nonotice"))
    993 				{
    994 					cm = new ChannelMode("NONOTICE", mode.letter);
    995 					ModeManager::AddChannelMode(new InspIRCdExtban::EntryMatcher("NONOTICEBAN", "BAN", 'T'));
    996 				}
    997 				else if ("official-join"))
    998 					cm = new ChannelModeStatus("OFFICIALJOIN", mode.letter, mode.symbol, mode.level);
    999 				else if ("op"))
   1000 					cm = new ChannelModeStatus("OP", mode.letter, mode.symbol, mode.level);
   1001 				else if ("operonly"))
   1002 					cm = new ChannelModeOperOnly("OPERONLY", mode.letter);
   1003 				else if ("operprefix"))
   1004 					cm = new ChannelModeStatus("OPERPREFIX", mode.letter, mode.symbol, mode.level);
   1005 				else if ("permanent"))
   1006 					cm = new ChannelMode("PERM", mode.letter);
   1007 				else if ("private"))
   1008 					cm = new ChannelMode("PRIVATE", mode.letter);
   1009 				else if ("redirect"))
   1010 					cm = new ChannelModeRedirect(mode.letter);
   1011 				else if ("reginvite"))
   1012 					cm = new ChannelMode("REGISTEREDONLY", mode.letter);
   1013 				else if ("regmoderated"))
   1014 					cm = new ChannelMode("REGMODERATED", mode.letter);
   1015 				else if ("secret"))
   1016 					cm = new ChannelMode("SECRET", mode.letter);
   1017 				else if ("sslonly"))
   1018 				{
   1019 					cm = new ChannelMode("SSL", mode.letter);
   1020 					ModeManager::AddChannelMode(new InspIRCdExtban::FingerprintMatcher("SSLBAN", "BAN", 'z'));
   1021 				}
   1022 				else if ("stripcolor"))
   1023 				{
   1024 					cm = new ChannelMode("STRIPCOLOR", mode.letter);
   1025 					ModeManager::AddChannelMode(new InspIRCdExtban::EntryMatcher("STRIPCOLORBAN", "BAN", 'S'));
   1026 				}
   1027 				else if ("topiclock"))
   1028 					cm = new ChannelMode("TOPIC", mode.letter);
   1029 				else if ("voice"))
   1030 					cm = new ChannelModeStatus("VOICE", mode.letter, mode.symbol, mode.level);
   1032 				// Handle unknown modes.
   1033 				else if (mode.type.equals_cs("list"))
   1034 					cm = new ChannelModeList(, mode.letter);
   1035 				else if (mode.type.equals_cs("param-set"))
   1036 					cm = new ChannelModeParam(, mode.letter, true);
   1037 				else if (mode.type.equals_cs("param"))
   1038 					cm = new ChannelModeParam(, mode.letter, false);
   1039 				else if (mode.type.equals_cs("prefix"))
   1040 					cm = new ChannelModeStatus(, mode.letter, mode.symbol, mode.level);
   1041 				else if (mode.type.equals_cs("simple"))
   1042 					cm = new ChannelMode(, mode.letter);
   1043 				else
   1044 					Log(LOG_DEBUG) << "Unknown channel mode: " << capab;
   1046 				if (cm)
   1047 					ModeManager::AddChannelMode(cm);
   1048 			}
   1049 		}
   1050 		if (params[0].equals_cs("USERMODES") && params.size() > 1)
   1051 		{
   1052 			spacesepstream ssep(params[1]);
   1053 			Anope::string capab;
   1055 			while (ssep.GetToken(capab))
   1056 			{
   1057 				ModeInfo mode;
   1058 				if (!ParseMode(capab, mode))
   1059 					continue;
   1061 				UserMode *um = NULL;
   1062 				if ("bot"))
   1063 				{
   1064 					um = new UserMode("BOT", mode.letter);
   1065 					IRCD->DefaultPseudoclientModes += mode.letter;
   1066 				}
   1067 				else if ("callerid"))
   1068 					um = new UserMode("CALLERID", mode.letter);
   1069 				else if ("cloak"))
   1070 					um = new UserMode("CLOAK", mode.letter);
   1071 				else if ("deaf"))
   1072 					um = new UserMode("DEAF", mode.letter);
   1073 				else if ("deaf_commonchan"))
   1074 					um = new UserMode("COMMONCHANS", mode.letter);
   1075 				else if ("helpop"))
   1076 					um = new UserModeOperOnly("HELPOP", mode.letter);
   1077 				else if ("hidechans"))
   1078 					um = new UserMode("PRIV", mode.letter);
   1079 				else if ("hideoper"))
   1080 					um = new UserModeOperOnly("HIDEOPER", mode.letter);
   1081 				else if ("invisible"))
   1082 					um = new UserMode("INVIS", mode.letter);
   1083 				else if ("invis-oper"))
   1084 					um = new UserModeOperOnly("INVISIBLE_OPER", mode.letter);
   1085 				else if ("oper"))
   1086 					um = new UserModeOperOnly("OPER", mode.letter);
   1087 				else if ("regdeaf"))
   1088 					um = new UserMode("REGPRIV", mode.letter);
   1089 				else if ("servprotect"))
   1090 				{
   1091 					um = new UserModeNoone("PROTECTED", mode.letter);
   1092 					IRCD->DefaultPseudoclientModes += mode.letter;
   1093 				}
   1094 				else if ("showwhois"))
   1095 					um = new UserMode("WHOIS", mode.letter);
   1096 				else if ("u_censor"))
   1097 					um = new UserMode("CENSOR", mode.letter);
   1098 				else if ("u_registered"))
   1099 					um = new UserModeNoone("REGISTERED", mode.letter);
   1100 				else if ("u_stripcolor"))
   1101 					um = new UserMode("STRIPCOLOR", mode.letter);
   1102 				else if ("wallops"))
   1103 					um = new UserMode("WALLOPS", mode.letter);
   1105 				// Handle unknown modes.
   1106 				else if (mode.type.equals_cs("param-set"))
   1107 					um = new UserModeParam(, mode.letter);
   1108 				else if (mode.type.equals_cs("simple"))
   1109 					um = new UserMode(, mode.letter);
   1110 				else
   1111 					Log(LOG_DEBUG) << "Unknown user mode: " << capab;
   1113 				if (um)
   1114 					ModeManager::AddUserMode(um);
   1115 			}
   1116 		}
   1117 		else if (params[0].equals_cs("MODULES") && params.size() > 1)
   1118 		{
   1119 			spacesepstream ssep(params[1]);
   1120 			Anope::string module;
   1122 			while (ssep.GetToken(module))
   1123 			{
   1124 				if (module.equals_cs(""))
   1125 					IRCD->CanSVSHold = true;
   1126 				else if (module.find("") == 0)
   1127 				{
   1128 					Servers::Capab.insert("RLINE");
   1129 					const Anope::string &regexengine = Config->GetBlock("options")->Get<const Anope::string>("regexengine");
   1130 					if (!regexengine.empty() && module.length() > 11 && regexengine != module.substr(11))
   1131 						Log() << "Warning: InspIRCd is using regex engine " << module.substr(11) << ", but we have " << regexengine << ". This may cause inconsistencies.";
   1132 				}
   1133 				else if (module.equals_cs(""))
   1134 					Servers::Capab.insert("TOPICLOCK");
   1135 				else if (module.equals_cs(""))
   1136 					IRCD->CanSQLineChannel = true;
   1137 			}
   1138 		}
   1139 		else if (params[0].equals_cs("MODSUPPORT") && params.size() > 1)
   1140 		{
   1141 			spacesepstream ssep(params[1]);
   1142 			Anope::string module;
   1144 			while (ssep.GetToken(module))
   1145 			{
   1146 				if (module.equals_cs(""))
   1147 				{
   1148 					Servers::Capab.insert("SERVICES");
   1149 					ModeManager::AddChannelMode(new InspIRCdExtban::AccountMatcher("ACCOUNTBAN", "BAN", 'R'));
   1150 					ModeManager::AddChannelMode(new InspIRCdExtban::UnidentifiedMatcher("UNREGISTEREDBAN", "BAN", 'U'));
   1151 				}
   1152 				else if (module.equals_cs(""))
   1153 					Servers::Capab.insert("CHGHOST");
   1154 				else if (module.equals_cs(""))
   1155 					Servers::Capab.insert("CHGIDENT");
   1156 				else if (module == "")
   1157 					ModeManager::AddChannelMode(new InspIRCdExtban::ChannelMatcher("CHANNELBAN", "BAN", 'j'));
   1158 				else if (module == "")
   1159 					ModeManager::AddChannelMode(new InspIRCdExtban::RealnameMatcher("REALNAMEBAN", "BAN", 'r'));
   1160 				else if (module == "")
   1161 					ModeManager::AddChannelMode(new InspIRCdExtban::EntryMatcher("PARTMESSAGEBAN", "BAN", 'p'));
   1162 				else if (module == "")
   1163 					ModeManager::AddChannelMode(new InspIRCdExtban::ServerMatcher("SERVERBAN", "BAN", 's'));
   1164 				else if (module == "")
   1165 					ModeManager::AddChannelMode(new InspIRCdExtban::EntryMatcher("QUIET", "BAN", 'm'));
   1166 			}
   1167 		}
   1168 		else if (params[0].equals_cs("CAPABILITIES") && params.size() > 1)
   1169 		{
   1170 			spacesepstream ssep(params[1]);
   1171 			Anope::string capab;
   1172 			while (ssep.GetToken(capab))
   1173 			{
   1174 				if (capab.find("MAXMODES=") != Anope::string::npos)
   1175 				{
   1176 					Anope::string maxmodes(capab.begin() + 9, capab.end());
   1177 					IRCD->MaxModes = maxmodes.is_pos_number_only() ? convertTo<unsigned>(maxmodes) : 3;
   1178 				}
   1179 				else if (capab == "GLOBOPS=1")
   1180 					Servers::Capab.insert("GLOBOPS");
   1181 			}
   1182 		}
   1183 		else if (params[0].equals_cs("END"))
   1184 		{
   1185 			if (!Servers::Capab.count("SERVICES"))
   1186 			{
   1187 				UplinkSocket::Message() << "ERROR :The services_account module is not loaded. This is required by Anope";
   1188 				Anope::QuitReason = "ERROR: Remote server does not have the services_account module loaded, and this is required.";
   1189 				Anope::Quitting = true;
   1190 				return;
   1191 			}
   1192 			if (!ModeManager::FindUserModeByName("PRIV"))
   1193 			{
   1194 				UplinkSocket::Message() << "ERROR :The hidechans module is not loaded. This is required by Anope";
   1195 				Anope::QuitReason = "ERROR: Remote server does not have the hidechans module loaded, and this is required.";
   1196 				Anope::Quitting = true;
   1197 				return;
   1198 			}
   1199 			if (!IRCD->CanSVSHold)
   1200 				Log() << "SVSHOLD missing, Usage disabled until module is loaded.";
   1201 			if (!Servers::Capab.count("CHGHOST"))
   1202 				Log() << "CHGHOST missing, Usage disabled until module is loaded.";
   1203 			if (!Servers::Capab.count("CHGIDENT"))
   1204 				Log() << "CHGIDENT missing, Usage disabled until module is loaded.";
   1205 		}
   1207 		Message::Capab::Run(source, params);
   1208 	}
   1209 };
   1211 struct IRCDMessageEncap : IRCDMessage
   1212 {
   1213 	IRCDMessageEncap(Module *creator) : IRCDMessage(creator, "ENCAP", 4) { SetFlag(IRCDMESSAGE_SOFT_LIMIT); }
   1215 	void Run(MessageSource &source, const std::vector<Anope::string> &params) anope_override
   1216 	{
   1217 		if (!Anope::Match(Me->GetSID(), params[0]) && !Anope::Match(Me->GetName(), params[0]))
   1218 			return;
   1220 		if (params[1] == "CHGIDENT")
   1221 		{
   1222 			User *u = User::Find(params[2]);
   1223 			if (!u || u->server != Me)
   1224 				return;
   1226 			u->SetIdent(params[3]);
   1227 			UplinkSocket::Message(u) << "FIDENT :" << params[3];
   1228 		}
   1229 		else if (params[1] == "CHGHOST")
   1230 		{
   1231 			User *u = User::Find(params[2]);
   1232 			if (!u || u->server != Me)
   1233 				return;
   1235 			u->SetDisplayedHost(params[3]);
   1236 			UplinkSocket::Message(u) << "FHOST :" << params[3];
   1237 		}
   1238 		else if (params[1] == "CHGNAME")
   1239 		{
   1240 			User *u = User::Find(params[2]);
   1241 			if (!u || u->server != Me)
   1242 				return;
   1244 			u->SetRealname(params[3]);
   1245 			UplinkSocket::Message(u) << "FNAME :" << params[3];
   1246 		}
   1247 		else if (SASL::sasl && params[1] == "SASL" && params.size() >= 6)
   1248 		{
   1249 			SASL::Message m;
   1250 			m.source = params[2];
   1251 = params[3];
   1252 			m.type = params[4];
   1253 = params[5];
   1254 			m.ext = params.size() > 6 ? params[6] : "";
   1256 			SASL::sasl->ProcessMessage(m);
   1257 		}
   1258 	}
   1259 };
   1261 struct IRCDMessageFHost : IRCDMessage
   1262 {
   1263 	IRCDMessageFHost(Module *creator) : IRCDMessage(creator, "FHOST", 1) { SetFlag(IRCDMESSAGE_REQUIRE_USER); }
   1265 	void Run(MessageSource &source, const std::vector<Anope::string> &params) anope_override
   1266 	{
   1267 		User *u = source.GetUser();
   1268 		if (u->HasMode("CLOAK"))
   1269 			u->RemoveModeInternal(source, ModeManager::FindUserModeByName("CLOAK"));
   1270 		u->SetDisplayedHost(params[0]);
   1271 	}
   1272 };
   1274 struct IRCDMessageFIdent : IRCDMessage
   1275 {
   1276 	IRCDMessageFIdent(Module *creator) : IRCDMessage(creator, "FIDENT", 1) { SetFlag(IRCDMESSAGE_REQUIRE_USER); }
   1278 	void Run(MessageSource &source, const std::vector<Anope::string> &params) anope_override
   1279 	{
   1280 		source.GetUser()->SetIdent(params[0]);
   1281 	}
   1282 };
   1284 struct IRCDMessageKick : IRCDMessage
   1285 {
   1286 	IRCDMessageKick(Module *creator) : IRCDMessage(creator, "KICK", 3) { SetFlag(IRCDMESSAGE_SOFT_LIMIT); }
   1288 	void Run(MessageSource &source, const std::vector<Anope::string> &params) anope_override
   1289 	{
   1290 		// Received: :715AAAAAA KICK #chan 715AAAAAD :reason
   1291 		// Received: :715AAAAAA KICK #chan 628AAAAAA 4 :reason
   1292 		Channel *c = Channel::Find(params[0]);
   1293 		if (!c)
   1294 			return;
   1296 		const Anope::string &reason = params.size() > 3 ? params[3] : params[2];
   1297 		c->KickInternal(source, params[1], reason);
   1298 	}
   1299 };
   1301 struct IRCDMessageSave : IRCDMessage
   1302 {
   1303 	time_t last_collide;
   1305 	IRCDMessageSave(Module *creator) : IRCDMessage(creator, "SAVE", 2), last_collide(0) { }
   1307 	void Run(MessageSource &source, const std::vector<Anope::string> &params) anope_override
   1308 	{
   1309 		User *targ = User::Find(params[0]);
   1310 		time_t ts;
   1312 		try
   1313 		{
   1314 			ts = convertTo<time_t>(params[1]);
   1315 		}
   1316 		catch (const ConvertException &)
   1317 		{
   1318 			return;
   1319 		}
   1321 		if (!targ || targ->timestamp != ts)
   1322 			return;
   1324 		BotInfo *bi;
   1325 		if (targ->server == Me && (bi = dynamic_cast<BotInfo *>(targ)))
   1326 		{
   1327 			if (last_collide == Anope::CurTime)
   1328 			{
   1329 				Anope::QuitReason = "Nick collision fight on " + targ->nick;
   1330 				Anope::Quitting = true;
   1331 				return;
   1332 			}
   1334 			IRCD->SendKill(Me, targ->nick, "Nick collision");
   1335 			IRCD->SendNickChange(targ, targ->nick);
   1336 			last_collide = Anope::CurTime;
   1337 		}
   1338 		else
   1339 			targ->ChangeNick(targ->GetUID());
   1340 	}
   1341 };
   1343 class IRCDMessageMetadata : IRCDMessage
   1344 {
   1345 	const bool &do_topiclock;
   1346 	const bool &do_mlock;
   1347 	PrimitiveExtensibleItem<ListLimits> &maxlist;
   1349  public:
   1350 	IRCDMessageMetadata(Module *creator, const bool &handle_topiclock, const bool &handle_mlock, PrimitiveExtensibleItem<ListLimits> &listlimits) : IRCDMessage(creator, "METADATA", 3), do_topiclock(handle_topiclock), do_mlock(handle_mlock), maxlist(listlimits) { SetFlag(IRCDMESSAGE_REQUIRE_SERVER); SetFlag(IRCDMESSAGE_SOFT_LIMIT); }
   1352 	void Run(MessageSource &source, const std::vector<Anope::string> &params) anope_override
   1353 	{
   1354 		// We deliberately ignore non-bursting servers to avoid pseudoserver fights
   1355 		// Channel METADATA has an additional parameter: the channel TS
   1356 		// Received: :715 METADATA #chan 1572026333 mlock :nt
   1357 		if ((params[0][0] == '#') && (params.size() > 3) && (!source.GetServer()->IsSynced()))
   1358 		{
   1359 			Channel *c = Channel::Find(params[0]);
   1360 			if (c)
   1361 			{
   1362 				if ((c->ci) && (do_mlock) && (params[2] == "mlock"))
   1363 				{
   1364 					ModeLocks *modelocks = c->ci->GetExt<ModeLocks>("modelocks");
   1365 					Anope::string modes;
   1366 					if (modelocks)
   1367 						modes = modelocks->GetMLockAsString(false).replace_all_cs("+", "").replace_all_cs("-", "");
   1369 					// Mode lock string is not what we say it is?
   1370 					if (modes != params[3])
   1371 						UplinkSocket::Message(Me) << "METADATA " << c->name << " " << c->creation_time << " mlock :" << modes;
   1372 				}
   1373 				else if ((c->ci) && (do_topiclock) && (params[2] == "topiclock"))
   1374 				{
   1375 					bool mystate = c->ci->HasExt("TOPICLOCK");
   1376 					bool serverstate = (params[3] == "1");
   1377 					if (mystate != serverstate)
   1378 						UplinkSocket::Message(Me) << "METADATA " << c->name << " " << c->creation_time << " topiclock :" << (mystate ? "1" : "");
   1379 				}
   1380 				else if (params[2] == "maxlist")
   1381 				{
   1382 					ListLimits limits;
   1383 					spacesepstream limitstream(params[3]);
   1384 					Anope::string modechr, modelimit;
   1385 					while (limitstream.GetToken(modechr) && limitstream.GetToken(modelimit))
   1386 					{
   1387 						limits.insert(std::make_pair(modechr[0], convertTo<unsigned>(modelimit)));
   1388 					}
   1389 					maxlist.Set(c, limits);
   1390 				}
   1391 			}
   1392 		}
   1393 		else if (isdigit(params[0][0]))
   1394 		{
   1395 			if (params[1].equals_cs("accountname"))
   1396 			{
   1397 				User *u = User::Find(params[0]);
   1398 				NickCore *nc = NickCore::Find(params[2]);
   1399 				if (u && nc)
   1400 					u->Login(nc);
   1401 			}
   1403 			/*
   1404 			 *   possible incoming ssl_cert messages:
   1405 			 *   Received: :409 METADATA 409AAAAAA ssl_cert :vTrSe c38070ce96e41cc144ed6590a68d45a6 <...> <...>
   1406 			 *   Received: :409 METADATA 409AAAAAC ssl_cert :vTrSE Could not get peer certificate: error:00000000:lib(0):func(0):reason(0)
   1407 			 */
   1408 			else if (params[1].equals_cs("ssl_cert"))
   1409 			{
   1410 				User *u = User::Find(params[0]);
   1411 				if (!u)
   1412 					return;
   1413 				u->Extend<bool>("ssl");
   1414 				Anope::string data = params[2].c_str();
   1415 				size_t pos1 = data.find(' ') + 1;
   1416 				size_t pos2 = data.find(' ', pos1);
   1417 				if ((pos2 - pos1) >= 32) // inspircd supports md5 and sha1 fingerprint hashes -> size 32 or 40 bytes.
   1418 				{
   1419 					u->fingerprint = data.substr(pos1, pos2 - pos1);
   1420 				}
   1421 				FOREACH_MOD(OnFingerprint, (u));
   1422 			}
   1423 		}
   1424 		else if (params[0] == "*")
   1425 		{
   1426 			// Wed Oct  3 15:40:27 2012: S[14] O :20D METADATA * modules
   1428 			if (params[1].equals_cs("modules") && !params[2].empty())
   1429 			{
   1430 				// only interested when it comes from our uplink
   1431 				Server* server = source.GetServer();
   1432 				if (!server || server->GetUplink() != Me)
   1433 					return;
   1435 				bool plus = (params[2][0] == '+');
   1436 				if (!plus && params[2][0] != '-')
   1437 					return;
   1439 				bool required = false;
   1440 				Anope::string capab, module = params[2].substr(1);
   1442 				if (module.equals_cs(""))
   1443 					required = true;
   1444 				else if (module.equals_cs(""))
   1445 					required = true;
   1446 				else if (module.equals_cs(""))
   1447 					capab = "CHGHOST";
   1448 				else if (module.equals_cs(""))
   1449 					capab = "CHGIDENT";
   1450 				else if (module.equals_cs(""))
   1451 					capab = "SVSHOLD";
   1452 				else if (module.equals_cs(""))
   1453 					capab = "RLINE";
   1454 				else if (module.equals_cs(""))
   1455 					capab = "TOPICLOCK";
   1456 				else
   1457 					return;
   1459 				if (required)
   1460 				{
   1461 					if (!plus)
   1462 						Log() << "Warning: InspIRCd unloaded module " << module << ", Anope won't function correctly without it";
   1463 				}
   1464 				else
   1465 				{
   1466 					if (plus)
   1467 						Servers::Capab.insert(capab);
   1468 					else
   1469 						Servers::Capab.erase(capab);
   1471 					Log() << "InspIRCd " << (plus ? "loaded" : "unloaded") << " module " << module << ", adjusted functionality";
   1472 				}
   1474 			}
   1475 		}
   1476 	}
   1477 };
   1479 struct IRCDMessageEndburst : IRCDMessage
   1480 {
   1481 	IRCDMessageEndburst(Module *creator) : IRCDMessage(creator, "ENDBURST", 0) { SetFlag(IRCDMESSAGE_REQUIRE_SERVER); }
   1483 	void Run(MessageSource &source, const std::vector<Anope::string> &params) anope_override
   1484 	{
   1485 		Server *s = source.GetServer();
   1487 		Log(LOG_DEBUG) << "Processed ENDBURST for " << s->GetName();
   1489 		s->Sync(true);
   1490 	}
   1491 };
   1493 struct IRCDMessageFJoin : IRCDMessage
   1494 {
   1495 	IRCDMessageFJoin(Module *creator) : IRCDMessage(creator, "FJOIN", 2) { SetFlag(IRCDMESSAGE_REQUIRE_SERVER); SetFlag(IRCDMESSAGE_SOFT_LIMIT); }
   1497 	void Run(MessageSource &source, const std::vector<Anope::string> &params) anope_override
   1498 	{
   1499 		Anope::string modes;
   1500 		if (params.size() >= 3)
   1501 		{
   1502 			for (unsigned i = 2; i < params.size() - 1; ++i)
   1503 				modes += " " + params[i];
   1504 			if (!modes.empty())
   1505 				modes.erase(modes.begin());
   1506 		}
   1508 		std::list<Message::Join::SJoinUser> users;
   1510 		spacesepstream sep(params[params.size() - 1]);
   1511 		Anope::string buf;
   1512 		while (sep.GetToken(buf))
   1513 		{
   1514 			Message::Join::SJoinUser sju;
   1516 			/* Loop through prefixes and find modes for them */
   1517 			for (char c; (c = buf[0]) != ',' && c;)
   1518 			{
   1519 				buf.erase(buf.begin());
   1520 				sju.first.AddMode(c);
   1521 			}
   1522 			/* Erase the , */
   1523 			if (!buf.empty())
   1524 				buf.erase(buf.begin());
   1526 			/* Erase the :membid */
   1527 			if (!buf.empty())
   1528 			{
   1529 				Anope::string::size_type membid = buf.find(':');
   1530 				if (membid != Anope::string::npos)
   1531 					buf.erase(membid, Anope::string::npos);
   1532 			}
   1534 			sju.second = User::Find(buf);
   1535 			if (!sju.second)
   1536 			{
   1537 				Log(LOG_DEBUG) << "FJOIN for nonexistent user " << buf << " on " << params[0];
   1538 				continue;
   1539 			}
   1541 			users.push_back(sju);
   1542 		}
   1544 		time_t ts = Anope::string(params[1]).is_pos_number_only() ? convertTo<time_t>(params[1]) : Anope::CurTime;
   1545 		Message::Join::SJoin(source, params[0], ts, modes, users);
   1546 	}
   1547 };
   1549 struct IRCDMessageFMode : IRCDMessage
   1550 {
   1551 	IRCDMessageFMode(Module *creator) : IRCDMessage(creator, "FMODE", 3) { SetFlag(IRCDMESSAGE_SOFT_LIMIT); }
   1553 	void Run(MessageSource &source, const std::vector<Anope::string> &params) anope_override
   1554 	{
   1555 		/* :source FMODE #test 12345678 +nto foo */
   1557 		Anope::string modes = params[2];
   1558 		for (unsigned n = 3; n < params.size(); ++n)
   1559 			modes += " " + params[n];
   1561 		Channel *c = Channel::Find(params[0]);
   1562 		time_t ts;
   1564 		try
   1565 		{
   1566 			ts = convertTo<time_t>(params[1]);
   1567 		}
   1568 		catch (const ConvertException &)
   1569 		{
   1570 			ts = 0;
   1571 		}
   1573 		if (c)
   1574 			c->SetModesInternal(source, modes, ts);
   1575 	}
   1576 };
   1578 struct IRCDMessageFTopic : IRCDMessage
   1579 {
   1580 	IRCDMessageFTopic(Module *creator) : IRCDMessage(creator, "FTOPIC", 4) { SetFlag(IRCDMESSAGE_SOFT_LIMIT);  }
   1582 	void Run(MessageSource &source, const std::vector<Anope::string> &params) anope_override
   1583 	{
   1584 		// :source FTOPIC channel ts topicts :topic
   1585 		// :source FTOPIC channel ts topicts setby :topic (burst or RESYNC)
   1587 		const Anope::string &setby = params.size() > 4 ? params[3] : source.GetName();
   1588 		const Anope::string &topic = params.size() > 4 ? params[4] : params[3];
   1590 		Channel *c = Channel::Find(params[0]);
   1591 		if (c)
   1592 			c->ChangeTopicInternal(NULL, setby, topic, params[2].is_pos_number_only() ? convertTo<time_t>(params[2]) : Anope::CurTime);
   1593 	}
   1594 };
   1596 struct IRCDMessageIdle : IRCDMessage
   1597 {
   1598 	IRCDMessageIdle(Module *creator) : IRCDMessage(creator, "IDLE", 1) { }
   1600 	void Run(MessageSource &source, const std::vector<Anope::string> &params) anope_override
   1601 	{
   1602 		BotInfo *bi = BotInfo::Find(params[0]);
   1603 		if (bi)
   1604 			UplinkSocket::Message(bi) << "IDLE " << source.GetSource() << " " << Anope::StartTime << " " << (Anope::CurTime - bi->lastmsg);
   1605 		else
   1606 		{
   1607 			User *u = User::Find(params[0]);
   1608 			if (u && u->server == Me)
   1609 				UplinkSocket::Message(u) <<  "IDLE " << source.GetSource() << " " << Anope::StartTime << " 0";
   1610 		}
   1611 	}
   1612 };
   1614 struct IRCDMessageIJoin : IRCDMessage
   1615 {
   1616 	IRCDMessageIJoin(Module *creator) : IRCDMessage(creator, "IJOIN", 2) { SetFlag(IRCDMESSAGE_REQUIRE_USER); SetFlag(IRCDMESSAGE_SOFT_LIMIT); }
   1618 	void Run(MessageSource &source, const std::vector<Anope::string> &params) anope_override
   1619 	{
   1620 		// :<uid> IJOIN <chan> <membid> [<ts> [<flags>]]
   1621 		Channel *c = Channel::Find(params[0]);
   1622 		if (!c)
   1623 		{
   1624 			// When receiving an IJOIN, first check if the target channel exists. If it does not exist,
   1625 			// ignore the join (that is, do not create the channel) and send a RESYNC back to the source.
   1626 			UplinkSocket::Message(Me) <<  "RESYNC :" << params[0];
   1627 			return;
   1628 		}
   1630 		// If the channel does exist then join the user, and in case any prefix modes were sent (found in
   1631 		// the 3rd parameter), compare the TS of the channel to the TS in the IJOIN (2nd parameter). If
   1632 		// the timestamps match, set the modes on the user, otherwise ignore the modes.
   1633 		Message::Join::SJoinUser user;
   1634 		user.second = source.GetUser();
   1636 		time_t chants = Anope::CurTime;
   1637 		if (params.size() >= 4)
   1638 		{
   1639 			chants = params[2].is_pos_number_only() ? convertTo<unsigned>(params[2]) : 0;
   1640 			for (unsigned i = 0; i < params[3].length(); ++i)
   1641 				user.first.AddMode(params[3][i]);
   1642 		}
   1644 		std::list<Message::Join::SJoinUser> users;
   1645 		users.push_back(user);
   1646 		Message::Join::SJoin(source, params[0], chants, "", users);
   1647 	}
   1648 };
   1650 struct IRCDMessageMode : IRCDMessage
   1651 {
   1652 	IRCDMessageMode(Module *creator) : IRCDMessage(creator, "MODE", 2) { SetFlag(IRCDMESSAGE_SOFT_LIMIT); }
   1654 	void Run(MessageSource &source, const std::vector<Anope::string> &params) anope_override
   1655 	{
   1656 		if (IRCD->IsChannelValid(params[0]))
   1657 		{
   1658 			Channel *c = Channel::Find(params[0]);
   1660 			Anope::string modes = params[1];
   1661 			for (unsigned n = 2; n < params.size(); ++n)
   1662 				modes += " " + params[n];
   1664 			if (c)
   1665 				c->SetModesInternal(source, modes);
   1666 		}
   1667 		else
   1668 		{
   1669 			/* InspIRCd lets opers change another
   1670 			   users modes, we have to kludge this
   1671 			   as it slightly breaks RFC1459
   1672 			 */
   1673 			User *u = User::Find(params[0]);
   1674 			if (u)
   1675 				u->SetModesInternal(source, "%s", params[1].c_str());
   1676 		}
   1677 	}
   1678 };
   1680 struct IRCDMessageNick : IRCDMessage
   1681 {
   1682 	IRCDMessageNick(Module *creator) : IRCDMessage(creator, "NICK", 2) { SetFlag(IRCDMESSAGE_REQUIRE_USER); }
   1684 	void Run(MessageSource &source, const std::vector<Anope::string> &params) anope_override
   1685 	{
   1686 		source.GetUser()->ChangeNick(params[0]);
   1687 	}
   1688 };
   1690 struct IRCDMessageOperType : IRCDMessage
   1691 {
   1692 	IRCDMessageOperType(Module *creator) : IRCDMessage(creator, "OPERTYPE", 0) { SetFlag(IRCDMESSAGE_SOFT_LIMIT); SetFlag(IRCDMESSAGE_REQUIRE_USER); }
   1694 	void Run(MessageSource &source, const std::vector<Anope::string> &params) anope_override
   1695 	{
   1696 		/* opertype is equivalent to mode +o because servers
   1697 		   don't do this directly */
   1698 		User *u = source.GetUser();
   1699 		if (!u->HasMode("OPER"))
   1700 			u->SetModesInternal(source, "+o");
   1701 	}
   1702 };
   1704 struct IRCDMessagePing : IRCDMessage
   1705 {
   1706 	IRCDMessagePing(Module *creator) : IRCDMessage(creator, "PING", 1) { SetFlag(IRCDMESSAGE_SOFT_LIMIT); SetFlag(IRCDMESSAGE_REQUIRE_SERVER); }
   1708 	void Run(MessageSource &source, const std::vector<Anope::string> &params) anope_override
   1709 	{
   1710 		if (params[0] == Me->GetSID())
   1711 			IRCD->SendPong(params[0], source.GetServer()->GetSID());
   1712 	}
   1713 };
   1715 struct IRCDMessageRSQuit : IRCDMessage
   1716 {
   1717 	IRCDMessageRSQuit(Module *creator) : IRCDMessage(creator, "RSQUIT", 1) { SetFlag(IRCDMESSAGE_SOFT_LIMIT); }
   1719 	void Run(MessageSource &source, const std::vector<Anope::string> &params) anope_override
   1720 	{
   1721 		Server *s = Server::Find(params[0]);
   1722 		const Anope::string &reason = params.size() > 1 ? params[1] : "";
   1723 		if (!s)
   1724 			return;
   1726 		UplinkSocket::Message(Me) << "SQUIT " << s->GetSID() << " :" << reason;
   1727 		s->Delete(s->GetName() + " " + s->GetUplink()->GetName());
   1728 	}
   1729 };
   1731 struct IRCDMessageServer : IRCDMessage
   1732 {
   1733 	IRCDMessageServer(Module *creator) : IRCDMessage(creator, "SERVER", 3) { SetFlag(IRCDMESSAGE_REQUIRE_SERVER); SetFlag(IRCDMESSAGE_SOFT_LIMIT); }
   1735 	void Run(MessageSource &source, const std::vector<Anope::string> &params) anope_override
   1736 	{
   1737 		if (!source.GetServer() && params.size() == 5)
   1738 		{
   1739 			/*
   1740 			 * SERVER hunter7 0 123 :InspIRCd Test Network
   1741 			 * 0: name
   1742 			 * 1: pass
   1743 			 * 2: hops
   1744 			 * 3: numeric
   1745 			 * 4: desc
   1746 			 */
   1747 			unsigned int hops = Anope::string(params[2]).is_pos_number_only() ? convertTo<unsigned>(params[2]) : 0;
   1748 			new Server(Me, params[0], hops, params[4], params[3]);
   1749 		}
   1750 		else if (source.GetServer())
   1751 		{
   1752 			/*
   1753 			 * SERVER 123 burst=1234 hidden=0 :InspIRCd Test Network
   1754 			 * 0: name
   1755 			 * 1: numeric
   1756 			 * 2 to N-1: various key=value pairs.
   1757 			 * N: desc
   1758 			 */
   1759 			new Server(source.GetServer(), params[0], 1, params.back(), params[1]);
   1760 		}
   1761 	}
   1762 };
   1764 struct IRCDMessageSQuit : Message::SQuit
   1765 {
   1766 	IRCDMessageSQuit(Module *creator) : Message::SQuit(creator) { }
   1768 	void Run(MessageSource &source, const std::vector<Anope::string> &params) anope_override
   1769 	{
   1770 		if (params[0] == rsquit_id || params[0] == rsquit_server)
   1771 		{
   1772 			/* squit for a recently squit server, introduce the juped server now */
   1773 			Server *s = Server::Find(rsquit_server);
   1775 			rsquit_id.clear();
   1776 			rsquit_server.clear();
   1778 			if (s && s->IsJuped())
   1779 				IRCD->SendServer(s);
   1780 		}
   1781 		else
   1782 			Message::SQuit::Run(source, params);
   1783 	}
   1784 };
   1786 struct IRCDMessageTime : IRCDMessage
   1787 {
   1788 	IRCDMessageTime(Module *creator) : IRCDMessage(creator, "TIME", 2) { }
   1790 	void Run(MessageSource &source, const std::vector<Anope::string> &params) anope_override
   1791 	{
   1792 		UplinkSocket::Message(Me) << "TIME " << source.GetSource() << " " << params[1] << " " << Anope::CurTime;
   1793 	}
   1794 };
   1796 struct IRCDMessageUID : IRCDMessage
   1797 {
   1798 	IRCDMessageUID(Module *creator) : IRCDMessage(creator, "UID", 8) { SetFlag(IRCDMESSAGE_REQUIRE_SERVER); SetFlag(IRCDMESSAGE_SOFT_LIMIT); }
   1800 	/*
   1801 	 * [Nov 03 22:09:58.176252 2009] debug: Received: :964 UID 964AAAAAC 1225746297 w00t2 localhost testnet.user w00t 1225746302 +iosw +ACGJKLNOQcdfgjklnoqtx :Robin Burchell <>
   1802 	 * 0: uid
   1803 	 * 1: ts
   1804 	 * 2: nick
   1805 	 * 3: host
   1806 	 * 4: dhost
   1807 	 * 5: ident
   1808 	 * 6: ip
   1809 	 * 7: signon
   1810 	 * 8+: modes and params -- IMPORTANT, some modes (e.g. +s) may have parameters. So don't assume a fixed position of realname!
   1811 	 * last: realname
   1812 	 */
   1813 	void Run(MessageSource &source, const std::vector<Anope::string> &params) anope_override
   1814 	{
   1815 		time_t ts = convertTo<time_t>(params[1]);
   1817 		Anope::string modes = params[8];
   1818 		for (unsigned i = 9; i < params.size() - 1; ++i)
   1819 			modes += " " + params[i];
   1821 		NickAlias *na = NULL;
   1822 		if (SASL::sasl)
   1823 			for (std::list<SASLUser>::iterator it = saslusers.begin(); it != saslusers.end();)
   1824 			{
   1825 				SASLUser &u = *it;
   1827 				if (u.created + 30 < Anope::CurTime)
   1828 					it = saslusers.erase(it);
   1829 				else if (u.uid == params[0])
   1830 				{
   1831 					na = NickAlias::Find(u.acc);
   1832 					it = saslusers.erase(it);
   1833 				}
   1834 				else
   1835 					++it;
   1836 			}
   1838 		User *u = User::OnIntroduce(params[2], params[5], params[3], params[4], params[6], source.GetServer(), params[params.size() - 1], ts, modes, params[0], na ? *na->nc : NULL);
   1839 		if (u)
   1840 			u->signon = convertTo<time_t>(params[7]);
   1841 	}
   1842 };
   1844 class ProtoInspIRCd3 : public Module
   1845 {
   1846 	InspIRCd3Proto ircd_proto;
   1847 	ExtensibleItem<bool> ssl;
   1849 	/* Core message handlers */
   1850 	Message::Error message_error;
   1851 	Message::Invite message_invite;
   1852 	Message::Kill message_kill;
   1853 	Message::MOTD message_motd;
   1854 	Message::Notice message_notice;
   1855 	Message::Part message_part;
   1856 	Message::Privmsg message_privmsg;
   1857 	Message::Quit message_quit;
   1858 	Message::Stats message_stats;
   1860 	/* Our message handlers */
   1861 	IRCDMessageAway message_away;
   1862 	IRCDMessageCapab message_capab;
   1863 	IRCDMessageEncap message_encap;
   1864 	IRCDMessageEndburst message_endburst;
   1865 	IRCDMessageFHost message_fhost;
   1866 	IRCDMessageFIdent message_fident;
   1867 	IRCDMessageFJoin message_fjoin;
   1868 	IRCDMessageFMode message_fmode;
   1869 	IRCDMessageFTopic message_ftopic;
   1870 	IRCDMessageIdle message_idle;
   1871 	IRCDMessageIJoin message_ijoin;
   1872 	IRCDMessageKick message_kick;
   1873 	IRCDMessageMetadata message_metadata;
   1874 	IRCDMessageMode message_mode;
   1875 	IRCDMessageNick message_nick;
   1876 	IRCDMessageOperType message_opertype;
   1877 	IRCDMessagePing message_ping;
   1878 	IRCDMessageRSQuit message_rsquit;
   1879 	IRCDMessageSave message_save;
   1880 	IRCDMessageServer message_server;
   1881 	IRCDMessageSQuit message_squit;
   1882 	IRCDMessageTime message_time;
   1883 	IRCDMessageUID message_uid;
   1885 	bool use_server_side_topiclock, use_server_side_mlock;
   1887 	void SendChannelMetadata(Channel *c, const Anope::string &metadataname, const Anope::string &value)
   1888 	{
   1889 		UplinkSocket::Message(Me) << "METADATA " << c->name << " " << c->creation_time << " " << metadataname << " :" << value;
   1890 	}
   1892  public:
   1893 	ProtoInspIRCd3(const Anope::string &modname, const Anope::string &creator) : Module(modname, creator, PROTOCOL | VENDOR),
   1894 		ircd_proto(this), ssl(this, "ssl"),
   1895 		message_error(this), message_invite(this), message_kill(this), message_motd(this), message_notice(this),
   1896 		message_part(this), message_privmsg(this), message_quit(this), message_stats(this),
   1897 		message_away(this), message_capab(this), message_encap(this), message_endburst(this), message_fhost(this),
   1898 		message_fident(this), message_fjoin(this), message_fmode(this), message_ftopic(this), message_idle(this),
   1899 		message_ijoin(this), message_kick(this), message_metadata(this, use_server_side_topiclock, use_server_side_mlock, ircd_proto.maxlist),
   1900 		message_mode(this), message_nick(this), message_opertype(this), message_ping(this), message_rsquit(this),
   1901 		message_save(this), message_server(this), message_squit(this), message_time(this), message_uid(this)
   1902 	{
   1903 	}
   1905 	void OnReload(Configuration::Conf *conf) anope_override
   1906 	{
   1907 		use_server_side_topiclock = conf->GetModule(this)->Get<bool>("use_server_side_topiclock");
   1908 		use_server_side_mlock = conf->GetModule(this)->Get<bool>("use_server_side_mlock");
   1909 	}
   1911 	void OnUserNickChange(User *u, const Anope::string &) anope_override
   1912 	{
   1913 		u->RemoveModeInternal(Me, ModeManager::FindUserModeByName("REGISTERED"));
   1914 	}
   1916 	void OnChannelSync(Channel *c) anope_override
   1917 	{
   1918 		if (c->ci)
   1919 			this->OnChanRegistered(c->ci);
   1920 	}
   1922 	void OnChanRegistered(ChannelInfo *ci) anope_override
   1923 	{
   1924 		ModeLocks *modelocks = ci->GetExt<ModeLocks>("modelocks");
   1925 		if (use_server_side_mlock && ci->c && modelocks && !modelocks->GetMLockAsString(false).empty())
   1926 		{
   1927 			Anope::string modes = modelocks->GetMLockAsString(false).replace_all_cs("+", "").replace_all_cs("-", "");
   1928 			SendChannelMetadata(ci->c, "mlock", modes);
   1929 		}
   1931 		if (use_server_side_topiclock && Servers::Capab.count("TOPICLOCK") && ci->c)
   1932 		{
   1933 			if (ci->HasExt("TOPICLOCK"))
   1934 				SendChannelMetadata(ci->c, "topiclock", "1");
   1935 		}
   1936 	}
   1938 	void OnDelChan(ChannelInfo *ci) anope_override
   1939 	{
   1940 		if (use_server_side_mlock && ci->c)
   1941 			SendChannelMetadata(ci->c, "mlock", "");
   1943 		if (use_server_side_topiclock && Servers::Capab.count("TOPICLOCK") && ci->c)
   1944 			SendChannelMetadata(ci->c, "topiclock", "");
   1945 	}
   1947 	EventReturn OnMLock(ChannelInfo *ci, ModeLock *lock) anope_override
   1948 	{
   1949 		ModeLocks *modelocks = ci->GetExt<ModeLocks>("modelocks");
   1950 		ChannelMode *cm = ModeManager::FindChannelModeByName(lock->name);
   1951 		if (use_server_side_mlock && cm && ci->c && modelocks && (cm->type == MODE_REGULAR || cm->type == MODE_PARAM))
   1952 		{
   1953 			Anope::string modes = modelocks->GetMLockAsString(false).replace_all_cs("+", "").replace_all_cs("-", "") + cm->mchar;
   1954 			SendChannelMetadata(ci->c, "mlock", modes);
   1955 		}
   1957 		return EVENT_CONTINUE;
   1958 	}
   1960 	EventReturn OnUnMLock(ChannelInfo *ci, ModeLock *lock) anope_override
   1961 	{
   1962 		ModeLocks *modelocks = ci->GetExt<ModeLocks>("modelocks");
   1963 		ChannelMode *cm = ModeManager::FindChannelModeByName(lock->name);
   1964 		if (use_server_side_mlock && cm && ci->c && modelocks && (cm->type == MODE_REGULAR || cm->type == MODE_PARAM))
   1965 		{
   1966 			Anope::string modes = modelocks->GetMLockAsString(false).replace_all_cs("+", "").replace_all_cs("-", "").replace_all_cs(cm->mchar, "");
   1967 			SendChannelMetadata(ci->c, "mlock", modes);
   1968 		}
   1970 		return EVENT_CONTINUE;
   1971 	}
   1973 	EventReturn OnSetChannelOption(CommandSource &source, Command *cmd, ChannelInfo *ci, const Anope::string &setting) anope_override
   1974 	{
   1975 		if (cmd->name == "chanserv/topic" && ci->c)
   1976 		{
   1977 			if (setting == "topiclock on")
   1978 				SendChannelMetadata(ci->c, "topiclock", "1");
   1979 			else if (setting == "topiclock off")
   1980 				SendChannelMetadata(ci->c, "topiclock", "0");
   1981 		}
   1983 		return EVENT_CONTINUE;
   1984 	}
   1985 };
   1987 MODULE_INIT(ProtoInspIRCd3)