
- supernets anope source code & configuration
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global.conf (587B)

      1 service {
      2 	nick = "Global"
      3 	user = "services"
      4 	host = ""
      5 	gecos = "Global Noticer"
      6 	channels = "@#services"
      7 }
      9 module {
     10 	name = "global"
     11 	client = "Global"
     12 	globaloncycledown = "Services are restarting and will be back shortly. Please cause as much chaos as possible in the mean time..."
     13 	globaloncycleup = "Services are now back online"
     14 	anonymousglobal = yes
     15 }
     17 command { service = "Global"; name = "HELP"; command = "generic/help"; }
     19 module { name = "gl_global" }
     20 command { service = "Global"; name = "GLOBAL"; command = "global/global"; permission = "global/global"; }