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enc_none.cpp (1775B)

      1 /* Module for plain text encryption.
      2  *
      3  * (C) 2003-2022 Anope Team
      4  * Contact us at
      5  *
      6  * This program is free but copyrighted software; see the file COPYING for
      7  * details.
      8  */
     10 #include "module.h"
     12 class ENone : public Module
     13 {
     14  public:
     15 	ENone(const Anope::string &modname, const Anope::string &creator) : Module(modname, creator, ENCRYPTION | VENDOR)
     16 	{
     18 	}
     20 	EventReturn OnEncrypt(const Anope::string &src, Anope::string &dest) anope_override
     21 	{
     22 		Anope::string buf = "plain:";
     23 		Anope::string cpass;
     24 		Anope::B64Encode(src, cpass);
     25 		buf += cpass;
     26 		Log(LOG_DEBUG_2) << "(enc_none) hashed password from [" << src << "] to [" << buf << "]";
     27 		dest = buf;
     28 		return EVENT_ALLOW;
     29 	}
     31 	EventReturn OnDecrypt(const Anope::string &hashm, const Anope::string &src, Anope::string &dest) anope_override
     32 	{
     33 		if (!hashm.equals_cs("plain"))
     34 			return EVENT_CONTINUE;
     35 		size_t pos = src.find(':');
     36 		Anope::string buf = src.substr(pos + 1);
     37 		Anope::B64Decode(buf, dest);
     38 		return EVENT_ALLOW;
     39 	}
     41 	void OnCheckAuthentication(User *, IdentifyRequest *req) anope_override
     42 	{
     43 		const NickAlias *na = NickAlias::Find(req->GetAccount());
     44 		if (na == NULL)
     45 			return;
     46 		NickCore *nc = na->nc;
     48 		size_t pos = nc->pass.find(':');
     49 		if (pos == Anope::string::npos)
     50 			return;
     51 		Anope::string hash_method(nc->pass.begin(), nc->pass.begin() + pos);
     52 		if (!hash_method.equals_cs("plain"))
     53 			return;
     55 		Anope::string buf;
     56 		this->OnEncrypt(req->GetPassword(), buf);
     57 		if (nc->pass.equals_cs(buf))
     58 		{
     59 			/* if we are NOT the first module in the list,
     60 			 * we want to re-encrypt the pass with the new encryption
     61 			 */
     62 			if (ModuleManager::FindFirstOf(ENCRYPTION) != this)
     63 				Anope::Encrypt(req->GetPassword(), nc->pass);
     64 			req->Success(this);
     65 		}
     66 	}
     67 };
     69 MODULE_INIT(ENone)